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Agile PLM for Process GC FY11 Plan Jason Chiu April 2010 DRAFT.

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Presentation on theme: "Agile PLM for Process GC FY11 Plan Jason Chiu April 2010 DRAFT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agile PLM for Process GC FY11 Plan Jason Chiu April 2010 DRAFT

2 Agenda China Food & Beverage Market PLM for Process in China SWOT Analysis Selling Recap & Lesson Learn FY11 Plan

3 APAC Food & Beverage Market Markets ASEAN, GC, ANZ primary focus IND, KOR secondary focus Forecast CAGR over 5 years * Packaged goods & meats : 4.9% Juices : 2.5% Cereals : 6.5% Confectionary : 3% Ice cream : 5.8% Ready meals : 4.5% Prospects 134 prospects, revenue > $500m Opportunistic market (< 5 prospects) Retail private label Quick serve restaurants Based on 288 APAC F&B companies * Primary source : Business Monitor International Supplemented by Agile team data Sales $USANZASEANGCINDKORTotal $5-$15B112 4 $2-$5B61382130 $0.5-$2B1243221013100 Total1957321214134 Source: Chee-Sing PLM for Process APAC FY11Plan

4 Top F&B Companies in China SlF&B Accounts 1 Shineway Group 2 Wuliangye Group 3 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd 4 Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd 5 VV Food & Beverage Co., Ltd 6 EastOcean Oil & Graine Indutrial 7 Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd. 8 Jinluo 9 Shanghai Bright Dairy 10 Dalong 11 Sanlu Food 12 Hualong 13 Mengniu 14 Southseas olis & fats industrial 15 Heilongjiang Jiusan Oil & Fat Co 16 Yihai Group Goldensea Industry 17 Dahailianyou 18 Tiens Group 19 JIANLIBAO Co., Ltd. 20 Moutain Winery

5 Why Food & Beverage Companies Need PLM?

6 Why Oracle PLM? PLM in food & beverage is an emerging market Growing retailer requirements and regulatory complexity Manual product management unsustainable for most F&B companies At least a decade behind in PLM knowledge cf. High Tech Dedicated F&B PLM software #1 in Feature Functionality for Process PLM Opportunity to “corner” market Target of 20 to 30 new APAC customers over 3 years Wedge application into SAP customers

7 #1 in Feature Functionality for Process PLM Converting the vendor capability comparison to a total score (strongly validated = 3, functional and evolving = 2, formative = 1, blank = 0), here is how the scores would come out: Oracle – 25 pts (5 Areas Strongly Validated) SAP – 19 pts (1 Areas Strongly Validated) Infor (Optiva) – 19 pts (2 Areas Strongly Validated) Selerant – 18 pts (3 Areas Strongly Validated) Converting the vendor capability comparison to a total score (strongly validated = 3, functional and evolving = 2, formative = 1, blank = 0), here is how the scores would come out: Oracle – 25 pts (5 Areas Strongly Validated) SAP – 19 pts (1 Areas Strongly Validated) Infor (Optiva) – 19 pts (2 Areas Strongly Validated) Selerant – 18 pts (3 Areas Strongly Validated) Gartner (Feb 2008)

8 Agenda China Food & Beverage Market PLM for Process SWOT Analysis Selling Recap & Lesson Learn FY11 Plan

9 PLM4P SWOT Analysis Strengths Food & beverage focus Excellent F&B software product Good customer stories Suzhou Development centre Experienced Agile sales, pre- sales team in selling PLM Weaknesses Slow build of pipeline Limited implementation expertise & experience No local reference Limited F&B knowledge internally PLM team lacks F&B experience No integration to Oracle ERP Can’t sustain interest of prime AMs Opportunities SAP install base China, potential EBS, JDE install base Threats SAP improving PLM capability CHIC lost to UGS Prospect readiness low PLM low priority, no approved project

