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Teaching and Supporting Pupils with Speech, language and Communication needs The ‘refreshed’ IDP materials January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Supporting Pupils with Speech, language and Communication needs The ‘refreshed’ IDP materials January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Supporting Pupils with Speech, language and Communication needs The ‘refreshed’ IDP materials January 2011

2 The e learning resource is structured in the following way: 2 Four modules Introduction: speech, language and communication in life and learning A communication supportive environment for all What are speech. language and communication needs? What can I do to improve teaching and learning for pupils with speech, language and communication needs?

3 Each module is structured in a similar way; each begins by establishing the context and relevance of the topic before taking the learner into the underlying knowledge and understanding. They conclude with an extended reflection exploring the practical implications for teachers

4 Additional features The glossary contains explanations of key terms. A library is housed within the e-learning where you will also find case studies and checklists to help you to audit your current provision There are 19 video clips of views of experts, parents and practitioners dispersed throughout the modules

5 Additional features continued The self-evaluation contains 14 statements. These are divided into four sets to align with the content and learning objectives of each module. Within each set some of the statements are about knowledge and others are about the adjustments that teachers can make to demonstrate their understanding. Ideally individuals would carry this out at the beginning and end of the learning There is a Quick Find tab which enables you to find the screen you need within the module without scrolling through each screen

6 The scenarios In each of the modules you are introduced to fictional pupils and teachers via scenarios which will help you to answer the questions posed. There are video clips of practitioners which will help to consolidate your learning and demonstrate how this knowledge can be translated into classroom practice

7 1. Introduction: Speech, language and communication in life and learning The learner journey begins by considering speech, language and communication in the widest sense and reflecting on the role it plays in our lives and the impact that having SLCN has on life and learning

8 2. A communication-supportive environment for all This module looks at how you can adapt the learning environment to provide a communication- supportive environment for all pupils, including those with SLCN. It looks at key features of a communication-supportive environment including adult-pupil communication

9 3. What are speech, language and communication needs? This module will develop understanding of what SLCN consists of and discusses how schools can work together with pupils, parents and other colleagues to better understand the needs of pupils with SLCN. It looks at the following aspects of language and highlights how a need in one or more of these areas can affect a pupil’s learning: receptive language expressive language speech social communication

10 4. What can I do to improve teaching and learning for pupils with speech, language and communication needs? This final module looks at the many communication supportive strategies that will help the learning of all pupils. By extending and emphasising good teaching and implementing individual support strategies you can meet the needs of many pupils with SLCN. You will also find the following supportive resources in the library: Key strategies for supporting SLCN in class (primary & secondary) Features of a communication supportive Books and resources addressing all areas of children’s SLCN.

11 Crown copyright The content of this publication may be reproduced for non-commercial research, education or training purposes provided that the material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, the publication title is specified, it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. For any other use of this material please apply to OPSI for a Click-Use, PSI Licence, or by writing to: Office of Public Sector Information Information Policy Team National Archives Kew Richmond Surrey TW9 4DU Email: Web: The permission to reproduce Crown copyright protected material does not extend to any material in this publication which is identified as being the copyright of a third party, or to Royal Arms and other departmental or agency logos, nor does it include the right to copy any photographic or moving images of children or adults in a way that removes the image or footage from its original context. 11

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