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Reading Comprehension. Give a summary of the text after reading. Talk about interesting and new information Derive meaning of new words from context.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Comprehension. Give a summary of the text after reading. Talk about interesting and new information Derive meaning of new words from context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Comprehension



4 Give a summary of the text after reading. Talk about interesting and new information Derive meaning of new words from context Recognize story elements Provides specific examples from the text to support thinking Thinking Within the Text

5 Recognize if a text is fiction or nonfiction Notice similarities and differences in texts that are on the same topic Notice connections between the text and the pictures Understand what the author has done to make the text surprising, funny or interesting Understand text structure Thinking About the Text

6 Making connections between text and their own life experiences Make and confirm predictions Make inferences and support them with details from the text Draw conclusions from what they have read Express changes in ideas after reading text Thinking Beyond the Text

7 Ask questions before, during, and after your child reads Encourage students to use thinking stems –I’m thinking… –I’m noticing… –I’m wondering… –I’m picturing… –I’m feeling… –It reminds me of… –I’m figuring out… Ask your child to retell what they have read Encourage students to refer back to the text to provide evidence Build your child’s background with experiences How to Help at Home

8 Questions?

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