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Wars of Imperialism Those who resisted 19 th Century European Imperialism WARCauseOutcome BOXER REBELLION Who were the Boxers? A groups of farmers in northern.

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Presentation on theme: "Wars of Imperialism Those who resisted 19 th Century European Imperialism WARCauseOutcome BOXER REBELLION Who were the Boxers? A groups of farmers in northern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wars of Imperialism Those who resisted 19 th Century European Imperialism WARCauseOutcome BOXER REBELLION Who were the Boxers? A groups of farmers in northern China Created a secret society known as the "Righteous and Harmonious Fists", called the "Boxers" by Western press. Members of the secret society practiced boxing (hence the nickname, the "Boxers") which they believed would make them impervious to bullets. Boxers wanted to rid China of all foreign influence By late 1899, Boxers were massacring Christian missionaries and Chinese Christians. An international force of 2,100 American, British, Russian, French, Italian, and Japanese soldiers were sent to subdue the "rebellion." Boxers were defeated The Boxer Rebellion weakened the Chinese emperor (couldn’t defeat the imperialists) and hastened the Republican Revolution of 1911 that overthrew the boy emperor and made China a republic

2 WARCauseOutcome OPIUM WARS Background: By the 1830's, the English had become the major drug- trafficking criminal organization in the world The British grew opium in India, then shipped tons of opium into China, which it traded for Chinese manufactured goods and for tea. This trade had produced, quite literally, a country filled with drug addicts. The Chinese finally grew tired of the effect a society addicted to opium, was having. War broke out when Chinese ships attempted to turn back English merchant vessels, carrying opium, in November of 1839; The English then sent warships in June of 1840. The Chinese, with old-style weapons and artillery, were no match for the British gunships. Finally, in 1842, the Chinese were forced to agree to a peace treaty, which favored the British= 1. All British citizens would be subjected to British, not Chinese, law if they committed any crime on Chinese soil. 2. No restrictions were placed on British trade, and, as a consequence, opium trade more than doubled in the three decades following the treaty.

3 WARCauseOutcome BOER WAR Background: The Boers (Dutch farmers) came to South Africa in the 1600s. They discovered gold and diamonds The British came to South Africa in the 1800s. They wanted the resources the Dutch possessed. War broke out The British set up concentration camps where thousands of women, children as well as Africans died because of malnutrition. Boers lost the war to the British Boers also lost thousands of women and children from the concentration camps. Thousands of native Southern Africans lost their lives

4 RebellionCauseOutcome SEPOY REBELLION Background: Sepoys were Indians soldiers required to serve for the British East India Co. (which controlled India). Many were Hindus or Muslim– both of whom do not eat meat and consider certain animals sacred In 1857 the British issued new rifles to the sepoys. The sepoys were told that in order to load them they MUST bite off the tips of the cartridges that were greased in animal fat When the sepoys refused (see left column), they were imprisoned Angry sepoys rebelled, sparking a massacre of British troops The British crushed the rebellion The British took revenge and burned entire Indian villages Soon neither side trusted each other Eventually, the rule of the British East India Co. was ended and the control of India was put under the British monarch

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