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Highway Shoulder Maintenance and Gravelling [Location] [Date] Weeds and Roads D. PolsterJ. Leekie.

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Presentation on theme: "Highway Shoulder Maintenance and Gravelling [Location] [Date] Weeds and Roads D. PolsterJ. Leekie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highway Shoulder Maintenance and Gravelling [Location] [Date] Weeds and Roads D. PolsterJ. Leekie

2 2 Best Practices for Shoulder Maintenance Invasive Plants and Impacts The Contractor’s Role Best Practices Priority Plants Overview Yellow Hawkweed

3 3 Definition Invasive Plants Invasive plants are non-native plants that can cause significant damage. They spread very quickly, displacing and sometimes eliminating native plants They are sometimes called ‘noxious weeds’ C. Wheeler Scentless Chamomile

4 Leafy Spurge Economic Agriculture and Ranching Forestry Transportation Impacts S. Dewey,

5 Giant Hogweed Environmental Reduced biodiversity Increased erosion and sedimentation Impacts CRD B. Tokarska-Guzik, Orange Hawkweed

6 Your Role Guidance Documents B.C. Weed Control Act Environmental Best Practices MoT Best Practices Guide

7 Your Role What can you do to manage invasive plants on highway shoulders?

8 Your Role


10 10 What’s Should Happen Here? Best Practices MOT

11 11 What’s Gone Wrong Here? Best Practices USDA, Invasive giant hogweed

12 12 What’s Gone Wrong Here? Best Practices B. Stewart Invasive diffuse knapweed

13 Priority Plants within the District [plant common and scientific name] Plants of Concern

14 14 For More Information… Contact your local Regional Committee Visit Call 1-888-WEEDSBC D. Ralph

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