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Presentation on theme: " Aconite Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Croup Bell 2.URT: Coryza Allium, Ars alb, Nux vom 3.Shock Arnica 4.Panic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aconite Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Croup Bell 2.URT: Coryza Allium, Ars alb, Nux vom 3.Shock Arnica 4.Panic, fear Arg nit, Ars alb, Gels 5.FeverBell, Ferrum phos, Nux

2 Aconite Clinical features Sudden or violent onset. Intense fear (death). Restlessness, excitement, agitation. Fever. Thirst. Key characteristics Acute conditions; Suddenness; Ailments from shock, fright, fear; Ailments from exposure to cold, dry wind. Modalities: open air.

3 Apis Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Arthritis, acute Bryonia, Kali bic, Ledum, Puls, Rhus, Ruta 2.Conjunctivitis Arg nit, Euphrasia, Puls 3.Cystitis Cantharis, Puls, Staphys 4.Acute allergic reaction 5.Skin eruptions/reactionsCantharis, Petrol, Rhus, Sulph

4 Apis Clinical features Hot, red, swollen, shiny, acutely painful joint(s). Red, swollen painful conjunctiva and/or lids; photophobia. Acute dysuria, frequency, painful urging. Oedema of face and/or eyes; swelling eruptions and reactions to bites and stings. Key characteristics Swelling/oedema. Stinging and burning pains. Heat. Thirstless (in acute state). Modalities: < heat, touch, pressure, afternoon; > cool air, cold applications.

5 Argentum nitricum Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Anxiety, fear Acon, Ars alb, Gels, Lyc, Sil 2.Conjunctivitis Apis, Euphr, Puls 3.GIT: Dyspepsia, diarrhoeaArs alb, Coloc, Gels, Lyc, Nux

6 Argentum nitricum Clinical features Outgoing personality. Impulsive and hurried. Anxiety, anticipatory; phobia – with restless agitation, GIT symptoms - diarrhoea, sweat, palpitation, flatulence. Flatulence. Purulent, acrid conjunctivitis. Key characteristics Personality. Pain like splinter. Modalities: < heat, stuffy, stress, sweets; > cool, open air, motion. Food: Desires sweets AND salt, < sweets. Temp and weather: Hot, craves fresh air, > cool air.

7 Arnica Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Traumatic shock;Acon; 2.Trauma: pre-, post-op; dental; Hyp, Led, Rhus, Ruta, Symph post-partum; over-exertion (cramp); 3.BleedingFerrum phos, Phos;

8 Arnica Clinical features Bruising, soft tissue damage; capillary bleeding; soreness, stiffness. Key characteristics Mental state: denies problem, resents interference - cf Bryonia; Aetiology. Modalities: lying, rest.

9 Arsenicum album Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Anxiety; Acon, Arg nit, Gels, Lyc, Phos, Sil; 2.Hay fever;Allium, Ambrosia, Arundo, Euphrasia, Sabadilla; 3.CoryzaArg nit, Coloc, Gels

10 Arsenicum album Clinical features Anxiety: insecurity, health, trifles, worrier; agitated restless; fastidious. Burning pains > warmth. Acrid, scanty, watery (nasal) discharges; nasal discharge alt. obstruction; sneezing. Very chilly. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Typical pain/temperature modality; Time modality. Modalities: > warmth, hot applications, hot food, motion; < rest, midnight to 2 am; all cold, incl. cold food and drink, exertion. Food: Thirst warm drinks, small amounts. Desires: sour things Adverse: fat < fruit

11 Belladonna Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Fever; Aconite, Ferrum phos, Nux; 2.Otitis, Pharyngitis;Cham, Ferr phos, Puls; 3.Croup; Bell; 4.Headache; Bry, Gels, Nat mur, Nux; 5.Abscess;Hepar; 6.Sunstroke

12 Belladonna Clinical features Irritability. Sudden. Red, hot and dry. Thirst +/-. High fever. Intense, throbbing, burning pain. Bright red face (flushed), ear drum or throat. Dilated pupils. Throbbing head. Febrile convulsion. Jerks and spasms. Oversensitiveness - all senses. Key characteristics Acute condition. Character of fever. Suddenness, intensity; Redness, heat; Mental state: Night terrors, hallucinations, delirium, confusion. Modalities: < draught, light, noise, touch, jarring. Food: Desires lemons.

