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Introduction o Mechanics of course o text, requirements, etc o Metaphysics & Epistemology: o what do they mean? o What do they have to do with witchcraft?

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction o Mechanics of course o text, requirements, etc o Metaphysics & Epistemology: o what do they mean? o What do they have to do with witchcraft?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction o Mechanics of course o text, requirements, etc o Metaphysics & Epistemology: o what do they mean? o What do they have to do with witchcraft? o Witchcraze o When? Who? What? Where?

2 Mechanics o Texts: o Servants of Satan, Joseph Klaits o Reading pack o Requirements: 3 tests and a final exam o all multiple choice o tests - 1hour, 50 questions o Final exam - 2 hours, 100 questions o Office hours: by appointment o How to contact me: o Or 661-2111 ext. 85877

3 Web Site o

4 Metaphysics o Study of the nature and structure of reality o What is the world made of? o How are things caused? o Can spirits be a causal factor in nature?

5 Epistemology o Study of the nature and justification of knowledge o What is truth? o Is there anything we can be certain about? o Can we know witches do or do not exist?

6 What is the Witchcraze? o Years: roughly 1550 - 1650 o Witches hunted prior to this period: earliest trials in 1300s o Witchcraze refers the period in which the hunting of witches reached a peak o Last recorded trial c. 1670

7 Who were the witches?

8 o The Roman Inquisition o Used ‘inquisitorial method o Very efficient for witch-hunting o No restriction on who can testify o Rumour and hearsay acceptable evidence o Closed trial w/ no defense for accused o Torture a valid means for eliciting confession Who were the Witch-hunters

9 The Crimes of Witchcraft: Maleficia o harm doing by means of magic

10 Satanism o Sabbat - the meeting of witches & devil o initiation into Satanism, and devil-worship ceremonies

11 Sabbat

12 Flying to the Sabbat

13 Sexual perversion



16 Pact with the Devil o the kiss of infamy o all these elements were behind witch’s ability to perform maleficia

17 Inversion of Catholic Mass

18 o Germany: 30 - 50 000 o Poland: 15 000 o Switzerland: 9 000 o France: 10 000 o England/ Scotland: 5 000 o Scandinavia: 5 000 o Hungary/Transylvania/ Russia: 5 000 o Italy/Greece/Spain: 10 000 o Approx. Total = 10 000 o Approx. Executions = 60 000 Places & Numbers of Trials

19 Women o 50 - 80% of accused were women

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