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Rule 24 DRP/Aggregator informational Workshop December 2 nd 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Rule 24 DRP/Aggregator informational Workshop December 2 nd 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rule 24 DRP/Aggregator informational Workshop December 2 nd 2015

2 Agenda Welcome and safetySteve Debacker 9:00 am – 9:05 am High Level overview DRP Information request form Brad Wetstone 9:05 am – 9:25 am Implementing PG&E’s Share My Data (SMD) Platform Ryan Halsey 9:25 am - 10:05 am Implementing ESFT (Electronic Secure File transfer) Dan Green 10:05 am -10:25 am Break10:25 am – 10:35 am Completing and submitting a Customer Information Service Request (CISR) Wet signature Electronic Signature Steve 10:35 am – 11:05 am Receiving and utilizing customer data Data sent via SMD Data sent via ESFT Steve 11:05 am – 11:25 am Questions and contact informationAll 11:25 am – 12:00 pm

3 High Level Overview DRP Set up Brad Wetstone December 2nd, 2015


5 5

6 Share My Data Overview Ryan Halsey | Program Manager December 2 nd, 2015

7 The Background PG&E developed Share My Data in response to a challenge by the White House to utility companies to provide customers with their energy usage information in an easy-to-use format. This initiative, originally called Green Button, makes your detailed energy usage information available in a standardized file format, and is intended to empower customers by raising awareness of energy usage and encourage companies to develop new, innovative customer-focused applications.

8 The Circle of Data

9 The Program — What is it? API platform that allows PG&E customers to share their interval meter data and account information with a third party. There are no restrictions as to meter type. Offers electric & gas interval usage data, billing data, and account PII. Historic data is available, as is daily usage data on an ongoing, subscription basis.

10 The Platform — How does it work? Share My Data implementation follows the national Energy Service Provider Interface Standard, also known as ESPI. The ESPI standard was developed and adopted to ensure consistency in the data provided to third parties by utilities across the nation. The ESPI standard prescribes the technical framework for delivering functionality around customer authorization, data exchange and the format of the authorized data that is exchanged.

11 The Platform — How does it work? Authorization: OAuth 2.0 is implemented for customer to 3rd party authorization. Data Exchange: Restful APIs are utilized for exchange of data. Note: Per ESPI Security requirements, APIs are over 2- way SSL using SHA-2 certificates. Data Format: Atom (XML language) formatting of the data that is exchanged.

12 The Data – What’s Provided? Account Identifiers Commodity Type (Gas or Electric) Date Time Usage Hour Interval Number Interval Length (15 vs 60 min) Daylight Savings Flag Direction of Energy (NEM/Solar) Billing History Demand Unit of Measure (Interval vs Summary) Usage Value (Wh) Unique SA UUID Interval Billed Flag Quality of Reading (interval) Usage Summary (duration, start) Quality of Reading (usage summary) **Note: This is a summary and not intended to represent a comprehensive list of data elements

13 13 Registering for Share My Data Process and Technical Overview

14 The Process – How do I register? Step 1: Do Your Homework You’ll need some important information before you register, so please gather the following ahead of time: Tax ID - Your9-digit U.S. Employer Identification Number (EIN) Business & Technical Contact information OAuth 2.0 and Data Access/Notification URIs – Functional URI’s preferred, but placeholders will work. Valid SSL Certificate - You’ll need this to complete registration. All certificates must be 2048 bit, SHA-2 certificates.

15 The Process – How do I register? Step 2: Do More Homework We highly recommend studying the following resources: From Green Button Implementation Agreement ESPI OAuth 2.0 Sequence Diagram Green Button Data Software Development Kit PG&E Developed Software Development Kits Available in Python and Javascript

16 The Process – How do I register? Step 3: Register for Access The Share My Data registration process allows you to identify yourself to PG&E as a company that would like to access customer-authorized data and set up access to our APIs. Register at Review and Submit Your Registration Confirm Your Email Address Submit Your SSL Certificate

17 The Process – How do I register? Step 4: Complete Testing The purpose of testing is to verify that you are able to connect to our systems. Once we have your SSL certificate, we will send you an email with your credentials and instructions to begin testing. There are three tests that must be completed before customers can release their data to you: API Connectivity Test OAuth 2.0 Test Application Information Resource Request **Note: You will have 90 days to complete testing. If you do not complete testing within 90 days, you will need to re-register.

