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Narrative Essay. Personal Story revealing something important in your life that changed you. Intro w/thesis, body, conclusion 3 pages - 12pt. Arial/Times,

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Essay. Personal Story revealing something important in your life that changed you. Intro w/thesis, body, conclusion 3 pages - 12pt. Arial/Times,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Essay. Personal Story revealing something important in your life that changed you. Intro w/thesis, body, conclusion 3 pages - 12pt. Arial/Times, double spaced

2 Introduction Grabs reader Goes from general to specific, ending at the thesis statement - “V” shape. Supports and draws reader to the thesis - keeps its promise. Think Baca - Arms and legs.

3 Thesis Tells reader what they are going to read. Makes a claim - Not just statement of fact. Inform, interpret, argue Arguable - somebody could disagree with it. If you can still ask “Why?” after reading a thesis, it needs narrowing.

4 Body Told in chronological order - start to finish Uses specific detail to Show as well as tell. Supports the thesis statement Not just a “List of 3.” You can plan it that way, but it needs to show and explore those three supporting points through story.

5 Body Northern Arizona is a great place to live because the unique climate has a positive impact on the health and well-being of all who live here. Northern Arizona is a great place to live because of the high altitude, the clean air, and the relaxed attitude.

6 Body I had a hard time getting around campus because of the altitude. My first day in Flagstaff, I was hardly able to drag myself up the hill from south campus to north; my lungs burnt and I could feel my heart pounding - ready to burst from my chest. This will eventually Change

7 Conclusion Relates your story to rest of the world or your ‘new found’ experiences. “Now that I have more powerful lungs than ever, I feel healthier and think more positively; for the first time in my life, outdoor activities are an option. I also feel that this physical change has made me a better person mentally as well…”

8 Remember: Project yourself as a reliable author Keep your audience in mind. Who are you trying to convince? What is it you are trying to accomplish? Tip: If you are having trouble, try reading it aloud. If it sounds strange, try correcting it verbally and then write it down.

9 Transitions I woke up groggy. I took a shower. I made breakfast and burnt my eggs. I got into my truck and it wouldn’t start. I had to ask somebody for a jump. Some guy cut me off and gave me the finger. I got to work and sat at my computer. After working on a project for 3 hours, the computer crashed. I came home and passed out.

10 Transitions Afterward, additionally, to make it worse, finally, however, next, first – second – third, furthermore, disturbingly, refreshingly, in contrast to, etc.

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