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Anticonvulsant Therapy

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1 Anticonvulsant Therapy
Dr. Sia Michoulas Pediatric Epilepsy Fellow BC Children’s Hospital

2 Outline Introduction Why do we treat seizures
How do we select anticonvulsant medications Adverse Effects Drug Interactions Anticonvulsants and Pregnancy

3 Epidemiology of Epilepsy
1- 2 % of Canadians 40, 000 people in BC Cerebral Palsy – 20% Autism – 20-30% Mental Retardation - >20% 3rd most common neurologic disorder After Stroke and Alzheimer’s Cause of epilepsy is also cause of MR

4 What was the cause of the seizure?
Epileptic seizures are symptoms due to a variety of causes Determining the underlying cause has implications for both treatment and prognosis

5 Seizure Occurrence Up to 10% of the population will experience a seizures during there lifetime majority due to an acute reversible cause: fever, metabolic changes, drug intoxication/withdrawal. Since seizures don’t reoccur in these patients after the provoking factor has been corrected, they don’t have a diagnosis of epilepsy. A diagnosis of epilepsy is made after a patient has had 2 or more unprovoked seizures Epilepsy is defined as 2 or more unprovoked seizures.

6 Causes epileptic seizures
Idiopathic (Genetic) % of cases Childhood and Juvenile absence epilepsy Benign rolandic epilepsy of childhood Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) Symptomatic - 50% of cases Malformations of brain developmental Tuberous Sclerosis Brain Infection Stroke Traumatic brain injury Tumor Approximatley 50% of patients with epilepsy do not have a brain lesion and genetic factors predispose them to recurrent seizures. The term idiopathic has been used to describe this genetic predisposition to epileptic seizures. Approximatley 50% of patients with epilepsy have an underlying brain abnormality. This is called symptomatic when the underlying cause is shown and is called probably symptomatic or cryptogenic when an underlying leison is suspected but not demonstrated.

7 Clinical Factors Associated with Idiopathic versus Symptomatic Epilepsy
Determining the underlying cause of the epilepsy will influence treatment, treatment duration and prognosis.

8 Seizure Manifestations
A seizure is a sudden disruption of the brain's normal electrical activity. This may result in motor activity, sensory symptoms, behavior changes and or altered conciousness depending on which area(s) of the brain are involved.


10 Why Do We Treat Seizures?
Prevent Falls & Injuries Employment & Education Psychosocial well-being Anxiety Embarrassment Loss of self-control Driving Life-style restriction It is not to prevent brain damage. Seizures do not cause brain amage unless > 30 min. Give BREC---don’t treat.

11 AED Very Old Old New Even Newer The Newest Bromides (1861)
Phenobarbital (1912) Phenytoin (DilantinR)(1936) Diazepam (ValiumR)(1960’s) Carbamazepine (TegratolR) (1974) Valproic Acid (DepakoteR) (1978) New Clobazam (FrisiumR) Lamotrigine (LamictalR) Topiramate (TopamaxR) Vigabatrin (SabrilR) Even Newer Levetiracetam (KeppraR) Oxcarbazepine (TrileptalR) The Newest Lacosamide (VimpatR) Rufinamide (BanzelR)

12 When do you consider starting treatment?
After first unprovoked seizure 50% of patients will have a 2nd seizure. This needs to be balanced against the potential side-effects and cost of medication. In general treatment is started after the 2nd seizure. Clinical trials have demonstrated that early treatment (after 1st seizure) significantly reduces the risk of 2nd seizure but does NOT affect natural history and overall prognosis

13 How effective are medications?
70% of patients will respond (1st or 2nd drug) If 2 appropriate drugs fails 3rd drug: approximate 5% success rate If 3rd drug fails: “refractory epilepsy” Other treatments Ketogenic diet Epilepsy Surgery

14 Goals of Anticonvulsant Treatment
Complete Suppression of Seizures with NO side-effects Maintain/Restore patients lifestyle Anticonsulsant medication do NOT cure epilepsy. They suppress the seizure, but the underlying cause of the seizures is not treat the underlying cause (eg brain malfornation).

15 Case #1 Mark is an 7 year boy seen in the neurology clinic accompanied by his mom. Teachers have noticed “staring spells” at school.

