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Published byEdwina Stevens Modified over 9 years ago
2014 budget report, draft budget request for 2015 and future outlook Martyn Davenport 22 October 2015 CAST FRC-D 2015-037
CAST Financial Report October 2015 Update to 2013 Budget Report 2014 Budget report – Status of the Common Fund T297400 Draft Budget Request 2015 Future Outlook 2016 Running and Beyond
Update to 2013 budget report Small changes to written report Last minute M&O B numbers included in presentation at FRC in 2014 Not in written report
Update of 2013 budget report Table 5: Category B (type b) Investment in development, construction, testing, installation and alignment of new detectors or systems in 2013 Institute X-ray detector or X-ray detector M&O sub-system [kCHF] IRFU-Saclay, FranceMicrobulk MM6.87 UZ, Spain Construction new detectors SRMM and associated systems. New Veto for SSMM. 44.8 NCSR,GreeceX-Y microbulk MM U Bonn Investment in new InGrid (detector, gas & vacuum components, electronics) 19.57 CERN, Switzerland Big SDD and preamp, detector vacuum housings, peltier cooling systems, PX5 pulse processor. PCB and electrical work. Electron beam welding. UPS. 49.1 U Patras Nano windows development. PhD student, consumables (solvents, acids..), constructions in mechanical workshops 17.0 LLNL, Columbia USA, New XRT 160 DTU-Space Denmark TOTAL 297.4
Update of 2013 budget report Category 2013 Fraction [kCHF] Category A (I)145.20.25 Category A (II)81.30.14 Category B (a)50.90.09 Category B (b)297.40.52 Total574.81.00 Table 6: Summary of Category A contributions and Category B expenditure in 2013
2014 Budget report Vacuum Run in 2014 –Phase IV Status of Contributions 2014 Status of Expenditure in 2014 Magnet operation costs 2014 The status of the CAST Common Fund end 2014 End of Addendum No4
Program for 2014 Phase IV - Vacuum Run 2014 schedule Complete repair work on Main Compressor gear box bearings Cool magnet & test magnet at 13kA Install MPE XRT after calibration in PANTER Align XRT Align InGrid detector target. X Install InGrid detector and shielding X Possible contamination with vacuum grease? X Retest MPE-XRT at Panter Rebuild vacuum system with new or cleaned parts Install new full coverage veto counter for Sunset MM Full survey GRID measurement Take data for 2 months with SSMM (No InGrid) Install new LLNL XRT in September 2014 Align LLNL XRT & SRMM target Install SRMM detector and final heavy shielding Run 2 months SRMM + XRT LLNL. No InGrid No SSMM Check alignment of MPE-XRT 6 weeks data taking run with complete Phase IV detector system up to November Stop data taking due to CV intervention at LHC8 mid-November 2014.
Outstanding contributions 2011,12 & 2013 At the end of 2013 473kCHF Outstanding from Add No4 Contributions Out- standing year sum 201120122013 2011+12+13 (kCHF) Institute CERN4.9-40.1-7.4-42.6 IRFU-Saclay, France0. Greek Delegation50.0125.0 300.0 UP, Greece-21.1-21.79.0-33.8 UTH, Greece0.05.0 10.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece0.03.0 6.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany5.24.430.439.9 MPP, Germany1.45.0-5.01.4 Columbia U., USA0.05.0 10.0 DTU-Space, Denmark0.05.0 10.0 UD, Turkey10.0 -12.08.0 U Bonn, Germany0.010.0-10.00.0 INR, Russia0. LLNL, USA7.610.115.032.7 UBC, Canada5.0 15.0 RBI, Croatia0.015.0-15.00.0 UZ, Spain21.6-10.0-6.45.2 UT, Italy0. MPS, Germany0.0 CAPP, Korea TOTAL84.9140.5172.1397.4 Total (excluding overpayments) 473.7
