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Project PMR-Droid Group 6 Presenters: Kurt Seippel - Project Manager Michael Keesey – Domain Expert/Customer Liaison Jong Jang – Artifacts Manager/Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Project PMR-Droid Group 6 Presenters: Kurt Seippel - Project Manager Michael Keesey – Domain Expert/Customer Liaison Jong Jang – Artifacts Manager/Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project PMR-Droid Group 6 Presenters: Kurt Seippel - Project Manager Michael Keesey – Domain Expert/Customer Liaison Jong Jang – Artifacts Manager/Web Master Joe Heldt – Project Facilitator Tom Randall – Security and Assurance

2 Project Overview Provides a personal medical record(PMR) that can be accessed by your Droid Allows you to have your medical data with you at all times Your doctor can use your PMR to see what other treatments and medications you are taking

3 Overview of Features Easy way to store and navigate through your medical record Basic info page provides an overview of important data Allows you to update your PMR at any time Patient can comment and upload images Backup local PMR to your computer

4 Domain Research Researched Android API and emulator Constraints: –Only works on the Motorola Droid running Android 2.0 –Images and other large files cannot be stored locally on the phone

5 Risk Analysis There are a lot of risks involved with handling medical data –Secure database that holds data –Password protection to gain access to phone and computer –Encrypt all data being passed between server, phone, and computer –Secure authentication to upload medical data to server

6 Health Care Provider Patient System Use Case Diagram newRecord backupInfo sync downloadImage display Extends Login Logoff editInfocommentInfo uploadImage

7 Class Model


9 Sequence Diagram editInfo() addEntry() login() uploadImage(string filepath) editEntry(E) logoff() :Health Care Provider :Patient :Medical Record:Entry:Basic Info:Computer :Database newRecord() addBasicInfo() editBasicInfo() sync() uploadImage(string filepath) sync()

10 State Diagram


12 Prototype Demo Features: Basic Info and Emergency Contact Login Features Editing Features View Photos from server

13 Sample Scenario A doctor adding basic information and medication taken. Patient Sequence Diagram A patient logging into the phone and accessing the data then editing the data

14 addEntry() newRecord() :Health Care Provider :Patient :Medical Record:Entry:Basic Info:Computer :Database editInfo() addBasicInfo() editEntry(E) login() uploadImage(string filepath) logoff() editBasicInfo() sync() uploadImage(string filepath) sync()

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