16 Principles of AED therapy
Select most appropriate drug Seizure type Epilepsy Syndrome Individual patient factors adverse effect, cost, patient-lifestyle dosing schedule Co-morbidities Epilepsy Syndrome: Expected response; duration of treatment; pronosis. Headache, mood disorder, weight, sleep disturbance

17 Principles of AED therapy
2. Optimize Dosage start low dose, titrate up to maximum dose Minimize initiation related side-effects End Point: seizures controlled or side-effects occur Side effects more common when using high doses or multiple anticonvulsant medication.

18 Principles of AED therapy
Drug level monitoring Target blood drug level Helpful in guiding dose adjustments Treat the INDIVIDUAL NOT the therapeutic range Should be restricted to answering a specific clinical question for that person Unexpected loss of seizure control Unexpected occurrence of side-effects The addition of a drug that may interact and alter blood levels. Exception is dilantin, more frequent monitoring.

19 Adverse Effects

20 Adverse Effects Initiation & Dose related adverse effects
Chronic adverse effects Idiosyncratic “allergic” reactions Thus given warning if skin rash, fever, lethargy, jaundic, loss of appetite, or easy bruising/bleeding contact doctor. Drowsiness, GI, balance, sleep disorbance, mood disorder

21 Case #1 Mark’s mom calls your office 2 weeks later. Patient has been increasing the medication every 5 days but noticing that she is more “sleepy” during the day.

22 Adverse Effects Initiation & Dose related adverse effects
Important to recognize Seldom are serious – reversible Decreasing medication Discontinuing medication Change titration schedule to every week, to minimize side effects. Psychiatric co-morbidity.

23 Case # 2 Sarah 14 year old girl. She has experience 2 brief generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Decision is made start anticonvulsant medication. She is started on lamotrigine (LamictalR)

24 Lamotrigine (LamictalR)
Advantages Effective Well-tolerated Twice daily Disadvantages Allergic Rash Titrate Slowly Mild drowsiness, titration/dose dependent

25 Case #2 Sarah returns to your office 3 weeks later.
She has developed a rash and fever.

26 Most rashes are NOT caused by medication
Most rashes are NOT caused by medication. 9 out 10 times the rashes we see are due to other causes. Mostly viral rashes.



29 Idiosyncratic “allergic” reactions
Unpredictable NOT dose-dependent Usually occur early in the course of treatment Range: Mild-> severe Rare: 1 in 20,000 – 50,000 Manifest as severe skin reaction, liver failure, pancreatitis,and even psychosis May be underlying genetic differences, resulting in difference in drug metabolism, leading to the accumulation of toxic metabolic products.

30 Idiosyncratic “allergic” reactions
Skin Rash Usually within 4 – 6 weeks Titrate dose up slowly Mild - Severe Reversible if discontinued early!! AED: lamotrigine 1: Others: phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital

31 Idiosyncratic “allergic” reactions
Liver Usually occurs early in treatment Can be reversible if medication is stopped early Blood Symptoms: Bleeding, bruising, persistent infections Up to 30% if cases can be fatal, if not detected and medication stopped early Usually occurs early in treatment AED: all except gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate, levateracetam Symptoms: Lethargy, loss of seizure control, vomiting, loss of appetite Rash and fever >80%

32 Carbamazepine (TegratolR)
Advantages Effective Well tolerated Min sedation, behavioral side-effects Disadvantages “allergic” reaction Skin Aplastic anemia Drug Interactions May exacerbate seizures Myoclonic, absence

33 Carbamazepine Rare serious & potentially fatal skin reactions:
1 to 6 per 10, 000 patient Asian Ancestry: risk 10 times higher

34 Carbamazepine Genetic Marker Asian Ancestry: prevalence of this allele
Inherited variant of a gene (HLA-B 1502 allele) Patients with this variant are at a higher risk It is possible to screen: blood test Asian Ancestry: prevalence of this allele High Risk: (10-15%) China (Han Chinese), Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan Moderate Risk: (5-10%) South Asia Low Risk: ( <1%) Japanese or Korean Studies has found a stron association between certain serious skin reaction and an inherited variant of a gene, HLA-B, an immune system gene, found almost exclusively in people with Asain ancestry.

