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Colegio Maya Elementary & PTA presents the I Love To Read Month 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Colegio Maya Elementary & PTA presents the I Love To Read Month 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colegio Maya Elementary & PTA presents the I Love To Read Month 2010

2 What is the I Love to Read Month? It is a program designed for you to have fun reading at home. A book is chosen to kick off the program, and this year’s book is…

3 “Oh, the Places you’ll Go!” By Dr. Seuss

4 What do you need to do? You will have to read a certain amount of time at home, including weekends.. For instance if you are in Pre-K, Kinder or 1 st grade you will need to read at least 20 minutes per day,. 2 nd or 3 rd grade will have to read at least 30 minutes. And 4 th and 5 th grade at least 40 minutes per day.

5 Where do you record your reading? Today your room parents are going to give you a folder with four (4) reading logs in it. In the reading logs you will record the title of the book and time you read -don’t forget to ask your parents to sign. DateReading material (Title of book, magazine, chapter..) Time Read (in minutes) Parent Signature Full signature TotalPK,K & 1 st 2 nd & 3 rd 4 th & 5 th 120 minutes 180 minutes 240 minutes

6 When you finish the time set on the reading log please answer the question on the back. This year they are color code: green, pink, yellow and purple. Bring your reading logs to school each Friday and during the last week on Wednesday. Green paper Write or draw about places you’ve been and/or would like to go, real or imaginary. Escribe o dibuja sobre algún lugar o lugares –reales o imaginarios- donde has estado o donde te gustaria ir. 가본 곳이나 가보고 싶은 곳의 그림을 그리세요.( 실재거 나 상상이거나 )

7 Your answers are going to be placed on the mural which is located on the way to the cafeteria. A thermometer will show how much time the whole elementary has read --- room parents will keep track in a weekly basis.

8 What are some of the activities for this month? Opening Ceremony Dr. Seuss class workshop Pajama Day Spanish Week – Alexis Cuenta Cuentos Parent’s Literature Workshop Closing Ceremony – Dress up as your favorite character!

9 Incentives & Prizes … Ask Ms. Sherman and… For the classes that read the most… 1 st place: Pizza Party 2 nd place:Ice Cream Party 3 rd Place:Dr. Seuss Cake

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