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February 2011 CSA Consortium Kenya The Practice of conflict Sensitivity From Concept to Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "February 2011 CSA Consortium Kenya The Practice of conflict Sensitivity From Concept to Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 2011 CSA Consortium Kenya The Practice of conflict Sensitivity From Concept to Impact

2 GOAL To ensure greater impact of development and humanitarian assistance through improved and more widespread mainstreaming of CSA The purpose is to improve policies and practices that support CSA February 2011

3 Key Outcomes will be: Shared understanding of CSA across development, humanitarian and peace building organisations; Lessons and recommendations for mainstreaming effective CSA across a range of contexts and sectors disseminated to policy-makers, donors and practitioners; Strengthened expertise and capacity amongst member organisations and civil society partners to institutionalise and implement CSA, at HQ and local levels. February 2011

4 Experience from Kenya Implementation of the CSA project Moving from ‘Concept to Practice’ Self assessment Conflict mapping Innovative CSA methodologies Outreach and advocacy

5 February 2011 Self assessment Reflection Identifying impediments to CSA practice Change objectives Case studies

6 February 2011 Conflict mapping/analysis Mapping of conflict trends in Kenya ‘Embracing the practice of CSA- An analysis of the Kenyan context’ Mapping opportunities for consortium Pilot

7 February 2011 Innovative CSA methodologies Pilot Maralal- CAFOD – Integrated peacebuilding and livelihoods project Diocess of Maralal Road construction Kibera – CARE – Sweetening justice project Paralegals vs provincial administration

8 February 2011 Outreach and advocacy Draft strategy in place Government engagement: CSO’s coordination National cohesion and integration commission (NCIC)– Strategy vs conflict analysis Donor training in pipeline Coordination with DFID advisor in Kenya CD’s forum Staff capacity building

9 February 2011 Challenges Buy –in Competing priorities Different level of consortium understanding of concept CS is peacebuilding? Limited resources CS as a stand alone project vs mainstreamed concept

10 February 2011 Opportunities Buy in by the NCIC – upcoming general election and county govenment Conflict sensitive eyes- seeing beyond the intended project outcomes- Redesign Placement of CS concept in agencies strategic plans Staff capacity building and/or CSA in the orientation pack

11 February 2011 Thank you

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