2014 Manpower and Team leaders New arrival to the Collaboration CAPP (Add No 6) Not yet signed by end of 2014 - Rijeka (Add No 5) Institute Team leader Physicists Minimum annual contribution assuming 5k/PhD (CAST contact) [kCHF] CERNM. Davenport420 IRFU-Saclay, FranceI. Giomataris315 UP, UTH, NCSR, NTUA, GreeceK. Zioutas735 U Bonn, GermanyK. Desch210 TUD, GermanyD. Hoffmanm210 UFRA, GermanyJ. Jacoby15 MPP, GermanyG. Raffelt15 UD, TurkeyS. A. Cetin210 INR, RussiaS. Gninenko15 DTU-Space, DenmarkF. Christensen15 LLNL, USAM. Pivovaroff315 UBC, CanadaM. Hasinoff15 Columbia U, USAC. Hailey15 RBI, CroatiaM. Krcmar315 UZ, SpainI. Irastorza630 UT, ItalyG. Cantatore210 MPS, GermanyS. Solanki15 CAPP / KoreaY. Semertzidis210 TOTAL 44220
Phase IV (2014) Promised and Actual Contributions Add No4 a CERN also paid 7.01 kCHF reimbursement for SDD design work wrongly charged to CF b U Patras also paid 9.88 kCHF reimbursement for Patras expenses c TUD also paid 4.28 kCHF reimbursements for servicing XRT gate valves d U Zaragoza also paid 1.57 kCHF reimbursement for pump service Addendum No4 for 2014 (kCHF)Actual contributions in 2014 (kCHF) Add No 4 - Actual Contrib. (kCHF) Institute StandardSpecialTotalStandardSpecialTotal Cashin-kind Cash or in-kind Cashin-kind Cash or in-kind 2014 CERN 2015 3520.0 a 11.5 31.53.5 IRFU-Saclay, France 18 0.0 18.0 Greek Delegation 100 5015020.0 130.0 UP, Greece 30 0.0 b 0.030.0 UTH, Greece 55 0.05.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece 33 0.03.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany 3.66 9.60.015 c 15.0-5.4 MPP, Germany 5 511.4 -6.4 Columbia U., USA 5 50.0 5.0 DTU-Space, Denmark 5 515.0 -10.0 UD, Turkey 10 0.00 10.0 U Bonn, Germany 10 10.0 0.0 INR, Russia 6 6 3 3.0 LLNL, USA 15 7.6 7.4 UBC, Canada 5 5 3 3.02.0 RBI, Croatia 15 15.0 0.0 UZ, Spain 300 0.09d9d 9.021.0 UT, Italy 5 5 0.7 4.3 MPS, Germany 10 10.0 100.0 CAPP, Korea 80 80.0 800.0 TOTAL 326.63788451.6181.449.80231.2220.4 60k earmarked for DM/DE
Outstanding contributions end Addendum No4 (2011-2014) Out-standing year years 20112012201320142011+12+13+14 (kCHF) Institute CERN4.9-40.1-7.43.5-39.1 IRFU-Saclay, France0.20.018.0 36.2 Greek Delegation50.0125.0 130.0430.0 UP, Greece-21.1- UTH, Greece0.05.0 15.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece0.03.0 9.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany5.24.430.4-5.434.5 MPP, Germany1.45.0-5.0-6.4-5.0 Columbia U., USA0.05.0 15.0 DTU-Space, Denmark0.05.0 -10.00.0 UD, Turkey10.0 - U Bonn, Germany0.010.0-10.00.0 INR, Russia0.06.03.0 12.0 LLNL, USA7.610.115.07.440.1 UBC, Canada5.0 2.017.0 RBI, Croatia0.015.0-15.00.0 UZ, Spain21.6-10.0-6.421.026.2 UT, Italy0. MPS, Germany0.0 CAPP, Korea 0.0 TOTAL84.9140.5172.1220.4617.8 Total excluding overpayments 665.6
Contributions M&O A 2014 Balance end 2013 76.0 kCHF Cash Contributions for 2014 181.4 kCHF In Kind contributions 201449.8 kCHF Total 231.2 kCHF Income to Common fund (181.4+22.7) 204.1 kCHF Total promised in 2014451.6 kCHF Outstanding contributions 2011+12+13+14 665.6 kCHF Finance report vs CAST: Income 197.1 c.f. 204.1 kCHF Expenditure 177.1 c.f. 184.1 kCHF
M&O B X-RAY Detectors and sub-systems a) Detector & sub-system M&O 2014 Institute X-ray detector orX-ray detector M&O sub-system2014 [kCHF] UZ, Spain Support and maintenance of MM detectors 9.6 U Bonn, Germany InGrid detector support and test measurements 3 LLNL, U Columbia, USASupport for XRT.10 DTUSupport for XRT5 CERN, Switzerland X-ray Lab upgrades (preamplifier, vacuum gauges (6.0)). Consumables and Epool (5.1). Grease contamination clean up (6.6k) 17.7 TOTAL 45.3
M&OB X-RAY Detectors and Sub-systems b)Detector & subsystem investment, development, construction, testing, installation & alignment. Sizeable construction costs in 2014 New XRT : DTU & & LLNL SRMM : Zaragoza Institute X-ray detector orX-ray detector M&O sub-system2014 [kCHF] UZ, Spain End of construction new detectors SRMM and associated systems. 41.2 U Bonn, GermanyDevelopment of InGrid systems 5.0 LLNL, Columbia USA, XRT construction, installation and alignment. 90 DTU-Space Denmark XRT construction, installation and alignment. 70 CERN, Switzerland Design work on miniature SDD vacuum housing, new pcb design and fabrication, vacuum wiring and feedthroughs, cleaning and testing at PNDetector 21.1 TOTAL 227.3
