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ERMSAR 2012, 21-23 March 2012, Cologne General SARNET2 status J.P. Van Dorsselaere (IRSN) Coordinator of the SARNET network.

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Presentation on theme: "ERMSAR 2012, 21-23 March 2012, Cologne General SARNET2 status J.P. Van Dorsselaere (IRSN) Coordinator of the SARNET network."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERMSAR 2012, 21-23 March 2012, Cologne General SARNET2 status J.P. Van Dorsselaere (IRSN) Coordinator of the SARNET network

2 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 2 SARNET network in FP7 SARNET main objectives SARNET2 project organization Integrating activities Spreading of Excellence A few outcomes of the 2 nd period Account for the Fukushima accidents Conclusions Contents

3 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 3 Severe Accident Research NETwork of excellence 22 countries (Europe plus Switzerland, Canada, USA, Korea and India) 43 organizations (new partner BARC from Oct.2011)  22 research organizations  7 universities  7 industry/utilities  7 safety authorities or Technical Safety Organisations  230 researchers (+ PhD) – 1 st phase between 2004-2008 in FP6 – 2 nd phase started in April 2009 for 4 years (SARNET2 project in FP7) – IRSN coordination – Work  40 equivalent full-time persons/year SARNET in FP7 (1/2)

4 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 4 Strong interest of 4 partners to join SARNET: – JNES and JAEA (Japan), in priority on the interpretation of the Fukushima accidents, – London Imperial College (UK), – NCBJ new Polish TSO (Poland). The 2 nd period of Joint programme of Activities (JPA2) ended in Sept.2011, and the current JPA3, 18-month long, will extend until March 2013. SARNET in FP7 (2/2)

5 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 5 Tackling the fragmentation that may exist between the different European R&D organisations, notably in defining common research programmes; Capitalising knowledge in common tools: – Database DATANET for storage of experimental data, – Integral code ASTEC (IRSN-GRS) as reference European code; Bringing together top scientists in SA research to constitute a world leadership, in particular on simulation computer codes. Disseminating the knowledge through education and training programmes and conferences, towards students and young researchers, and towards new nuclear countries. SARNET main objectives (1/2)

6 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 6 The SARP (SA research priorities) group is currently updating the priorities defined at end of SARNET FP6 that formed the heart of the SARNET2 work programme, mainly the 6 following issues with high priority: – Core coolability during reflooding and debris cooling, – Ex-vessel melt pool configuration during MCCI & ex-vessel corium coolability by top flooding, – Melt relocation into water & ex-vessel FCI, – Hydrogen mixing and combustion in containment (flame acceleration), – Oxidising impact on source term (Ru oxidising conditions or air ingress for high burn-up and MOX fuel elements), – Iodine chemistry in circuits and in containment. SARNET main objectives (2/2)

7 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 7 Recommendation on programme proposals Executive line Management Team (9 members) Coordinator WP leaders EC Executive line Proposal line Advisory Committee WP 1WP 8WP N General Assembly Information Consultation Steering Committee (decision-making entity) 10 members SARNET2 organisation (1/2)

8 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 8 WP1: Network Management, incl. updates of the research priorities, WP2: Spreading of Excellence (educational courses, ERMSAR conferences, mobility of researchers) WP3: Information Systems (web, ACT, DATANET) WP4: ASTEC (capitalisation of knowledge, assessment, extension to BWR and CANDU) WP5: corium and debris coolability (core reflooding..) WP6: MCCI WP7: steam explosion and hydrogen combustion in containment WP8: oxidising impact on source term (Ru, HBU and MOX fuel), iodine chemistry in circuit and containment SARNET2 organisation (2/2) Integration & Dissemination R&D

9 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 9 A WEB portal supplies SARNET partners with an access (reading or writing) to: - networking tool (document, management, meeting organisation, forum, questionnaire, …) - experimental databases, - ASTEC code, - links with other sites… ACT Advanced Communication Tool - 220 users - 500 to 1000 accesses per month - 8 Topical sites Experimental database DATANET, based on STRESA JRC tool and managed by JRC/IET - 7 nodes open: JRC central node, AEKI, CIEMAT, Fortum-VTT, IRSN (+ CEA data), KIT, KTH. - Implementation, since 2004, of 265 experiments from 43 experimental facilities. KTH Database FORTUM-VTT Database JRC Database Main Portal IRSN Database DATANET KIT Database CIEMAT Database AEKI Database Integrating activities (1/3) ASTEC ASTEC Integral code - Assessment by 30 partners - Proposal of new models

10 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 10 Integrating activities (2/3) ASTEC integral code (Accident Source Term Evaluation Code) jointly developed by IRSN and GRS for SA in water-cooled reactors: Source Term evaluation, Severe Accident Management, PSA2. Joint work in SARNET: – Release by IRSN-GRS of the successive versions (new V2 series from mid-2009), users’ training 1-week courses (last one in April 2011), intensive code maintenance and users’ support through web tools and Users Clubs (next one in early 2013), – Code assessment by 30 partners (  60 users): validation vs. experiments, benchmarks on plant applications (PWR, VVER, BWR…), – Integration of knowledge generated by SARNET R&D through improved physical models resulting from the work of the interpretation circles.

