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CLIMATE2030: A Japanese Project for Decadal Climate Prediction Masahide Kimoto Center for Climate System Research University of Tokyo and SPAM Team SPAM.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIMATE2030: A Japanese Project for Decadal Climate Prediction Masahide Kimoto Center for Climate System Research University of Tokyo and SPAM Team SPAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLIMATE2030: A Japanese Project for Decadal Climate Prediction Masahide Kimoto Center for Climate System Research University of Tokyo and SPAM Team SPAM

2 IPCC AR4 SPM Climate Projection by Computer Models

3 The 2nd phase of Japanese global warming project on the Earth Simulator (Kakushin Program; 2007-2012) Team 1: Long-term (FRCGC/NIES/CCSR) Tokioka –MIROC-ESM (T42L80+1.0x1.4L44+carbon cycle+aerosols+chemistry) –NICAM global CSRM, EMIC for uncertainty –physics ensemble –detailed dyn veg –crop yields, high tides Team 2: Near-term (CCSR/NIES/FRCGC) Kimoto –MIROC AOGCM (T213AGCM+1/4x1/6OGCM+aerosols; medres(T85) as well) –Initialization w/ obs. + 10-member ensemble –Flood/drought risk assessment –Regionally hi-res OGCM Team 3: Hi-res time-slice (MRI/JMA) Kitoh –20km AGCM + 1km nested regional model near Japan –Impact on hydrology, flood risk assessment, Typhoons # Teams 1-3 all consist of Modelling/Uncertainty/Impact study components # ES will be upgraded in March 2009 (2.x times faster)

4 Ensemble hindcast/forecast Assimilation/Initialization A near-term prediction up to 2030 with a high- resolution coupled AOGCM –60km Atmos + 20x30km Ocean –w/ updated cloud PDF scheme, PBL, etc –advanced aerosol/chemistry Estimate of uncertainty due to initial conditions –10(?)-member ensemble –For impact applications water risk assessment system impacts on marine ecosystems etc. Test run w/ 20km AOGCM (in 2011) 110km mesh model 60km mesh model 5-min topography Japanese CLIMATE 2030 Project

5 Near-Term Projection: Issues Hawkins and Sutton (2008) Models good enough? Resolution? Ensembles? Initialization? How? Drift? Decadal predictability? Chemistry? Aerosols? Volcanoes?

6 Decadal Predictability for Natural Modes? Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)

7 SPAM S ystem for P rediction and A ssimilation by M IROC Coupled climate model MIROC Data Assimilation Prediction Products Assimilation/ Initialization Data

8 Impact assessment Hirabayashi et al. (2006)

9 Externally forced climate change (20 th Century Reproduction Experiment w/o Data Assimilation) Global mean SAT anomaly ( o C) Year Full forcing (Natual + Anthropogenic) Global mean SAT anomaly ( o C) Year Anthropogenic forcing Only Global mean SAT anomaly ( o C) Year Natural forcing Only (Solar + Volcano) Global mean SAT anomaly ( o C) Year No forcing Nozawa et al. (2005)

10 Predictability of PDO: Impact of initialization Time series projected on to simulated PDO 1970 1975 1980 SST EOF1 20C3M OBS Observation Hindcast & spread 1970 1975 1980 Uninitialized 20C experiment Initialized hindcast (Initial: 1970) 4 2 0 -2 -4 4 2 0 -2 -4 Mochizuki et al. (2009, submitted)

11 Mochizuki et al. (2009) Decadal Predictability? Assimilation vs. Hindcasts w/ & w/o initialization SPAM : S ystem for P rediction and A ssimilation by M IROC Global SATPDO Difference between Assimilated and Not Assimilated FCST 2006-2010

12 Reevaluation of historical upper-ocean heat content  Depth correction for historical XBT & MBT (Ishii and Kimoto, 2009) V6.2: Old analysis V6.7: New Analysis MIROC: medres 20C3M & spread Global heat content(0-700m)

13 Impacts of XBT ー DBC: PDO without XBT-DBC with XBT-DBC Observation Predic. (1  ) Projection onto 20C3M EOF1 EOF1 XBT depth correction improved climatology & initial condition

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