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Horowhenua Pasifika Education Initiative Funded By.

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1 Horowhenua Pasifika Education Initiative Funded By

2 VASEGA TALAI Samoan Co-ordinator Mr and Mrs Talai Auso Fealofani (Mothers Group) 5 CHILDREN 100% SAMOAN AND PROUD FAMILY, CHURCH AND COMMUNITY

3 JOH LOMU Tongan Co-ordinator FAMILY 9 SIBLINGS 1 CHILD TONGAN LEVIN MY HOME MALO E LELEI Well known in the Tongan Community All NZ Born

4 Funded by J.R McKenzie Trust, we are a new initiative contracted for the next 3 years to assist Pasifika families with Enrolment and Transition processes through ECE services and Primary schools. Our goal is to help the Pasifika community with making the right choices and to create a clearer pathway for Pasifika as they oversee their children’s education and futures. About our Initiative …

5 Promoting our Initiative…

6 Network connections

7 How we engage with our families

8 How we engage with our families H.P.E.I Learning Plans HOME SCHOOL LEARNING PLAN  I can manage myself.  I need help with.  My interests.  What is important to our family.  What is important to school.  Successes and challenges at home or school. EARLY LEARNING PLAN  Some ideas to support my interests.  My interests are.  I am learning.  Important to my family is.  Some ideas to support what is important to our family.  What has happened? What are you looking at, hearing or saying about my learning?

9 Data Collections Monthly tracking Track attendance of each child every week, ELP and HSLP are updated. Keep record of hours spending with families. Referral Forms Was created for other services who come across families that are needing our services. Family weekly reports At the end of each week we get together to go through each families/child’s progress our aims and tasks for them. Registration Forms Registering each child with HPEI to work along side them. Matrix Collecting information about our families children.

10 Our Location… We are currently based at: Taitoko School 40 Kinross Street LEVIN 06 368 7658

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