11 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 11 For all the high-priority issues, the same method is being adopted in “interpretation circles” through the following joint R&D work in order to achieve a common understanding of experimental phenomena : – Review and selection of available relevant experiments; contribution to the definition of test matrices, – Pre- and post- calculations of experiments, – Synthesis of the interpretation of experimental data, – Benchmark exercises between codes, – Review of physical models, – Synthesis and proposals of new or improved models, in priority for implementation into ASTEC code. Integrating activities (3/3)

12 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 12 Educational & Training courses: – Four 1-week Courses since 2005 for students, researchers or SA specialists, with 40-100 attendees, – 5 th Course in July 2012 in Karlsruhe (KIT), 10-11 July 2012:  Organization Committee: KIT, AREVA GmbH, CEA, IRSN, PSI, Univ. Pisa (+ local organizers M. Steinbrück and V. Wittmann, KIT),  Topic: Severe Accident phenomenology and management (provisional lectures: historical overview, phenomena, research and codes, SAMGs, Gen.II backfitting and SA mitigation in Gen.III plants, radiological consequences to the environment),  Audience: in priority managers and senior staff,  Fees: € 400/600 (before/after 31 May 2012). – 6 th Course planned in spring 2013 in Imperial College of London (UK) on SA phenomenology: 1 week, similar to Pisa one in January 2011, main audience of young researchers and PhDs. Spreading of Excellence (1/3)

13 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 13 Mobility programme for training of students and researchers in SARNET organizations  16 secondments since 2009. Periodic Conferences ERMSAR (European Review Meetings on Severe Accident Research): – Objective to be the major forum for the Severe Accident community, – The main objective of the 6 th Conference will be the synthesis of the R&D outcomes after 4 years and of the perspectives for future R&D, – But it will remain “open” to papers by non-SARNET organizations like ERMSAR-2012 in Cologne,  It could be postponed around summer 2013 in order to allow high- quality syntheses. Spreading of Excellence (2/3)

14 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 14 LWR Severe Accident Safety Book “NUCLEAR SAFETY IN LIGHT WATER REACTORS - SEVERE ACCIDENT PHENOMENOLOGY”  Edited by ELSEVIER in Dec.2011 – Text book of 750 pages for researchers and students on the SA phenomenology, – 45 authors from 16 organizations, – Included some parts on Fukushima based on June 2011 data. SARNET WEB sites: – Internal and public sites (, – Periodic newsletters on network’s progress. About 350 SARNET papers since 2004 in conferences and journals  Continuous efforts (journal’s specific issue on Syntheses planned in 2013). Spreading of Excellence (3/3)

15 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 15 A few outcomes of the 2 nd period OECD/SARNET joint benchmark exercise on TMI2-like scenarios, Synthesis of ASTEC V2.0 version on about 60 experiments and 10 plant applications, Synergy of experiments under preparation on debris bed 2D reflooding (PRELUDE/PEARL, QUENCH-Debris, DEBRIS), SOAR under way on MCCI, 1 st test in VERDON facility on FP release and transport, Several ongoing code benchmarks vs. experiments: LIVE (corium in lower head), VULCANO (MCCI), CONAN (condensation in containment), ENACEFF (H 2 combustion), CARAIDAS (spray in containment), ThAI (PAR-atmosphere), ThaI-Iod (iodine in containment), Phébus FPT3 (integral FP behaviour).

16 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 16 Obviously SARNET must not ignore these accidents !!! and in first line the SARP work… Launching of a “Fukushima Task Force” (FTF), taking the opportunity of JNES-JAEA very recent wish to join SARNET: – Implying all volunteer partners with the prime objective to improve and share the understanding of the accidents. – Short-term (≈2012): workshops for discussion on NPP/SFP scenario calculations with integral codes (MELCOR, MAAP, ASTEC) or other codes, likely in close link with OECD/CSNI starting process, – Investigations on gathering the available data from open literature (Japan, IAEA, etc…) and to store them in DATANET, – In addition, dedicated detailed studies in the WP5 to 8 may focus on a few predominant phenomena. Example: a new WP5.2 was launched on SFP behaviour. Account for Fukushima accidents

17 ERMSAR 2012, March 21-23, 2012, Cologne 17 Many new experiments and benchmarks are ongoing on the high- priority issues  Syntheses are foreseen at the last ERMSAR mid-2013. Continuation and reinforcement of links with other international programmes (OECD/CSNI, ISTP, ISTC…). 1 st step towards a sustainable integration of the European SA research capacities  Such a living and unique pool of experts should assess the remaining issues on SA and to propose relevant R&D programmes to address them, when needed. The update of priorities by SARP is an important milestone. The challenge is to prepare the network self-sustainability after the end of EC funding in March 2013: general consensus on the interest to go on; discussions under way about the links with the new Association NUGENIA (SNETP frame). Conclusions

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