13 Bryonia Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Arthritis, chronic or acute Apis, Kali bic, Ledum, Puls, Rhus, Ruta; 2.HeadacheBell, Nat mur, Nux;

14 Bryonia Clinical features Irritable, wants to be left alone. Joints red, swollen, hot. Stitching or bursting pains. Splitting headache. Dry, thirsty. Key characteristics Characteristic pain; Mental state - cf Arnica; Laterality. Modalities: pressure; lying on painful side; cool, open air. Food: Thirst for large amounts, cold drinks. < Fruit.

15 Calc carb Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.URT: Recurrent, catarrhal; Kali bic, Puls; 2.ENT: Otitis Bell, Cham, Ferr phos, Puls; 3.Constipation;Nux, Sil;

16 Calc carb Clinical features Slow, sluggish – mind and body. Anxious. Overweight, chilly, sweaty. Constipation (feels better). Lymphadenopathy. Delayed development. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Anxiety/depression: fearful, state of mind, being observed, duty. Family cares. Key generals, including foods. Modalities: rubbing, lying on back, dark. Food: Desires eggs, ice cream, sweets, indigestible things; averse coffee, meat. < milk.

17 Chamomilla Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Teething; Merc sol; 2.ENT: Otitis Bell, Ferr phos, Puls; 3.Colic;Coloc;

18 Chamomilla Clinical features Frantic, angry, with intolerance of pain ; ugly, cross, uncivil and quarrelsome. Twitchings and convulsions during teething. Key characteristics Modalities: warm wet weather, being carried. Food: < Coffee.

19 Colocynth Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Colic: abdo, dysmen; Cham; 2.Diarrhoea Arg nit, Ars alb, Gels, Sulph;

20 Colocynth Clinical features Cramping pain - > pressure, doubling up, warmth. Diarrhoea: watery, < after eating/drinking. Key characteristics Mental state: (ailments from) anger; Characteristic pain. Fruit: < Fruit.

21 Euphrasia Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Conjunctivitis; Apis, Arg nit, Puls; 2.Hay fever; Coryza; Allium, Ambrosia, Ars alb, Arundo, Nat mur, Puls, Sabad;

22 Euphrasia Clinical features Acrid tears, bland nasal discharge itching eyes, photophobia. Key characteristics Modalities: open air, dark.

23 Ferrum phos Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Fever; Bell, Nux; 2.ENT: Otitis; Bell, Cham, Puls; 3.Bleeding, epistaxis Phos;

24 Ferrum phos Clinical features Early stages of febrile illness and inflammation. Slow onset. Mild fever. Full, soft, flowing pulse. Flush/pallor. Dull red ear drum. Venous congestion with oozing haemorrhages. Thirsty, sweaty, shivery. Key characteristics Character of fever. Appearance of ear drum cf Bell. Modalities: gentle motion, cold applications.

25 Gelsemium Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Anxiety; Arg nit, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Sil; 2.URT: Flu; Merc, Nux; 3.Diarrhoea, nervous; Arg nit, Ars alb, Coloc, Sulph; 4.Headache; Bell, Bry, Nat mur, Nux

26 Gelsemium Clinical features Weakness. Anxiety, anticipatory, stage fright; phobia; ‘paralysis’ of mind, voice or body; heaviness, tremor, inco- ordination. Flu: gradual, thirstless, shaky, listless, heavy, drowsy, dull, headache. Key characteristics Paralysis,weakness, tremor; Thirstless. Character of fever. Modalities: sweating, urinating, open air, stimulants, motion.

27 Ignatia Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Emotional ailments; grief.Nat mur, Phos, Puls, Staphys;

28 Ignatia Clinical features Grief - silent, sighing. Volatile emotions. Disappointed love. Contradictory/paradoxical symptoms. Sensation of a lump. Spasm. Key characteristics Food: Desires sour/acid things. < Coffee, sweets.