35 Carbamazepine Note If already on carbamazepine for months
Unlikely to experience serious reaction Patients with positive results may not get this reaction Serious skin reactions can still occur in patients who test negative Regardless of ethnicity Monitor for signs and symptoms Advances in science is now letting us individualize treatment based on how bodies may react to a medication. Studies has found a stron association between certain serious skin reaction and an inherited variant of a gene, HLA-B, an immune system gene, found almost exclusively in people with Asain ancestry.

36 Anticonvulsant Medications

37 Valproic Acid (DepakoteR)
Advantages Well tolerated Broad spectrum No effect on BCP Disadvantages Weight gain Essential tremor Hair thinning Platelet dysfunction Neural tube defects Drug interactions “allergic” reactions

38 Phenytoin (DilantinR)
Advantages Effective Broadspectrum Chew tabs, capsules Intravenous Inexpensive Once daily Disadvantages Therapeutic levels Drug interactions “Allergic” reactions

39 Topiramate (TopamaxR)
Effective Migraine No “allergic” reactions Twice daily Cognitive effects Kidney Stones Weight Loss

40 Levetiracetam (KeppraR)
Advantages Effective No drug interactions Including OCP Well tolerated No “allergic” reactions Can titrate fast Disadvantages Mild fatigue Psychosis (0.6%) Cost

41 Clobazam (FrisiumR) Advantages Disadvantages Effective Well tolerated
Once or twice daily Disadvantages Drowsiness Headache Unsteadiness Rare Behavior changes

42 Lacosamide (VimpatR) Advantages Disadvantages
Effective for focal seizures Well tolerated Disadvantages Drowsiness Headache Unsteadiness Rare Heart arrhythmia Rash Suicidal behavior

43 Rufinamide (BanzelR) Advantages Disadvantages
Effective in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Well tolerated Disadvantages Drowsiness Headache Unsteadiness Loss of appetite Rare Heart arrhythmia Rash Suicidal behavior

44 Drug Interactions

45 Why do drug interactions occur?
Increase breakdown of other drugs Decrease breakdown of other drugs

46 Drug Interactions: Birth Control Pill
Reduce Effectiveness Carbamazepine Oxcarbazepine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Topiramate Lamotrigine No Effect Clobazam Clonazepam Ethosuximide Gabapentin Levetiracetam Valproic Acid Numerous drug interaction can occur with other medication aside from AED’s, including antibiotics, antidepressant, chemotherapies. A number of anticonvulsant can reduce the effectiveness. Barrier methods, IUD’s The following medication have been shown to induce the metabolism of the estrogen/progestron compontents of BCP. Thus in women receiving AED..the efficacy of the pill may be reduce. Anticoagulation, has narrow therapeutic window…leading to serious complications (clots/strokes or bleeding) particularily when stopping the drug (0-10 fold change in warfain dose). Phenytoin interaction is more complex, may involve increase of decrease warfarin level. Careful monitoring of the INR needed when comedication

47 When do you stop anticonvulsant medications
Need to continue AED therapy should be re- evaluated after 2 years seizures free. Factors favoring low risk recurrence Minimum 2 years seizure free Normal EEG Normal Neurological Examination Ease of controlling seizures Slow withdrawal of medications: over 2-3 months

48 Anticonvulsant Medication and Pregnancy

49 Anticonvulsants and Pregnancy
> 90% of women with epilepsy will have a healthy baby Slightly higher risk for major congenital malformation General population: 2-3% Untreated epilepsy: 2-5% All anticonvulsant drugs: 4-7% Issues: Seizure control and risk of drugs and seizure to the fetus. Lamotrigine 3-4%, CBZ 2-5%; VPA 8-16%; DPH 4-11% Other risk factors for congenital malformation. Include alcohol, malnutrition (folic acid) and genetics.

50 Anticonvulsants and Pregnancy
Planned Pregnancy Talk to doctor Ideally one drug at lowest possible dose Monotherapy: 4.5% vs polytherapy 7% Folic Acid 0.4mg/day all women of child baring age Higher dose (4-5mg/day): women with epilepsy of child baring age Vitamin K Start 10mg orally at 36 weeks 1mg intramuscular to newborn 40% of all pregnancy are unplanned. NTD occur in the first 4 weeks.

51 Conclusion Epilepsy is common
We treat seizures to prevent injury and maintain active lifestyle We select anticonvulsant medications Seizure types, drug profile, individual factors Adverse Effects Drug Interactions Anticonvulsants and Pregnancy 51


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