18 ESFT Overview Dan Green December 2nd, 2015

19 Setting up Electronic Secure File Transfer (ESFT) 19  What is ESFT?  History of Axway application at PG&E  How do I use ESFT for file transfers? (Manual and Automated)  Demo ESFT using a browser and Secure Shell Client WinSCP  Dos and don’ts when using the transfer system  What do I need to install to connect to PG&E ESFT?  What is in the ESFT User Guide?  Do not use email to deliver customer specific information

20 CISR Form Overview Steve Debacker December 2 nd, 2015

21 Submitting a CISR-DRP PG&E must get a copy of the completed and signed CISR-DRP form. CISR-DRP with wet signatures or a scan of wet signatures: 1.DRP works with customer to complete the CISR-DRP and gets a copy of the completed CISR to the customer. 2.The customer ink signs the paper CISR-DRP and sends it to the DRP. 3.The DRP obtains a paper copy of the completed customer signed CISR-DRP. 4.The DRP(s) ink sign the completed customer signed form. 5.The DRP scans the completed customer and DRP signed form. Format must be pdf. 6.The DRP posts the scanned image to PG&E’s ESFT. CISR-DRP with electronic signatures: 1.DRP works with customer to complete the CISR. 2.The customer electronically signs the form. 3.The DRP(s) electronically sign the completed customer e-signed form. 4.The DRP posts the e-signed form to PG&E’s ESFT. Format must be pdf. NOTE: The e-signed CISR-DRP must allow PG&E to interrogate the electronic signatures and to validate that the document has not been altered.

22 CISR-DRP Form

23 CISR-DRP Form, Cont.

24 24 Sample Bill

25 25 Sample Bill, Cont.

26 Receiving and utilizing customer data Overview Steve Debacker December 2 nd, 2015

27 Data Flows ItemTransmittedFromToNotes Completed CISR from DRP to PG&E ESFTDRPPG&EUses folder “Vendor to PG&E” Historical and Ongoing monthly usage quantities SMD APIPG&EDRP Historical and Ongoing interval usage data SMD APIPG&EDRP Other Rule 24 data (Sublap, DR programs, etc.) ESFTPG&EDRPUses folder “PG&E to Vendor” Exceptions to submitted CISR ESFTPG&EDRPUses folder “PG&E to Vendor” Do not send customer information to PG&E via e-mail. Data flow

28 SMD – What’s Provided? Account Identifiers Commodity Type (Gas or Electric) Date Time Usage Hour Interval Number Interval Length (15 vs 60 min) Daylight Savings Flag Direction of Energy (NEM/Solar) Billing History Demand Unit of Measure (Interval vs Summary) Usage Value (Wh) Unique SA UUID Interval Billed Flag Quality of Reading (interval) Usage Summary (duration, start) Quality of Reading (usage summary) **Note: This is a summary and not intended to represent a comprehensive list of data elements

29 ESFT Folders A DRP named ABC Company has been assigned by PG&E a Rule 24 ID = 10

30 Data Elements Sent ESFT General CISR_Docket(K)Rule 24 ESFT Flat File CISR_SA_IDRule 24 ESFT Flat File CURRENT_SA_IDRule 24 ESFT Flat File UUIDRule 24 ESFT Flat File Customer_NameRule 24 ESFT Flat File Service_AddressRule 24 ESFT Flat File Service_CityRule 24 ESFT Flat File Service_StateRule 24 ESFT Flat File Service_ZipRule 24 ESFT Flat File Sublap_NameRule 24 ESFT Flat File PnodeRule 24 ESFT Flat File Electric_Rate_ScheduleRule 24 ESFT Flat File Customer_LSE_Company_NameRule 24 ESFT Flat File Customer_MDMA_Company_NameRule 24 ESFT Flat File Customer_MSP_Company_NameRule 24 ESFT Flat File Meter_NumberRule 24 ESFT Flat File Meter_TypeRule 24 ESFT Flat File Data_interval_CollectedRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_Meter_Read_CycleRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_Service_Voltage_ClassRule 24 ESFT Flat File DR Programs Cust_DR_ProgramRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_DR_Program_StatusRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_DR_Program_Enrollment_DateRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_DR_Program_De-Enrollment_DateRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_DR_Program_Term_Date_Regardless_FinancialRule 24 ESFT Flat File Cust_DR_Program_Term_Date_Without_FinancialRule 24 ESFT Flat File

31 Data File Sent ESFT Comma separated values (CSV) no quotes on header quotes on data elements Utility Unique Identifier (UUID). This is the value used as Service Account Number (SAN) in CAISO DRRS. Must have the leading UPGE_____.

32 Data File Details 2 meters and 2 DR programs = 4 rows 1 meter and 2 DR programs = 2 rows

33 Contact information Share My Data: or ESFT : CISR DRP form or DRP information request : DRAM website: 33

34 Questions/Next step ????? 34

35 Appendices

36 ESFT Set up/User Guide

37 DRP information request form

38 Current DRP Service Agreement (Subject to change) only used when serving PG&E bundled customers.

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