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Cristina Adriana Alexandru

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1 Cristina Adriana Alexandru

2  What is teaching support?  Available roles  The allocation policy  Contracts and payment  Benefits  Available training opportunities (in school, other)  How to sign up  After you have signed up

3  Beginning of year: ITO advertises set of roles/ course + number of hours/ role.  For UG Hons, Taught PG, PGR students  Roles are meant to help with delivery of aspects of the course  Course organisers are responsible for: guidance and support handling grievances or complaints have ultimate academic responsibility for course

4  Tutor (for all): Preparation + delivery of tutorial from material Taking attendance Answering to student queries Providing oral feedback to students/feedforward to course team  Demonstrator (for all): Hosting lab session Answering to student queries Providing oral feedback to students/ feed forward to course team

5  Teaching assistant (TA- PGR students only)- one or more of: Designing assessed/unassessed coursework Designing tutorial material Preparing slides and lecture notes Creating and updating course information Answering student queries Occasional delivery/support in delivery of lectures Other similar support duties

6  Marker (PGR students only): Marking assessed and formative coursework Providing feedback to students Returning marks + feedback to ITO within max 2 weeks, or announcing if more time needed Answering student queries on marks and feedback  Exam marker (PGR students only): Same as marker but marking exams.

7  For PGR students: If >40 hours/year-> seek supervisor approval! Max 132 hours/year (unless PCD)! Extra not paid.  For Hons UG and Taught PG students: max 3 tutor or 2 tutor + 1 demonstrator role/ semester  Overseas students need to check visa on max hours or get advice from International Office.  Declare hours on monthly timesheet (deadline around 25 th ) for payment next month

8  Normal maximum allowances: Tutors: declared tutorial h * 2 + max 8 h training. Demonstrators & markers: declared h + max 8 h training. TAs: declared h + max 8 h training + max 5 h coordination with course lecturer  If likely to require more time-> announce BEFORE course organiser, who must seek approval from Director of Teaching  Do not require more than 15% more time.

9  Guaranteed hours contract  Payment starts at UE06 scale (14.40 £/h), and increases with each year of experience.  Monthly BACS transfer to bank account, one month after each timesheet has been submitted.

10  Of course, payment!  Pleasurable, rewarding!  Developing subject area knowledge, discovering new research  Good practice if interested in academic career!  Developing transferrable skills: communication, leadership, presentation, organisation, time management  Boosting your CV

11  4 Informatics training sessions/semester: Wedesdays 2-4 pm every two weeks starting next week  Optional but highly recommended!  Attendance paid at hourly rate!  Themes: demonstrating, tutoring, marking, getting a teaching accreditation, others if voted.  I announce future sessions on tutors mailing list.

12  Numerous IAD (Institute for Academic Development) university-wide courses  Some future orientation courses: Effective Tutoring Introduction (23 Sep, online 29 Sep) Introduction to Laboratory Demonstrating (30 Sep) Assessment & Providing Feedback (14 Oct), in the Sciences (21 Oct)  Enhanced development courses on supporting students, accreditation, lectures, courses.

13  Before signing up: Access the Theon vacancy webpage: vacancies/index.html vacancies/index.html Read role requirements and course web page Check with supervisor/ sponsor/ grant holder if necessary Contact course organiser

14  Stage 1: Fill in Applicant Information Form with personal details, skills, experience, work preference. Bring to the ITO: Passport EU National ID card Visa/other supporting documentation (if non UK) Tier 4 Semester Dates Letter (if Tier 4 visa holder)  Stage 2: Email with course name, role name and number of hours (groups) Even if the lecturer has approached you!

15  Course organisers decide on who to appoint  If you are accepted, you will receive an email confirming the role and number of hours  One email for each role where accepted  Wait for such an email for 2 weeks before contacting the ITO  Once appointed, the ITO will contact you regarding the contract if you don’t have one  Fill in contract documentation asap to be able to receive payments!

16  Teaching support Informatics webpages: services/teaching-support services/teaching-support  Sign-up page: supp/vacancies/index.html supp/vacancies/index.html  IAD website (especially section on T&Ds): departments/institute-academic-development departments/institute-academic-development

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