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New futures for heritage buildings Presenter: Dave Margetts B’Arch Heritage Advisor, architecture and conservation Working with owners and Councils.

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Presentation on theme: "New futures for heritage buildings Presenter: Dave Margetts B’Arch Heritage Advisor, architecture and conservation Working with owners and Councils."— Presentation transcript:

1 New futures for heritage buildings Presenter: Dave Margetts B’Arch Heritage Advisor, architecture and conservation Working with owners and Councils

2 Behind the scenes Resource consent assessments & comment. Receiving funding applications incl Lotteries. ------------- Pre-app discussions. Site visits Meetings with owners, council staff, consultants.

3 Conservation principles And ICOMOS NZ Don’t knock it down! Consider all options for retention. Reversibility. Least removal of heritage fabric. Appropriate alterations & additions. Compatible use. Buildings are not museum pieces. Rangiora Town Hall redevelopment

4 Adaptive re-use Adaptive re-use gives new life to a site, rather than seeking to freeze it at a particular moment in time, it explores the options that lie between the extremes of demolition or turning a site into a museum. Adding a new layer without erasing earlier layers, an adaptive re-use project becomes part of the long history of the site. It is another stage, not the final outcome. BNZ Kaiapoi

5 Learnings for councils & owners Critical to the success of finding new uses is finding a viable economic uses that can support initial refurbishment, provide the owner or developer with a reasonable return on their investment. Early consultation by owners with the local authority and Heritage New Zealand will assist in reaching agreement on suitable uses and help avoid issues arising later. A fund raising strategy should be an integral part of any scheme. Work to listed buildings can be more complex than for a new building and so the right kinds of consultants and contractors should be employed. Even when vacant and in poor condition, listed buildings remain ‘assets’ with the ability to enrich our experience of our environment through their physical qualities and their historic or community associations.

6 Tools Conservation plan. Heritage impact assessment. Concept plan & estimate. DSA x 2 Funding application(s). Heritage architects.

7 Historic area example New Regent Street

8 Repair and maintenance on a Waimate street

9 Appropriate addition & adaptive reuse Hunter Street campus – formerly Trades Hall

10 Adaptive reuse Earp Gillam bond store

11 Funding & Heritage incentives Heritage New Zealand National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund. Lotteries. Council heritage funds. Other community funds. Regulatory and non-regulatory incentives. heritage/funding-for-heritage-protection heritage/funding-for-heritage-protection Esk Head (Cat 1)

12 Landing Services building Timaru (Cat 1) Adaptive reuse

13 Timaru Courthouse (Cat 1) Appropriate addition Rangiora Courthouse (Cat 2) What is its new future?


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