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Reach More Students the Way They Learn: Multiple Intelligences in World Language Instruction FFLA 2015 Conference World Golf Village, St. Augustine Thursday,

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Presentation on theme: "Reach More Students the Way They Learn: Multiple Intelligences in World Language Instruction FFLA 2015 Conference World Golf Village, St. Augustine Thursday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reach More Students the Way They Learn: Multiple Intelligences in World Language Instruction FFLA 2015 Conference World Golf Village, St. Augustine Thursday, October 15, 2015 Jacki Cinotti-Dirmann, Test Coordinator Myra Johnson, World Language Specialist MI

2 Objectives By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to… 1.Identify their most and least predominant areas of intelligence. 2.Recognize characteristics of each of the multiple intelligences. 3.Match classroom activities to the corresponding intelligence. 4.Design activities/lessons targeting multiple intelligences.

3 Activating Prior Knowledge  Take the Pre-Test.  What do you already know about multiple intelligences?  Individual Task: Thematic Activities  Choose a topic card from the bin.  Think about classroom activities related to that topic.  Write one activity per sticky note.  Place sticky notes back on the topic card.

4 Activating Prior Knowledge Take the online assessment to see which intelligences are strongest for you  Go to  Record results on your test record.

5 Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences “Intelligence is the capacity to do something useful in the society in which we live. Intelligence is the ability to respond successfully to new situations and the capacity to learn from one’s past experiences.” —Dr. Howard Gardner, author, Frames of Mind and Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice


7 Group Activity #1: Smart Charts  Form groups according to the topic you chose for the individual task (Thematic Activities) taking your sticky notes of activities with you.  Share your activity ideas with your group.  Working collaboratively, sort the activities by intelligence and place sticky notes on corresponding sections of topic poster.  Be sure there is at least one activity for each intelligence. Gallery Walk


9 Group Activity #2: MI Activity Sort  Return to your home group.  Take the MI Activity Sort envelope from the bag and remove the contents.  Lay out the white intelligence cards and place the activities under the corresponding intelligences.

10 Think/Pair/Share: Targeting All Multiple Intelligences  Think about the topic “Leisure Activities” and write at least one activity for each intelligence on the yellow chart.  Find a partner with a different MI strength. (Hint: Look at their MI sticker.) Sit with your partner and share your activity ideas. Record new ideas on your yellow sheet. Brainstorm ideas for intelligences that have few or no activities.  Share out your favorite activity when called upon by the presenter.

11 Post-Test In the blanks on the agenda, write down the MI addressed during each part of the workshop.

12 Resources  Lane, Carla. "Gardner's Multiple Intelligences." Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. The Distance Learning Technology Resource Guide, n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.  Maund, Jean. "Birmingham Grid for Learning - Multiple Intelligences (Secondary)." Birmingham Grid for Learning - Multiple Intelligences (Secondary). University of the First Age & Birmingham City Council, n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.  Señor Jordan. "01040 Spanish Lesson - Direct Objects (lo, La, Los, Las)." YouTube. YouTube, 31 May 2009. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.  Shelton, Leslie, Joan S. Conan, Holly Fulghum-Nutters, and Terry Armstrong, Dr. "Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment." Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment. Ed. Paul Heavenridge and Cheshire D. Beckerman. Literacyworks, n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014.

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