M&OB Radiation Pressure and Relics a) Detector & sub-system M&O 2014 Institute Radiation pressure detector, relic detector or M&O sub-system2014 [kCHF] U Trieste, Italy 6.1 U Rijeka, CroatiaWork at Trieste on KWISP system 1.5 U Patras, Greece 1.2 TOTAL 8.8
M&OB Radiation Pressure and Relics b) Detector & subsystem investment, development, construction, testing, installation & alignment. Institute Radiation pressure detector, relic detector or X-ray detector M&O sub-system [kCHF] TU Darmstadt, Germany KWISP Instrumentation (acoustic- optical modulator, flange with a wedged window ) 1.5 U Trieste, Italy 12.2 U Rijeka, CroatiaMembranes1.5 TOTAL 15.2
Summary M&O A & B Contributions 2014 Total contributions in 2014 were 530.8 kCHF 44% M&O A : 56% M&O B Category 2014 Fraction [kCHF] Category A (I)181.40.34 Category A (II)49.80.10 Category B (a)54.10.10 Category B (b)245.50.46 Total530.81.00
Status Expenditure 2014 Expenditure 184.1kCHF (CF) + 49.8k In-Kind Expenditure 92% Budget request Very low expenses on Subsistence thanks to support of CERN & PH Dept Enough contingency in budget To cope with extra expenses of clean up after grease contamination problems Over-page details of expenditure M&O A 2014 2014 Budget estimate (kCHF) Actual expenditure (kCHF) General M&O Industrial services and subsistence64.347.1 Experimental operation costs112144.6 Experimental upgrades Common Investments4128.7 Low energy detector and window development315.6 MFB platform77.8 Total255.3233.9
2014 detailed budget versus actual expenditure 2014 Actually spent GENERAL M&O a) Industrial services and subsistence(kCHF) 1Students2728.5 2Spokesman37.1 3External support for CFD16.74.1 4External support for Slow Control12.6 5Mechanical support (FSU)57.3 6sub total64.347.1 b) Experimental operation costs 7Stores818.0 8Cars128.7 9Phones/printing/transport costs818.0 10Gas/cryo liquids2 11Epool76.6 12Mechanical workshops and materials (CERN plus Institutes )4 13Subsistence/expenses (data taking)1616.6 14GRID + XRT alignments1213.9 15expenses for analysis, clean and replacements for silicone contamination1036.8 16Slow Control(computers/monitors/tapes)60.4 17Repairs, maintenance on pumps& gauges & RGA515.8 18Mechanical movement maintenance & running costs20.0 19Electrical work and cabling workshop2 20Safety (chemical cupboard)40.0 21Divers(vacuum cleaning/ cleaning/ outreach/ courses/ trips /Patras workshop grant)52.8 22Payment AB for FSU for power converter +3He PLC maintenance55.0 23Contract with ABB (1.9k + contingency for call outs)41.9 sub total112144.6 24Total176.3191.7
2014 detailed budget versus actual expenditure (cont.) 2014 Experimental upgrades(kCHF) a) Common Investments 25Vacuum run Windows, wedges to straighten MFB pipework0 26XRTs in PANTER30 15.0 27Webcam System/sunfilming upgrades/alignment monitors0 283He standby maintenance and eventual system removal0 293He system to refill LLNL bottle and shipment back to LLNL0 3.0 30Tree clearance for sun filming0 31Instrumentation4 6.5 32Cable sheath repairs3 33Storage/ barrack outside SR8 for (e.g. Barbe/INGRID/LLNL-XRT)0 34New lifting jacks for magnet movement4 4.2 0 35sub total41 28.7 b) Low Energy Detector and Window development 36Support physicists for studies on radiation pressure detector6 5.6 37Support for chameleon and relic axion activities20 ->2015 38Low Energy Windows, prototypes and tests5 39sub total31 5.6 c) MFB Platform 40Design - new loading calculations, study to strengthen XRT platform.0 41Design - integration on XRT platform3 7.8 42New MFB XRT platform or strengthening of the existing one0 43Mechanical work for mounting new instruments/shielding on CAST2 44Electrical work & cabling on new instruments/new detector2 45sub total7 7.8 46Total79 42.2 47Grand Totals255.3 233.9
