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Exhibit lightweight structured data publishing david huynh + david karger + rob miller MIT COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LABORATORY.

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Presentation on theme: "Exhibit lightweight structured data publishing david huynh + david karger + rob miller MIT COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LABORATORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 exhibit lightweight structured data publishing david huynh + david karger + rob miller MIT COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LABORATORY

2 2 good ol’ days... early 1990s

3 3 sort filter search

4 4

5 5 early 1990s → 2007

6 6 PRESENTATION HTML Web Browser File System Static Files Web Server Images Javascript CSS

7 7 PRESENTATION DATA HTML Web Browser Database File System Static Files Web Server Images MySQL / Postgres / Oracle Javascript CSS

8 8 PRESENTATION LOGIC DATA HTML Javascript CSS XMLXSLT SQL Web Browser XmlHttp Database File System Static Files Application ServerWeb Server ASP ASP.NET CGI JSP/Java PHP Images MySQL / Postgres / Oracle

9 9 publishing data is hard.

10 10 can Semantic Web technologies help?

11 11 duh! obviously! SW technologies are supposed to help!

12 12 what people want what SW lets them do sort filter search

13 13

14 14 outline ✓ problem: publishing data is too hard ✓ demo: using Exhibit to publish data in 10 min implementation: how Exhibit works real world uses + discussion related work future work conclusion

15 15 PRESENTATION LOGIC DATA HTML Javascript CSS XMLXSLT SQL Web Browser XmlHttp Database File Systems Static Files Application ServerWeb Server ASP ASP.NET CGI JSP/Java PHP Images MySQL / Postgres / Oracle

16 16 PRESENTATION LOGIC DATA HTML Javascript CSS XMLXSLT SQL Web Browser XmlHttp Database File Systems Static Files Application ServerWeb Server ASP ASP.NET CGI JSP/Java PHP Images MySQL / Postgres / Oracle

17 17 PRESENTATION LOGIC DATA HTML JavascriptCSS Web Browser XmlHttp File Systems Static Files Web Server Images Exhibit API

18 18 data Exhibit API database expression language localization images css views lens template facetsexporters importers HTML + Images + CSS + JS web browser HTMLJS DOM data exports

19 19 data Exhibit API web browser presentation sorting filtering maps timelines my users

20 20 JSON as default format http:// simile. mit. edu / babel / Bibtex Excel spreadsheets Tab separated values RDF/XML, N3 Dynamic importers data formats JSON files

21 21

22 22 JSONP data feed{... "entry": [ { "id":{ "$t":"" }, "updated":{"$t":"2007-04-16T18:41:56.378Z"}, "category":[ { "scheme":"", "term":"" } ], "title": { "type":"text", "$t":"Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" }, "content": { "type": "text", "$t": "{type}: Movie, {genre}: Drama; Epic, {plot:single}: The former Fellowship of the Ring prepare for the final battle for Middle Earth, while Frodo \u0026 Sam approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring., {rating:number}: 4" },... }, "$t":"Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King... ]})

23 23 Javascript is slow, not designed for implementing DBs Recommended for < 500 items Some people have been brave: 2733 items or more Not a limitation per se Exhibit is intended for small data sets scalability

24 24 outline ✓ problem: publishing data is too hard ✓ demo: using Exhibit to publish data in 10 min ✓ implementation: how Exhibit works real world uses + discussion related work future work conclusion

25 25

26 26

27 27

28 28

29 29

30 30

31 31

32 32

33 33 oops!

34 34

35 35

36 36

37 37

38 38

39 39 someone is planning a wedding using Exhibit

40 40 presentations company members software tools restaurants 3 recipes radio albums installed fonts hotels near a dance event dogs for adoption lego sets dances, costumes, performances breweries and distilleries kansai dialect field study data world conflicts wedding attendees

41 41 presentations company members software tools restaurants 3 recipes radio albums installed fonts hotels near a dance event dogs for adoption lego sets dances, costumes, performances breweries and distilleries kansai dialect field study data world conflicts wedding attendees If Semantic Web researchers were to build a web site with data, what topic would the data be about?

42 42 scientific papers

43 43 publications The Long Tail information topics quantity or popularity merchandises movies photos news events software lego setsisrael folk dance videos breweries and distilleries in Ontario 1914 - 1915 free labor in addition to grad students ✓✓ dormant data publishers

44 44 reuse without scraping have fun!

45 45 outline ✓ problem: publishing data is too hard ✓ demo: using Exhibit to publish data in 10 min ✓ implementation: how Exhibit works ✓ real world uses + discussion related work future work conclusion

46 46 HTML Ruby on Rails Flickr Google Base DabbleDB FreeBase customized Semantic MediaWiki extension wiki, blog Semantic MediaWiki extension circle size = amount of effort flexibility of presentation flexibility of data modeling Related Work custom 3-tier web app Exhibit

47 47 Exhibit personal Semantic MediaWiki extension groupworld Freebase data ownership personal blog personal web space wikiWikipedia unstructured structured Related Work DBPedia YAGO DabbleDBGoogle Base

48 48 database in Javascript TimBL’s Tabulator generic browsing interface for data consumers to do mash-up Exhibit customizable publishing framework for data publishers related work

49 49 feature requests more views: calendar, histogram,... more flexible layouts visual synchronization, e.g., color coding value formats, e.g., $(6,000) localization if there will be a lot of exhibits, let people... search over them merge them together future work

50 50 authoring interface HTML got us so far... WYSIWYG editors got us further Exhibit will get us so far... A front-end to Exhibit will get us further future work

51 51 conclusion many dormant data publishers in the long tail... with few resources to publish data Exhibit answer real world needs of publishing data as easy and expressive as HTML tap the free labor in the long tail produce data that doesn’t have to be scraped build a Data Web representative of the Web

52 52 google for “exhibit”

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