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Information sharing: the view from the ICO Vicky Cetinkaya, Senior Policy Officer, ICO One Staffordshire Information Sharing Protocol launch event Stafford,

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Presentation on theme: "Information sharing: the view from the ICO Vicky Cetinkaya, Senior Policy Officer, ICO One Staffordshire Information Sharing Protocol launch event Stafford,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information sharing: the view from the ICO Vicky Cetinkaya, Senior Policy Officer, ICO One Staffordshire Information Sharing Protocol launch event Stafford, 27 June 2013


3 Our mission The ICO’s mission is to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

4 The role of the ICO Enforce and regulate –Freedom of Information Act –Data Protection Act –Environmental Information Regulations –Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations Provide information to individuals and organisations Adjudicate on complaints Promote good practice

5 Can I share? Sharing must be lawful Schedule conditions necessity consent Fairness proportionality transparency

6 Governance Privacy impact assessments Information sharing agreements purposes of sharing recipients the data data quality security retention rights of individuals sanctions

7 And if it all goes wrong.. Complaints followed by a “compliance unlikely” assessment ICO enforcement powers undertaking enforcement notice monetary penalty notice

8 Comment from the recent health service IG review “The ICO told the review panel that no civil monetary penalties had been served for a breach of the Data Protection Act due to data sharing which had been appropriately considered and which had a legitimate data sharing agreement.”

9 More IG Review “The Review Panel concludes that individuals should not be discouraged from sharing simply through fear of doing this incorrectly. With the help of the ICO’s data sharing code, and tools such as privacy impact assessments, data sharing can be achieved, where appropriate, in a secure and proper way.”

10 How the ICO can help Guidance: Data sharing code of practice and checklists - opic_guides/data_sharing opic_guides/data_sharing Helpline: 0303 123 1113

11 Questions from the floor

12 @iconews Keep in touch Subscribe to our e-newsletter at or find us on… /iconews

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