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CAD - Chap 4 Remember the key questions -- Why does US have such high rates of serious street crime compared to other countries? + Why are we so tolerant.

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Presentation on theme: "CAD - Chap 4 Remember the key questions -- Why does US have such high rates of serious street crime compared to other countries? + Why are we so tolerant."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAD - Chap 4 Remember the key questions -- Why does US have such high rates of serious street crime compared to other countries? + Why are we so tolerant of corp crime? Authors -- two factors: Values of Amer Dream & Econ dom of instis

2 CAD - Chap 4 Value foundations Cultural ideas - taken for granted, “natural” Powerful social forces - but don't affect everybody the same way

3 CAD - Chap 4 1. Achievement "be all that you can be" Achieve at any cost! Note: Alternative is failure, “compromise”

4 CAD - Chap 4 2. Individualism Others as competitors Winning and personal worth Example: our penchant for keeping score

5 CAD - Chap 4 3. Universalism Everybody pressured to achieve Examples: Kids (sports, music, etc.) Kindergarten as academic boot camp Mothers - career and kids - “want it all...”

6 CAD - Chap 4 4. Fetishism of money Money as an end in itself Measure of success Money is infinite

7 CAD - Chap 4 Combined these constitute anomic culture “Hyper-individualism” Note: I would add a class analysis to this Upper class we'll tolerate anything from them Middle class keeping up with Joneses Lower class we'll do anything to them

8 CAD - Chap 4 Economic dom of instis Instis are clusters of ways of doing things to meet human social needs ** Replace instincts

9 CAD - Chap 4 Main instis: Econ -- Adapt to material environ Family -- reproduction of next generation Polity -- group decision making Education -- socialization of next generation Others - Religion, Military, Science, etc.

10 CAD - Chap 4 Instis are discrete but interdependent Separate "duties" but must work together (Think about an "ideal individual” - contrib to economy, to family, to polity, & to educ/socialization, etc.)

11 CAD - Chap 4 US emerged as modern capitalist society after market society well-developed in Europe -- market took hold here without restraints of centuries of traditions that tend to balance institutions.

12 CAD - Chap 4 According to the authors, Three areas of econ dom of instis: 1. Devaluation of non-econ In educ, family, politics

13 CAD - Chap 4 2. Accomodation to "market model" Instis reorganized to serve market “………" should be run like a business

14 CAD - Chap 4 3. Penetration by economic norms Across the board cultural shift The "contract model“ interpersonal relations

15 CAD - Chap 4 Devaluation, penetration, accomodation weaken social control by instis This is “institutional anomie” Page 79 "in the US, anomie is considered a virtue" We want to be free from instis -- interfere with our pursuit of success!

16 CAD - Chap 4 So, hyper-individualism (cultural values) ++ weakened social control = a society/culture organized for crime

17 CAD - Chap 4 End of chapter -- 2 examples gender & race

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