10 GC Selling Recap CHIC Level I and Level II demo by Chee-Sing and Jason Chiu Discovery workshop by Chee-Sing, supported by James & Jason Chiu Leverage Heinz case study. CHIC COO appreciated Spend long time to query the implementation resource. UGS penetrated CHIC-Oracle relationship cracking Kalypso involvement. CHIC-Oracle relationship broken Lost deal to Siemens-UGS Want-Want Level I demo by Chee-Sing and Jason Chiu Level II demo by Chee-Sing and James & Jason Chiu Disocvery workshop by Chee-Sing and James & Jason Chiu AIC delivered the implementation proposal R&D Director agreed the proposal IT stop the project because of the SAP implementation issue Organization changed Pending Uni-President (Taiwan) Level I demo by AIC Level II demo by AIC and Chee-Sing Customer said PLM4P does not meet their requirement because they are focused on “Market promotion type” project management. Sales wants to switch to a9 (PPM), but sales left. No action Pending Viatsoy (HK) Level I demo by James Level II demo by Jason (James left) Customer felt Agile and SAP have no difference Looking for the implementation resource. We also contact Kalypso Customer wanted to discuss the implementation, but shut-down the project 2 hours after they invited us to discuss the implementation Pending No implementation resource Difficult sell value (differentiation) PLM is not the Top priority Difficult sell value (differentiation) No implementation resource

11 Lessons Learn Pipeline slow to build, convert No food & beverage network PLM is not top priority No planned budgets for PLM It’s difficult to sell value to Chinese local vendors The R&D team is small The regulation compliance is not the major issue because they are focusing the domestic market (one regulation) Poor IT infrastructure and IT management readiness Disjointed partners Capability variable AIC with no sales success AIC product knowledge good Ad hoc recruitment Not implementation experience Limited food & beverage knowledge internally, partners OCS not investing OCS Agile (a9) consultants gone, only 1 remains Lost CHIC Foods Mass webcasts not effective

12 PLM4P FY11 Plan Need Outside Support Domain Expert support Implementation practice support Support from Development Chee-Sing support Pipeline Qualify all 32 F&B prospects Convert to multi-year pipeline Actively monitor, drive pipe Recruit F&B networkers Build Infrastructure Need F&B domain experts locally Build SC capability internally & Externally Level 2 product training Targeted F&B training Sales (co-prime, targeted prime) pre-sales Nominated people only (not mass webcast) Focus on key partners Agreed specific partners Provide implementation training Work out the GTM plan with the partners Improve business development Build F&B network to open doors Skill up partners to do business development

13 Plan Activities ActivityPlanned PeriodOwnerResource RequiredRemark Level I Product Training to Sales 2 nd Half MayJason Chiu Even Edge Apps Sales do not know PLM4P Review the current F&B prospect in Pipeline 2 nd Half MaySales TeamJason ChiuWith Chee-Sing support Level II Product Training to Oracle and Partner SC 1 st Half JunJason ChiuTBCPartner Deliver the value proposition and differentiation to sales 1 st Half JunJason ChiuTBCEdge Apps Sales/Account Sales Meeting with the prospects 1 st Half JunEdge Apps Sales TBCEdge Apps Sales/Account Sales Implementation Training in China 1 st Half JulyJason ChiuTBC Channel Team/Development Shanghai is better Co-work with key partners for GTM plan 1 st Half JulySales TeamPartner SC Key Partners selected 1.Hand/Hitachi Consulting (China) 2.AIC (Taiwan) The pipeline generation1 st Half JulyJason ChiuBDC/Partners Qualify the opportunities2 nd Half JulySales Team Nominated Prospects detailed workshop 1 st Half AugJason ChiuTBC Selected prospects (not more than 3) coverage 2 nd Half Aug-Selected prospects sales SC TBC The plan activities is focused on 1 st local reference building and local infrastructure enablement

14 GC F&B Pipeline Vitasoy Want-Want Ting Hsin international group (Kang Shi Fu) : #1 Instance Noodle Manufacturers) COFCO : #1 F&B Company in China Yili Milk(Top one in Chinese milk area) Sanyuan milk

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