29 Ipecac Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.URT: Cough; Phos; 2.GIT: Nausea, vomiting; Cocculus, Nux, Petrol (travel sickness), Phos, Tabacum 3.Bleeding, Epistaxis; Fer phos, Phos;

30 Ipecac Clinical features Nausea, constant; vomiting (doesn’t relieve) – nothing ameliorates; < smell of food, movement; salivation. Cough: wheezy, spasmodic, causing vomiting, < movement.

31 Lachesis Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.PMT; Nat mur, Puls, Sep; 2.Menopause; Sep; 3.ENT: Pharyngitis;Bell, Lyc, Merc;

32 Lachesis Clinical features PMT: anger, jealousy, tirades, loquacity; bloating, < tight clothes. Flushes of heat (menopausal). Pharyngitis: L sided, < warm food/drinks, < liquids cf solids. Key characteristics Mental state - jealousy, loquacity; laterality, temperature modalities, time modality. Intolerance of tight clothes. Modalities: > free discharges, e.g. onset menstrual flow, cool air; < after sleep/waking, morning, heat (sun), alcohol. Food: Desires alcohol.

33 Lycopodium Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Anxiety; Arg nit, Gels, Phos, Puls, Sil; 2.Stress reaction; Nux; 3.GIT: Flatulence, Dyspepsia; Arg nit, Nux; 4.ENT: Pharyngitis;Bell, Lach, Merc;

34 Lycopodium Clinical features Anxiety, anticipatory, lacks confidence, but performs well – conscientious, desire to be in control, irritable, hypochondriacal; GIT symptoms: heartburn, fullness, distension, flatulence (belching, farting; both >), onion. Pharyngitis: Rsided, >warm drinks. Key characteristics Constitutional type. Laterality. Temperature modality, time modality. Modalities: after midnight, cool air, motion, urinating, belching. Food: Desire sweets, alcohol. Aversion to coffee slimy food. <Onions.

35 Merc sol Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.URT: Flu; Gels, Nux; 2.Teething; Cham; 3.ENT: Otitis media, Bell, Calc, Cham, Ferr Pharyngitis/tonsillitis. phos, Lach, Puls, Sil;

36 Merc sol Clinical features Fever: sweat ++, offensive, < heat and cold, tongue indented, metallic taste. Teething: sweaty, salivation ++. Offensive sweat, breath, discharges. Key characteristics Temperature reaction. Modalities: moderate temperature, rest.

37 Natrum mur Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Emotional ailments; Ign, Staphys; 2.PMT; Lach, Puls, Sep; 3.Headache;Bell, Bryonia, Nux;

38 Natrum mur Clinical features Grief, ailments from grief – can’t cry or weeps alone, < consolation; hides feelings. PMT: irritable, resentful, critical, dwells on upsets; self- doubt/self-criticism. Headache, hammering, < sun. Key characteristics Constitutional type. Aetiology. Greasy skin and hair. Modalities: fresh air, gentle exercise. Food: Desires salt. Aversion to bread, fat slimy food. Thirsty. Temp and weather: Desires fresh air; chilly but intolerant of heat

39 Nux vom Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Stress reaction, irritability; Lyc; 2.GIT: Dyspepsia, constipation; Arg nit, Lyc; 3.Headache; Bell, Bry, Gels, Natmur; 4.Fever; Aconite, Bell, Ferr phos, Nux

40 Nux vom Clinical features Anger, irritability, impatience, hard working (workaholic), hard living, fastidious, desire stimulants. GIT symptoms: indigestion, nausea (> vomit), constipation. Headache in the morning (hangover). Key characteristics Constitutional type: driving type A personality. Oversensitive: noise, smells, light. Modalities: warmth, damp (exc before rain), lying. Food: Desires alcohol, coffee, fat, spices, coffee, tobacco. Temp and weather: Chilly; intolerant of wind, < wind.

41 Phosphorus Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.URT: Cough; Ipecac; 2.Anxiety; Arg nit, Gels, Lyc, Puls, Sil; 3.Bleeding, epistaxis;Ferr phos;

42 Phosphorus Clinical features Sympathetic, affectionate and very sensitive to others’ feelings. Fears - something will happen, imaginary things, dark, thunderstorms. Haemorrhages. Cough: tickling, cold. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Modalities: eating; sleep. Food: Desires cold food, cheese, ice-(cream), salt, spices. Thirst for cold drinks.

