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Modulation What is modulation?

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1 Modulation What is modulation?
a process of changing one or more properties of the analog carrier in proportion to the information signal. One of the characteristics of the carrier signal is changed according to the variations of the modulating signal. AM – amplitude, E FM – frequency , ω PM - phase , θ

2 Modulation (cont’d) Why modulation is needed?
To generate a modulated signal suited and compatible to the characteristics of the transmission channel. For ease radiation and reduction of antenna size Reduction of noise and interference Channel assignment Increase transmission speed

3 Noise, interference and distortion
unwanted signals that coincide with the desired signals. Two type of noise:internal and external noise. Internal noise Caused by internal devices/components in the circuits. External noise noise that is generated outside the circuit. E.g. atmospheric noise,solar noise, cosmic noise, man made noise.

4 Noise, interference and distortion (Cont’d)
Contamination by extraneous signals from human sources. E.g. from other transmitters, power lines and machineries. Occurs most often in radio systems whose receiving antennas usually intercept several signals at the same time One type of noise.

5 Noise, interference and distortion (Cont’d)
Signals or waves perturbation caused by imperfect response of the system to the desired signal itself. May be corrected or reduced with the help of equalizers.

6 Limitations in communication system
A) Technological problems Includes equipment availability, economic factors, federal regulations and interaction with existing systems. Problem solved in theory but perfect solutions may not be practical.

7 Limitations in communication system (cont’d)
B) Physicals limitations i) Bandwidth limitation Measure of speed The system ability to follow signal variations depends on the transmission bandwidth. Available bandwidth determines the maximum signal speed.

8 Limitations in communication system (cont’d)
ii) Noise limitation Unavoidable. The kinetic theory. Noise relative to an information signal is measured in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR).

9 Communication system design
Compromise within: Transmission time and power SNR performance Cost of equipments Channel capacity Bandwidth

Cycle - One complete occurrence of a repeating wave (periodic signal) such as one positive and one negative alternation of a sine wave. Frequency - the number of cycles of a signal that occur in one second. Period - the time distance between two similar points on a periodic wave. Wavelength - the distance traveled by an electromagnetic (radio) wave during one period.

T = One period time One cycle Frequency = f = 1/T

12 Frequency and wavelength compared
+ T time f = 1/T distance

 = wavelength in meters f = frequency in MHz C = f  where C = 3 x 108 m/s (speed of light)

Wavelength ( = 300/f) 107 m 106 m 105 m 104 m 103 m 10-1 m 10-2 m 10-3 m 10-4 m 102 m 10 m 1 m Millimeter waves ELF VF VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF 30 Hz 3 kHz 300 Hz 30 kHz 3 MHz 3 GHz 300 kHz 30 MHz 30 GHz 300 MHz 300 GHz (f = 300/) Frequency

Extremely Low Frequencies - 30 to 300 Hz Voice Frequencies to 3000 Hz Very Low Frequencies - 3 kHz to 30 kHz Low Frequencies - 30 kHz to 300 kHz Medium Frequencies kHz to 3 MHz

16 HIGH FREQUENCIES High Frequencies - 3 MHz to 30 MHz
Very High Frequencies - 30 MHz to 300 MHz Ultra High Frequencies MHz to 3 GHz (1 GHz and above = microwaves) Super High Frequencies - 3 GHz to 30 GHz Extremely High Frequencies - 30 GHz to 300 GHz


18 Public Broadcast Frequencies
Longwave AM Radio = kHz (LF) Mediumwave AM Radio = 535kHz kHz (MF) TV Band I (Channels 2 - 6) = 54MHz - 88MHz (VHF) FM Radio Band II = 88MHz - 108MHz (VHF) TV Band III (Channels ) = 174MHz - 216MHz (VHF) TV Bands IV & V (Channels ) = 470MHz - 806MHz (UHF)

19 FCC Channel Bandwidth Allocations
Designation Frequency Range No. of Channels Bandwidth AM broadcast kHz – 1605 kHz kHz Citizen band MHz – MHz kHz FM broadcast MHz – 108 MHz kHz TV broadcast MHz – 806 MHz MHz FCC : Federal Communications Commission, United States

Wavelength 0.8 x 10-6 m 0.4 x 10-6 m 10-3 m 10-4 m 10-5 m Millimeter waves Ultraviolet Infrared X-rays Visible Gamma rays Cosmic rays 300 GHz

21 OPTICAL FREQUENCIES Infrared - 0.7 to 10 micron
Visible light to 0.8 micron Ultraviolet - Shorter than 0.4 micron Note: A micron is one millionth of a meter. Light waves are measured and expressed in wavelength rather than frequency.

