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The Association for Science Education Charlotte ClarkeDerek Bell ASE ChairChief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "The Association for Science Education Charlotte ClarkeDerek Bell ASE ChairChief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Association for Science Education Charlotte ClarkeDerek Bell ASE ChairChief Executive

2 What is the ASE? The largest national subject association 15000 members 2000+ primary members 2000+ technicians 2000+ student members 500+ overseas members

3 History of ASE Formed in 1963 by the merger of the “Science Masters’ Association” and the “Association of Women Science Teachers” Traceable history dates from 1900 First annual meeting in 1901

4 Aims of ASE To promote education by improving the teaching of science providing an authoritative medium through which opinions of teachers of science may be expressed on educational matters affording a means of communication among all persons and bodies of persons concerned with the teaching of science in particular and with education in general

5 Structure of ASE NAIGS ATSE Regions Technicians NQT ASE Membership Representation Council Policy Strategy Planning Monitoring Administration Booksales Finance Membership Website Curriculum Conferences Events Field Officers INSET Services HQ Management team Operational support Executive Fees and information Services, support, journals Association committees International Research Primary 11-19 Technicians Safeguards E-strategy Publications committees Council Committees Quality and Audit Finance and General Purposes CsciTeach Registration Board

6 ASE’s partners Curriculum authorities Inspection bodies Learned societies eg Royal Society, BA, RSC, IoP, IoB STEM organisations Science Learning Centres TDA HE institutions Government Industry Local Authorities Industry – e.g. GSK, Wellcome ……

7 ASE activity CPD, including ASE INSET Services, national and regional conferences Chartered Science Teacher – CSciTeach Publications – Booksales, Journals Projects Website

8 CPD – National Conference Early January 2008 at the University of Liverpool Attracts 3000-4000 delegates 350+ talks and workshops Visits, academic lectures, exhibitions, social programme Organised by Conference Committee supported by HQ Conferences staff











19 CPD – National Conferences Technicians’ Conference ATSE conference NAIGS conference

20 CPD - Regional Events Regional conferences – often 100-200 delegates, approx 10 a year Regional events e.g. in a one month period – 2 conferences and 12 other events across the country Organised by Region Committees, supported by Field Officers

21 CPD – ASE INSET Services Projects e.g. ASE Certificate of Professional Development, NOF training with the Science Consortium, Techcen Workshops/Courses e.g. Health and Safety, Technician training, teaching assistant training Commissions e.g. organisation of INSET programme for an LA, APS INSET materials for QCA, research in collaboration with a university, contributions to PGCE programmes Conferences – Management of conferences for LAs, Science Across the World



24 CSciTeach


26 A first for a subject association First successful applicants to be awarded Chartered Science Teacher status 2006/7 Recognition of level of professionalism comparable with Chartered Chemist, Chartered Engineer etc.

27 Publications - Journals Education in Science Primary Science Review Secondary Science Review Science Teacher Education


29 Publications - Booksales Approximately 200 titles – Primary, Secondary, Post 16 Other resources e.g. CD ROMS


31 Projects UPD8 Science Across the World Outdoor Science Science Year CD ROMs Lab design software




35 Science Across the World ~4200 teachers and their students, 125 countries


37 Refurb of 19 th century lab Special school science area New build in conjunction with LA Lab Design


39 Website Membership Conferences Booksales Journals INSET services ASE Global Regions Resources



42 Benefits of membership Advice and guidance Journals Discounted price on publications Cheaper registration for conferences CPD opportunities £5000000 indemnity insurance

43 Why does it work? Huge variety of levels at which a member can engage Strength in membership Regional activity ….

44 NAIGS discussion questions What does ASE do really well? How can ASE serve you, and the people you work with, better? What one thing could ASE do to increase membership? What one thing will you do as a result of being at this session today?

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