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Introduction  Indian Railways is 150 years old  It is largest railway system in world under one management  It is the lifeline of our country  It.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction  Indian Railways is 150 years old  It is largest railway system in world under one management  It is the lifeline of our country  It."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction  Indian Railways is 150 years old  It is largest railway system in world under one management  It is the lifeline of our country  It is the biggest civilian employer in the world  No strike in last 30 years in spite of 17 lac workers  It runs 12000 trains every day  It carries 16 lac tonnes of goods everyday  Indian Railways, the world’s second largest railway, carries 11 million passengers each day, on 8520 trains departing from 7000 stations.

3 History Of Indian Railway  1853 First train run (Boribunder to Thane)  1854 the first passenger train (Howrah to Hoogly)  1856 First south line was open. (Chennai)  1859 First north line( Allahabad to Kanpur)  1947 Post partition 21 railway systems - 10 owned by the GOI and balance by princely states.  1951 Southern, Central and Western Railways SR, CR&WR created  1952 Northern, Eastern and North Eastern Railways, NR,ER&NER created  1955 South Eastern Railways, SER created  1958 North East Frontier Railways, NFR created.  1966 South Central Railways, SCR created.  2002 East Central & North Western Railways created in October  2003 South Western, West Central, North Central, South Eastern Central & East Coast Railway, created in April 2003

4 Stimulus for change Process Complexities Technological Factors Competition Customer Satisfaction Second order changes Usage of IT in Railways Metro Rail Golden quadrilateral projects Expansion of Railway Zones from nine to sixteen

5 Usage of IT in Railways  A large complex Infrastructure System with Large Geographical Diversity such as the Indian Railways can benefit greatly from the intelligent use of IT E-GOVERNANCE OBJECTIVE  -Freight revenue enhancement  -Passenger revenue enhancement  -Improvements in Customer and public service  -Investment optimization  Transforming Transport through Technology Jewels in the Crown  -Freight Operations Information system ( FOIS)  -Passenger Reservations System (PRS)  -Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS)  -Instant voice response system (IVRS)  -Rail Net  -E- Ticketing

6 First order Change Doubling of Railway routes Railway road kms expansion Phasing out of steam engines. Replacing diesel engines with electric engines. Meter gauge to broad gauge conversion. Electrification of routes Introduction of AC-2 tier and AC-3 tier coaches Introduction of IRCTC app Outsourcing of maintenance operations Decentralization Human Resource initiatives Product innovation Increasing the speed of trains

7 Gauge wise classification of Locos Narrow gauge- ZDM (0.762 m/ 0.6 m) Z-Narrow gauge, D-Diesel, M-Mixed Meter gauge-YDM/YAM (1.0 m) Y-Meter gauge, D/A-Motive Power, M-Mixed Broad gauge- WAP/WAG/WCAM/WDM/WDG/WDP (1.762 m) W-Broad gauge, A/D/-Motive power, CA-AC/DC power, P-Passenger/G-Goods/M-Mixed





12 Broad Gauge Electric & Diesel Locos WAP-4 locomotive is third powerful engine of India that has power in rank #3, capable of hauling rake of 24 coaches speed of upto 130 Kmph. Mainly It is used for Superfast trains and few Rajdhanis too. WAP-5 locomotive is the second powerful loco of India capable of touching speed of 160 Kmph. It is mainly used for Shatabdi trains and sometimes for Rajdhani. WAP-7 locomotive is the most powerful loco of India capable of hauling 26 coaches at speed of 160 Kmph and its speciality is that in comparision to wap-5 n 4 loco it gathers speed within few mins of deaprture. It's mainly used for Rajdhani and few SF trains.

















29 Freight Operations Information System FOIS An on line real time system for management and control of freight traffic User driven design and implementation Foundations for a total logistics system Instant access to information regarding status of consignments in transit, for just in time inventory Assists in Asset Tracking, Asset Planning Performance Monitoring, to optimise Asset utilisation

30 1- All Superfast trains (those with an average speed gretaer than 58 kph) have numbers of format 2xxx. For example: Mumbai Rajdhani has no. 2951, Lucknow Mail (2229), Goa Express (2779) are all Superfast trains. 2- All Shatabdi's begin with 20xx irrespective of the zone they originate from and/or belong to. For example: Bhopal Shatabdi (2001), Lucknow Swarna Shatabdi (12003), Madgao Jan Shatabdi (12051) etc. 3- All special trains (e.g. summer time trains lauched to ease rush) begin with '0'. For example: 0104 Lucknow Shatabdi Special (note it's a Shatabdi class train. This category has exceptions with the trains belonging to Konkan Railway also having nos. beginning with '0' but are regular express/mail trains. Exaple: Konkan Kanya Express 0111 etc. Now coming to numbering system specific to zones with the 'general' conventions: 1- Northern Railway trains are numbered 'generally' with x2xx, x4xx. Example: Gomti Express 2419, New Delhi-Dehra Doon AC Express 2205. Exceptions: Mumbai-Kochuvali GR 2201 belongs to Southern Railway, 12403 Mathura-Allahabad Express belongs to North Central Railway etc. 2- North East Railway trains are generally numbered with x5xx. Example: Pushpak Express 2533, Rapti Sagar Express 2511 etc. Exceptions: Trivandrun Guwahati Express belongs to North Frontier Railways 2515 3- Central Railway trains are generally numbered x1xx. Example: Mumbai LTT - Lucknow Express 2107, Vidarbha Express 2105 etc. Exception: Madhya Pradesh Sampark Kranti 2121 belongs to West Central Railway.

31 0 is for special trains (e.g., summer specials, holiday specials, etc.) 1 is for CR 2 is for superfasts, Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi, and some other classes of trains regardless of zones. For these, the next digit is usually the zone code. 3 is shared by ER and ECR 4 is for NR, NCR and NWR 5 is shared by NER and NFR 6 is for SR and SWR 7 is shared by SCR and SWR 8 is for SER and ECoR 9 is for WR, NWR and WCR



34 TYPES OF RESERVATION General : Normal reservation till charting. ARP is 120 days. Tatkal : Opens one day in advance upto charting from source station. Premium Tatkal : Opens one day in advance upto charting. We have to pay a premium over and above Tatkal fare. Depending on demand the premium may go up. Not all trains have this facility.

35 Types of Waiting List  GNWL : General Waiting List  PQWL : Pooled Quota Waiting List  RLWL : Remote Location Waiting List  RSWL : Road Side Waiting List GNWL : 105/11. Here 105 is the running list and 11 is the current waiting number. It is normally end to end and/or from the starting point. PQWL : This is a quota of fixed berths allotted to certain stations enroute which, at times, becomes difficult to confirm. There is no RAC in this quota. RLWL : This is a Waiting in long distance trains at major stations where people tend to detrain/board. RAC is allotted in this quota. RSWL : This quota is applicable to mostly Rajdhani and Premium Special trains. The chances of confirmation is 50:50.





40 A) Websites (Train time table) (Booking) (for via trains) (Availability) B) Apps IRCTC connect (Booking) RailYatri (Rail status) RailCal (Availability)

41 Conclusion “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but is the one most responsive to change.” “Revolutions don’t last, but Evolution does” INDIAN RAILWAYS CHANGING THE TIMES & CHANGING WITH THE TIMES


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