TX Channel RX Simplex: One-way Duplex: Two-way Half duplex: Alternate TX/RX Full duplex: Simultaneous TX/RX TX RX Channel(s) TX RX

Baseband - The original information signal such as audio, video, or computer data. Can be analog or digital. Broadband - The baseband signal modulates or modifies a carrier signal, which is usually a sine wave at a frequency much higher than the baseband signal.

24 Frequency Spectrum &Bandwidth
The frequency spectrum of a waveform consists of all frequencies contained in the waveform and their amplitudes plotted in the frequency domain. The bandwidth of a frequency spectrum is the range of frequencies contained in the spectrum. It is calculated by subtracting the lowest frequency from the highest.

25 Frequency Spectrum &Bandwidth (cont’d)
Bandwidth of the information signal equals to the difference between the highest and lowest frequency contained in the signal. Similarly, bandwidth of communication channel is the difference between the highest and lowest frequency that the channel allow to pass through it

26 Gain and Loss Electronic System Pin Pout Vin Vout Iin Iout
W2-3 Gain and Loss Pin Pout Electronic System Vin Vout Iin Iout If ratio Pout /Pin > 1 , power gain. If ratio Pout /Pin < 1 , power loss. If ratio Vout /Vin > 1 , voltage gain. If ratio Vout /Vin < 1 , voltage loss. If ratio Iout /Iin > 1 , current gain. If ratio Iout /Iin < 1 , current loss.

27 Signal Gain Voltage amplifier: Av= Vo/Vi.
Transistors current gain:  = ic/ib, Step-up voltage transformer, Vsecondary > Vprimary Step-up current transformer, Isecondary > Iprimary In some cases, signal gain may be >1 eventhough the power gain is < 1. Occasionally, a signal loss or power loss is also called as signal attenuation or power attenuation.

28 Power Gain It is the ratio of output power over input power.
Ap = Po/Pi. In amplifiers, the power gain may be more than one. The signal power is amplified. DC power supply is transformed into signal power.

29 Power and voltage gains in communication
The term decibels (dB) is a relative unit of measurement used frequently in electronic communication to describe gain or loss. Power gain in dB = 10 log (Po/Pi) Voltage gain in dB = 20 log (Vo/Vi)

30 Power ratio Po/Pi = 10,000 = 40 dB Voltage ratio Vo/Vi = = 40 dB. See that Po/Pi = (Vo/Vi)2 hence, (Po/Pi) dB = 2(Vo/Vi)dB

31 Alternatively: Voltage gain ratio = 10 (gain in dB/20) Example 1:
Power gain ratio = 10 (gain in dB/10) Voltage gain ratio = 10 (gain in dB/20) Example 1: Convert a power gain of 64 dB into ratio. 64 dB = 10(64/10) = 10(6.4) = x 106

32 Example 2 : What is the dB gain or loss for a certain system when the Power out of a certain system is 0.01 times the power in? In this case, Pout= 0.01 Pin Therefore, Power gain (dB)= 10 log(0.01) = -20 dB When the answer is negative, indicates a loss or attenuation.

33 Example 3: Let there be two amplifiers in cascade as shown. Their gains are 13 dB and 10 dB respectively. The overall gain at the output is = 23 dB. Output A1 A2 13dB gain 10dB gain

34 In terms of ratio: 23 dB = 10(23/10)= 200 13 dB = 10(13/10)= 20 10 dB = 10(10/10)= 10 Again 20 x 10 = 200.

35 Relative dB It is convenient to express signals with some reference such as 1mW power or, 1 V voltage level. This permits input- and output- signals to be expressed in terms of relative dB. When referenced to 1mW, it is written dBm When referenced to 1 V, it is written as dBV When referenced to 1W, it is written dBW When referenced to 1 V, it is written as dBV

36 Relative dB is not an absolute gain but is termed as gain with respect to a reference unit.
Examples : a) For a 5 watts signal in reference to 1mW, the relative dB; 10 log(5W/1mW) = dBm b) For a 500 V signal in reference to a 1 V , the relative dB; 20 log(500 V /1 V ) = 53.98dB V

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