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Thinking about MEDIA as a resource for integrity.

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2 Thinking about MEDIA as a resource for integrity



5 Since… WATERGATE We all expect journalists to safeguard public integrity

6 It was not always so: History There was the “ yellow ” press & the “ nation-building ” press

7 And the oppressive press: apartheid south africa



10 The media = an Institution, But journalists are People Some are Brave And True

11 LIVES ON, powerfully = Media as a (self-appointed) But the LEGEND Watchdog

12 There’s another profession that promotes integrity: Auditors But: recall the late firm of Arthur Andersen which gave Enron a clean bill of health.

13 Are our media equally guilty? …of creating a climate of war, of tolerating WTO unequal standards, underplaying environmenta l damage, failing to suggest solutions ?

14 For media to proclaim on the health of society, its own health needs to be in order.

15 Yet …

16 Media integrity is not a legal requirement: Free speech covers the “bad” as well as “good” In a democracy, it is an entirely voluntary obligation



19 More media = more voices. But also more competition & more commercialisation - trivia, celebs, spectacle, sensation

20 In this cacophony, are there any volunteers to guard the guardians? ( Bloggers are a 5th estate to keep an eye on the 4th estate. But how credible are they?)

21 Those within the 4th estate itself also need to keep focus

22 Too easily, journalists & owners go the route of pandering to the market: “ What the readers & viewers want; consumer is king ”. But how about leading the market?

23 Too often, journalists hide behind “ ethics ” of getting the story at any cost, or: “ objectivity ” that lacks social responsibility. But there are no ethics without values.


25 No time for cynicism …

26 It is about making informed CHOICES. About practicising respect for the “legend” that media can build public integrity. Here’s HELP …

27 Dealing with stories H – eart E – xternalise L – ook again P – ossibilities

28 Finding inspiration to stay true to what you know is right

29 Individual integrity = the heart of media for producers & consumers

30 Thank you, Thank Nat Nakasa. Guy Berger

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