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PRESENT SIMPLE We like chocolate. I always come to school on time. s She never sleeps in the afternoon. es He watches television every day. They usually.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENT SIMPLE We like chocolate. I always come to school on time. s She never sleeps in the afternoon. es He watches television every day. They usually."— Presentation transcript:



3 We like chocolate. I always come to school on time. s She never sleeps in the afternoon. es He watches television every day. They usually play football in the afternoon. I am happy. כל המשפטים הנ " ל מספרים על דברים שקורים בדרך כלל או חוזרים בזמנים קבועים או מתארים מצב.

4 All the sentences we read are in the present simple כל המשפטים שקראנו הם ב - present simple. When do we use this tense? מתי אנחנו משתמשים בזמן זה ?

5 PRESENT SIMPLE We use the Present Simple to describe habits, facts, states and regular actions. It is the most common tense in English. אנו משתמשים בזמן זה כדי לציין פעולות רגילות, הרגלים, מצב ואמיתות כלליות. זהו הזמן השימושי והנפוץ ביותר בשפה האנגלית.

6 When do we use it? ) ביטויי זמן (Time expressions - always on Mondays sometimes never often once a week usually every day

7 We will divide the Pronouns into 2 groups. נחלק את כינויי הגוף לשתי קבוצות. I - You - We - They He - She - It

8 Positive Sentences – משפטי חיוב Rest of the sentenceVerb (in the base form) Subject to the pool. goThe boys (They) I / You / We / They +Verb (in the base form) בגופים אלה, יבוא הפועל בצורתו הפשוטה : eat, smile, like, go, play, cry

9 Rest of the sentenceVerbSubject books every I We You They Positive Sentences – משפטי חיוב I / You / We / They +Verb (in the base form) בגופים אלה, יבוא הפועל בצורתו הפשוטה : eat, smile, like, go, play, cry

10 books every day. s read s He She It Rest of the sentence Verb+ s Subject Positive Sentences – משפטי חיוב He / She / It +Verb (in the base form) to the pool in the summer. es go es The boy בגופים אלה, נוסיף לפועל בצורתו הפשוטה –s/es/ies: eats, smiles, likes, goes, plays, cries

11 לכינויי הגוף He She It נקרא שלושת הסנובים משום שהם יקבלו s בפועל. + + The boy goes to the pool. Subject He She It verb1+s פועל בצורת המקור + s Rest of the sentence המשך המשפט

12 S To He She It Rules For Adding S To He She It 1)We add es to the base form when the verb ends with ch, sh, s, x, z, o watch watches SZShXCh O

13 2) When the verb ends with Y and there is a consonant before, we will drop it and add ies fly fl flies 3) When a verb ends with y and there is a vowel before, we will NOT drop the y and add just s play plays

14 LET ’ S PRACTISE Fill in : 1)My brother sometimes _____ (go) fishing. 2) The dolls _____ (sit) on the shelf. 3) The boys ______ (play) on the beach every summer. 4) The girl ______ (brush) her hair twice a day.

15 LET ’ S CHECK Fill in : 1) My brother sometimes goes fishing. 2) The dolls sit on the shelf. 3) The boys play on the beach every summer. 4) The girl brushes her hair twice a day.

16 Special verbs 1 The verb to be behaves in a special way: I happy. are We You They happy. is He She It Rest of the sentenceVerbSubject

17 Special verbs 2 The verb to have behaves in a special way: a computer.have I a computer.have We You They a computer.has He She It Rest of the sentenceVerbSubject

18 Time expressions Do you remember the time expressions If you don ’ t click here. We use time expression very often to tell us when or how often the action happens.

19 Where do we put the time expressions in a sentence? At the beginning/end of the sentence. Before the verb. After the Be family ץ

20 Time expressions At the beginning or end of sentence They go to ballet lesson once a week. Once a week I visit my grandmother. every..once a.. On Sundaystwice a..

21 Adverb of Frequency Before the main verb After family Be always never sometimes often usually seldom She always walks to school. He is often late for school. They don ’ t usually read.

22 Check Yourself Double click on the sites Summary of the form + spelling of the present simple Exercises on form 1.htm 2.htm Exercises on form with 'be' Exercises on form with 'have' + do Exercises practicing the interrogative form

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