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Talking about the weather (Period 1 Vocabulary)

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1 Talking about the weather (Period 1 Vocabulary)
Unit 1 Talking about the weather (Period 1 Vocabulary) 成都市财贸职业高级中学 刘楣媛

2 Times of day Meals in the morning breakfast in the afternoon lunch
at night dinner

3 It’s 37 ℃ hot sunny 25 ℃ warm cloudy raining 12 ℃ cool -2 ℃ cold

4 umbrella 37 ℃ hat 25 ℃ It’s raincoat 12 ℃ -2 ℃ coat

5 weather good great bad awful beautiful horrible terrific terrible

6 C. Listen to the conversations. Then listen again and
match each picture with a conversation. Write the letter on the line. a. b. c. Conversation 1 _____ Conversation 2 _____ Conversation 3 _____ b c a

7 b C. Now let’s check the answer. A: Hey, Pete --- It’s ________ !
B: _________? In May? That’s crazy. A: I know. But look at the ______! snowing snowing snow Conversation 1 ____ b

8 c A: What’s the weather going to be tomorrow?
B: I’m not sure. Let’s call the weather line. The number is A: OK. B: Well. A: It’s going to ______ cats and dogs. Take your _________. Conversation 2 ____ c snow umbrella

9 a A: What’s the weather like this morning?
B: ______ and ______. Just ________. Warm windy beautiful Conversation 3 ____ a

10 D. Complete each sentence. Write the words on the line.
1. It’s 12:10. Let’s have_____________ ? lunch / breakfast 2. It’s ___________ today. Let’s eat outside. snowing / warm 3. You don’t need your___________ this morning. umbrella / coat It’s not cold outside. 4. The weather was beautiful yesterday. It was sunny and _________. raining / warm 5. We eat ____________ in the morning. breakfast / dinner lunch warm coat warm breakfast

11 Homework Copy the words 3 times and translate 1 time.
Finish the exercise 1 on p127. Finish the exercise 2 on p127 if you can.


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