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View From CERN Summary of Upgrade Projects:  Phase 1 IR upgrade: construction project  LINAC4: construction project  Phase 2 collimation: design finalization.

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Presentation on theme: "View From CERN Summary of Upgrade Projects:  Phase 1 IR upgrade: construction project  LINAC4: construction project  Phase 2 collimation: design finalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 View From CERN Summary of Upgrade Projects:  Phase 1 IR upgrade: construction project  LINAC4: construction project  Phase 2 collimation: design finalization  PS2: conceptual design report  LSPL: conceptual design report  SLHC - Phase II upgrade: conceptual study CM11 in FNAL; 27. & 28. October 2008 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 0 Feedback on existing USLARP contributions Comments on and interest in future USLARP - APUL projects

2 LHC Upgrade Plans and New Initiatives LHC Phase 1 Insertion Upgrade: lead by Ranko Ostojic  Project start: 2008  Conceptual Design Report: November 2008  Technical Design Report: Summer 2009  Magnet models: Fall 2009  Pre Series Quadrupoles 2010  String test 2012 to 2013  Installation in 2013-2014 shutdown  Commissioning during 2014 run Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 1 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009

3 Phase 1 IR Upgrade Constraints Interfaces with the experiments: Very tight interfaces between the triplet, TAS, shielding, vacuum and survey equipment, and beam instrumentation; no possibility of reducing L* (23m). Cryogenics: Ultimate cooling capacity is 500 W@1.9K in each triplet. Replacement of triplets in IR1/5 requires at present warm- up of 4 sectors. Chromatic aberrations: Reduction of  * drives chromatic aberrations all around the LHC. A new optics solution for all arcs and insertions is necessary. Accessibility and maintenance: Severe space constraints around IP1 and IP5 for any new equipment. New magnets must be similar in size to the LHC main dipole. Upgrade implementation: during the extended shutdown, compatible with CERN-wide planning (Linac4 commissioning, phase-I upgrade of the experiments). CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 2 Courtesy of Ranko Ostojic

4 LHC IR Upgrade Phase I CERN SLHC-PP (CEA, CIEMAT, CNRS, STFC) Special French contribution (CEA, CNRS) US-APUL (BNL, Fermilab) D1 separation dipole Cold powering Quadrupole components Cryostat components Production of the correctors Design and construction of the model quadrupole Design of the correctors Design of the cryostats Quadrupole production Cryostating and testing Power converters Protection String test Integration Phase 1 Collaborations CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 3 Courtesy of Ranko Ostojic

5 Goals for the LHC Phase 2 IR Upgrade Phase II Identify new IR layouts and magnet technologies that allow a ten fold increase in the nominal LHC luminosity (and radiation):  Prepare a solution that can withstand the radiation for operation with L = 10 35 cm -2 sec -1  The Phase II upgrade should be implemented once the Phase I solution reaches the end of the magnet lifetime (700 fb -1 )  After 4 to 5 years of the Phase I upgrade operation assuming the Phase I operation reaches L = 3 10 34 cm -2 sec -1  Earliest installation by 2018  requires substantial R&D  There are currently 2 options under study:  25 ns option using integrated ‘slim magnets’ inside the detectors and CRAB cavities  50 ns option using above ‘ultimate’ beam intensities Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 4 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009

6 LHC Upgrade Plans and New Initiatives CERN New Initiatives LHC collimation:  Phase 2 collimation project lead by Ralph Assmann review by 2009 (cryo collimators) with final decision once operational experience becomes available from LHC LHC injector complex:  LINAC4 project lead by Maurizio Vretenar approved construction project (construction started in 2009) with connection to PSB by 2013 with operation in 2014  PS2 design study lead by Michael Benedikt  LSPL design study lead by Roland Garoby  SPS upgrade study team lead by Elena Shaposhnikova Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 5 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009

7 Status of Linac4 collaborations H - source RFQ DTL 45 keV 3 MeV 50 MeV 90 MeV 160 MeV chopper line CCDTL PIMS transfer line to PSB LEBT 352 MHz 704 MHz 80 m COMPLETED Discussions with Saudi Arabia (DTL tanks) and ESS-Bilbao (drift tubes) French contribution: RFQ design and test, RF amplifiers, modulators - being signed US contribution: Laser Profile monitor (+ extension ?), under discussion CANCELLED ISTC Project (Russia) for CCDTL approved PIMS as in-kind contribution from Poland still unclear ? Transfer line vacuum chambers and supports from Pakistan Tuners, couplers, waveguides from India, under discussion CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 6 Courtesy of Maurizio Vretenar

8 A bright point: civil engineering is progressing ! 23.02.2009 27.11.2008 15.12.2008 17 days delay due to bad weather conditions CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 7 Courtesy of Maurizio Vretenar

