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Travel Goes Paperless with e-Reimbursement September 1st Christina Rickert, Accounts Payable Manager 608.785.8555.

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Presentation on theme: "Travel Goes Paperless with e-Reimbursement September 1st Christina Rickert, Accounts Payable Manager 608.785.8555."— Presentation transcript:

1 Travel Goes Paperless with e-Reimbursement September 1st Christina Rickert, Accounts Payable Manager 608.785.8555

2 e-Reimbursement Workflow

3 Travel Attachments  Business Purpose (i.e. agenda, schedule of events, itinerary)  Includes dates, location, event name, etc.  Registration  Transportation  Lodging  Meals  Receipt Requirements – always keep your receipts  Required  Over $25  Not Required

4 Travel Receipt Requirements

5 New Travel Polices & Rates Effective October 5 th, 2015  1200 General Travel Policy  1202 Purchase & Payment of Lodging  1203 Meal & Incidental Expense (M&IE) Per Diem Allowance Reimbursements  1204 Use of Personal Vehicles, Rental Cars & Fleet for Business Transportation  1205 Purchase & Payment of Miscellaneous Travel Expenses  Headquarter City & UW Sponsored Events

6 1200 General Travel Policy  Aligns the new travel polices with IRS Accountable Plan requirements  All expense reports must be submitted within 90 days of trip end date  Full accounting of trip expenses on the expense report – include prepaid items  One report for one trip

7 1202 Purchase & Payment of Lodging  Rates are either set at the Federal rate or a percent over the Federal rate (up to 125% in the United States)  Rates very by location and date of stay (seasonal differentials)  May exceed the rate maximum when attending a conference and staying at a conference location, or recommended conference location  Use of lodging brokers is prohibited (Expedia,, etc.)  P-card used is an approved payment method

8 1203 M&IE Per Diem Allowance  Travelers no longer report meals by leave/return time  Allowed 75% of daily allowance on first/last days of travel  Provided meals will be deducted from per diem as a percentage  Hotel complimentary breakfast and airline meals are not required to be deducted from allowance  Incidental per diem includes: fees/tips to service staff, phone calls, laundry, transportation between place of lodging or business to obtain meals  Day trips (no overnight stay) include a meal allowance of $15 per day, if no meals are provided  This amount is tax reportable  UW TravelWIse calculator can be used for trip planning

9 1204 Use of POV, Rental Vehicles, Fleet 1205 Miscellaneous Travel Expenses  US General Services Administration (  Standard Rate - $0.575  Turndown Rate - $0.352  Driving your POV less than 100 miles roundtrip – Standard Rate  Driving your POV more than 100 miles roundtrip – Turndown Rate  No longer allowed a reimbursement for gas in lieu of mileage  No change in receipt requirements

10 Headquarter City & UW Sponsored Events (Hosted Events)  Includes: receptions, business meetings, hosting job candidates, workshops, retreats, orientations, training sessions, seminars, departmental meetings, etc.  Separate rate structure (Within WI  $12 / $18 / $30, refreshment $10)  Rate maximums are based on actual expenses incurred  Inclusive of standard gratuity or required service charged up to 20%  Food policy will be updated – Itemized receipts required  M&IE per diem rates to not apply

11 Accounts Payable Website e-Reimbursement Module

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