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WHY DRR Minimizing impacts of disasters in health sector Maximizing readiness to respond 1$ vs 7 $

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2 WHY DRR Minimizing impacts of disasters in health sector Maximizing readiness to respond 1$ vs 7 $

3 Paradigm Shifts – from Relief and Response to Disaster Risk Reduction Poverty Reduction: from income poverty  human poverty Development: emphasis on good governance, accountability, and bottom-up approaches Disasters: no longer extreme events created entirely by natural forces but as manifestations of unresolved problems of development Disaster Management: top-down relief and response approach to inter-sectoral risk management approach

4 Why US!! Health sector


6 What do we need disaster resilient hospitals, health facilities health workers to save lives national level capacity. partners

7 Strategic Direction for DRR A national and local priority Improving risk information and early warning Building a culture of safety and resilience Reducing risks in key sectors Strengthen preparedness for effective response in all levels

8 National Priority Multi stakeholder engagement Systemic coordination Develop institutional base Allocate resources

9 Risk information and Early Warning Country wide risk assessment: based on hazard and vulnerability Review and update availability of risk information: dissemination Strengthening early warning: all major hazards Assess capacity Communication

10 Building a culture of safety and resilience Awareness program: reaching out community Research community: perception of risks Include DRR in education system: school curriculum DRR training for key sectors Compilation and dissemination of DRR information

11 Reducing risk in key sectors Incorporate DRR in environment : policy for climate change Increase resilience for most vulnerable: specific policy and plan to improve poverty Improved building safety: long term plan DRR in service sector: procedures in place to assess DRR implications Involvement of private sector Recovery planning including DRR

12 Strengthen preparedness for effective response Preparedness and contingency plans at all levels with regular drills Assess preparedness, capacities and readiness Strengthen planning and programming for response, recovery and rehabilitation

13 Taking into account Climate change Food safety and security Pandemic Any new threats….


15 What we don’t have.. Evidence…. 000000000 $$$$$$$$$

16 DRR Strategy For Arab Countries Program for Action

17 Way Forward Building National Capacity Advocacy Institutionalization of EP&DRR Developing EP&DRR strategy at national level Action plan integrating all priority areas and partners on “All Hazard Framework” Adoption of e-Atlas at national level Developing partnership: cluster, Role of UNDAF

18 What is needed? Strong commitment of all stakeholders to make it a PRIORITY and That includes you

19 Strong commitment of all stakeholders to make DRR a PRIORITY Thank you.

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