9 General Comment on USLARP Collaboration Finalization of existing deliverables has high priority:  Installation of LHC luminosity monitors for 2009 run  Prototype of rotatable collimators  Nb 3 Sn magnet R&D with long prototype by 2010 Success of the above deliverables is vital for successful launch of new production projects! Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 8 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 General Comment on New initiatives at CERN:  Studies at CERN lack resources and offer interesting areas for US contributions  Help is desired in form of studies (USLARP) and hardware production and prototyping (APUL)

10 CERN Point of View on FY 2009 Activities CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 9 Feedback on current ‘Accelerator Systems’ activities:  Instrumentation:-Luminosity monitor -AC dipole -LLRF  Collimation: -Rotatable collimators -Crystal studies  Accelerator Physics studies: -e-cloud -beam-beam -PS2 studies -CRAB cavities

11 CERN Feedback on FY 2009 Activities CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 10 Instrumentation:  Luminosity monitor: -Installation now complete and in time for 2009 startup! -Still needs to be extended to 40 MHz operation! -Software: low level done at CERN but who is looking after application software and commissioning?  LTV?  AC dipole: -Interface not clearly defined?  LLRF: -no longer requested for LINAC4 (only LHC: Loop setup) -there is also a European collaboration within FP7 (FLASH & Poland)

12 CERN Feedback on FY 2009 Activities CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 11 Collimation:  Rotatable collimators and Crystal studies: -another example of very good collaboration! -Roman pot installation for SPS MDs incomplete in 2009  still needs follow-up in 2010 Accelerator Physics Studies:  e-cloud: -wide band feedback system could cure instability -proposal for using more simplified code to perform more detailed feedback simulations (combine with TMCI) -CERN is not interested in new code development and bench marking! (Use of existing tools and application!) -interested in SPS simulation at various energies

13 CERN Feedback on FY 2009 Activities CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 12 Accelerator Physics Studies:  beam-beam: -interface definition with CERN could be improved -CERN is interested in more experimental studies (e.g. wire compensation experiments at RHIC) -CERN is interested in better theoretical understanding of experimental data (e.g. e-lens experiments at FNAL) -CERN is interested in new studies tailored to the new IR configuration of the Phase 1 IR upgrade

14 CERN Feedback on FY 2009 Activities CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 13 Accelerator Physics Studies:  PS2 studies: -great success of incorporation at CM10! -PS2 optics and lattice progressed a lot thanks to USLARP  CRAB Cavities: -great potential for Phase 2 upgrade -limitations in KEK operation now understood -still requires extensive R&D for application in Hadron machine -prototyping and testing for application in LHC are not straight forward to plan

15 CERN Wish List for Activities Beyond 2009 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 14 LHC:  Hollow electron beam lens: -could be an interesting option for Phase II collimation -outstanding R&D issues could be USLARP contribution -production could be part of existing APUL package  Beam-beam compensation: -interest in more experimental studies on wire compensation (experiments in RHIC) -more studies related to electron-lens compensation (better understanding of the Tevatron observations) -construction for LHC could be a future APUL package

16 CERN Wish List for Activities Beyond 2009 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 15 LHC:  CRAB cavities -currently studying options for installing prototype in LHC -work supported by a fellow under FP7 Eucard program -preparation of detailed test program and beam parameters with clear test objectives (currently being prepared by Rama Calaga from BNL) -CERN launched an impact study group (lead by Joachim Tuckmantel from the BE-RF group) to evaluate impact of tests on normal machine operation -requires more support from USLARP and other major partners to finance the required R&D development

17 CERN Wish List for Activities Beyond 2009 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 16 LHC:  Beam instrumentation -radiation hard image sensors (cameras & photomultipliers) for equipment monitoring and data recording (e.g. synchrotron light monitor) -could be part of future APUL program  Collimation -Production of Phase 2 collimators could be part of a future APUL program

18 CERN Wish List for Activities Beyond 2009 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 17 PS2:  major achievement to include PS2 in USLARP activities -baseline lattice and optics have well advanced thanks to USLARP contributions!  still need key support in major areas: -comparative studies on layout with different super- symmetries -correction systems (linear & non-linear) -collective effects & feedback -collimation system -40 MHz tuneable RF system (e.g. impedance) -could benefit from USLARP studies and LTVs

19 CERN Wish List for Activities Beyond 2009 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009 Oliver Brüning/CERN AB-ABP 18 LINAC4 and SPL:  Beam instrumentation -H - emittance measurement using H - laser profile monitor -studies could be part of future USLARP activity -upgrade could be part of future APUL program  Beam Dynamics -SPL project would be interested in beam dynamics studies (e.g. using IMPACT)

20 General Questions Option of future APUL projects:  CERN would be very interested in additional APUL projects in the future (e.g. Phase 2 Collimation)  Time scale? -when could future APUL projects be launched? (feedback from current APUL project not before 2011) Oliver Brüning/CERN BE-ABP 19 CM12 in Napa; 8. - 10. April 2009

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