43 Pulsatilla Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.URT/ENT: Catarrh; Kali bic, Merc, Sil; recurrent infection, otitis med; 2.Conjunctivitis; Arg nit, Euph; 3.Styes; Staphys; 4.Cystitis;Apis,Cantharis, Staphys 5.Arthritis; Apis, Bryonia, Rhus; 6.PMT;Lach, Nat mur, Sep; 7.AnxietyArg nit, Ars Alb, Gels, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Sil

44 Pulsatilla Clinical features Timid, weepy, desires company and consolation/affection; changeable, obstinate, flirtatious. Catarrh, snuffles – profuse, bland, yellow/green (and all discharges); Conjunctivitis. Styes - upper lid. UT symptoms: urethra syndrome; pain before, during and after urination. Wandering joint pains continued gentle motion. PMT - weepy, can't cope, wants company and consolation. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Symptoms changeable; Modalities: cold, continued gentle motion, open air; after crying, lying on back. Food: Thirstless. Desires cold food. Averse fat, hot food. < bread, fat, fruit, pastry, rich food. Temp and weather: >open air, < heat, and stuffy/warm rooms.

45 Rhus tox Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Arthritis; Apis, Puls, Kali bic, Ruta; 2.Skin eruption;Sulph; Petrol;

46 Rhus tox Clinical features Joint pain and stiffness: Any joints; Key modalities; Restlessness. Eruptions: Urticaria, vesicles - itching > heat. Key characteristics Essential modality cluster: temperature, weather, movement. Food: Desires milk.

47 Sepia Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.PMT; Lach, Nat mur, Puls; 2.Menopause;Lach;

48 Sepia Clinical features Depression/PMT: apathetic, irritable, put-upon, weary/worn out, averse loved-ones; < consolation. Pelvic bearing down pain Sweaty. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Sallow complexion; Modalities: dancing, strenuous exercise, warmth, thunderstorm. Food: Desires vinegar, pickles and acids. Aversion to meat, fats and rich food which <. And < Milk

49 Silica Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.ENT/URT: recurrent infection - Calc, Hepar, Merc, otitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis; Puls; adenopathy; 2.Abscess, suppuration; Belladonna, Hepar; 3.Splinters and foreign bodies;

50 Silica Clinical features Anxious, timid; but can be resolute; refined, sensitive to all impressions; conscientious. Child small for age. Recurrent ENT/URT conditions; lymphadenopathy. Suppuration: aids resolution. Constipation. Anal fissure. Sweats: Foot sweat foul. Chilly but sweaty. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Modalities: warmth, warm wraps. Food: Averse meat

51 Staphysagria Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Trauma - surgical, invasive, Arnica, Hypericum; 'oscopies, 'otomies; 2.Cystitis - 'honeymoon' cystitis.Apis, Cantharis, Puls; 3.Styes; Puls, Sulph; 4.Emotional ailments;Ignatia, Nat mur;

52 Staphysagria Clinical features Incised wounds, surgical trauma, invasive procedures; cystoscopy, shincterotomy, etc.; pre-/postop care. Cystitis after intercourse; Recurrent styes; Ailments from anger, grief and disappointed love, 'mortification' and humiliation, anger, suppressed anger/indignation.

53 Sulphur Clinical applications Differential diagnosis 1.Skin eruption; Ars alb, Graphites, Petroleum, Rhus tox; 2.Conjunctivitis; Arg nit, Euph, Puls; 3.Blepharitis and styes; Puls, Staphys; 4.Diarrhoea;Arg nit, Ars alb, Coloc, Gels;

54 Sulphur Clinical features Eruptions: itchy (< scratching, washing, at night), hot, red, excoriated. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis and styes: burning, itching, hot, red. Diarrhoea - driving out of bed in the morning. Key characteristics Constitutional type; Lazy, selfish, philosophical, opinionated, untidy. Redness of orifices. Hot feet - has to stick them out of bed. Faint sinking feeling (in abdomen) about 11am. Modalities: dry, warm weather, open air, motion.

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