Magnet Operation in 2014 Magnet Power converter operation low in 2014 several months either evening only or morning only running ActualProjected values ItemDept 20142015 Units Cryogenics M&OEN(kCHF)180 Cryogenics power (hours)51125496 EN(kCHF)141151 Power Converter power (hours)10572416 EN(kCHF)817 FSU maintenance (TE) CAST(kCHF)55 Yearly TOTALCERN(kCHF)328348
Status Common Fund end 2014 Balance 96.0 kCHF End of 2014 was end of Addendum No4 2015 covered by Addendum No7 (see later) Summary of 2012-2014 Promised and Paid shown in A5 (overpage) Outstanding Contributions extremely high 665.6 kCHF CAST decision : for 2015 onwards cancel most of outstanding contributions except for : Institute Outstanding Contributions Carried Over into 2015 Total 2015 Contribution due [kCHF] Greek Delegation (430 kCHF outstanding )50.050.0+15.0 = 65.0 LLNL/ U Columbia55.155.1+20.0 = 75.1 Total105.1140.1
Promised versus actual contributions 2012 to 2014 (A5) Outs Cont Standard (kCHF)Special (kCHF)Total PAYMENTS 2012-2014 2011- 2014 Outst CashIn-KindCash or in-kind 2011 201220132014201220132014201220132014 Cash In KindTotal CERN4.920 020 15 75.115 22.4 15 11.5 105 40.0109.0149.0-39.1 IRFU-Saclay, France0.218 18 4 0 54 Greek Delegation50100 25 100 2050 0 450 UP, Greece-21.130 51.730 4 2130 4 090 UTH, Greece05 4 0 15 0.0 15.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece03 4 0 9 0.0 9.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany 5.15 3.6 3.6 9.253.6 06 1.5536 06 1558.8 12.916.629.434.6 MPP, Germany1.45 05 105 11.415 Columbia U., USA05 4 0 15 0.0 15.0 DTU-Space, Denmark05 4 0 5 4 1515 UD, Turkey1010 4 0 2230 0.022.0 18.0 U Bonn, Germany010 4 010 4 2010 4 1030 INR, Russia06 06 3 18 0.06.0 12.0 LLNL, USA7.615 4 0 4.9 0 7.645 0.012.5 40.1 UBC, Canada55 0 5 315 0.03.0 17.0 RBI, Croatia015 015 3015 45 UZ, Spain21.6 0 100 30 4 027 27 33.4 984 10.069.479.426.2 UT, Italy0.10005 4 1.35 4 0.55 4 0.715 0.02.5 12.6 MPS, Germany010 10 4 1030 CAPP, Koreaxxx 80 80xx080 TOTAL216.6 326.664943788 1218.8 445.0241.0686.0665.7
Draft Budget request 2015 Addendum No 7(2015) Schedule 2015 Draft Budget request Overall financial situation
Addendum No 7 (2015) CAST Addendum No 7 covers 2015 only. 2 new Institutes RiJeka, Freiburg The Addendum is in the signing process Status:
Schedule 2015 (we are nearly at the end!) All detectors in final configuration No installations needed Vacuum maintenance Change troublesome chain clamps on MFB side Not foreseen! Replace magnet movement Frequency Inverters with new models Old system since 2002 – end of operational lifetime Expensive – Mitsubishi technician costs Extensive testing afterwards Magnet cooldown Cryo problems 8 weeks lost Full survey GRID measurement Magnet electrical isolation test and quench training Data taking for ~ 5 months 4 months already achieved Parallel commissioning of KWISP off-magnet in SR8 Advanced state Eventually make an upgrade to InGrid detector during run Mesh signal and scintillator veto (foreseen in coming 2 weeks) XEventual changeover of KWISP detector and InGrid detector Will be done at end of run for data taking 1Q2016
Draft Budget Request 2015 Budget to fulfil schedule above Present budget request 265.9 kCHF (was 255.3 kCHF in 2014) See Appendix A6 for detailed request (next page) Subsistence again reduced (92kCHF) THANKS TO CERN FOR PERSONNEL SUPPORT Long data taking periods, support needed for some personnel for running CAST Personnel support also needed for intensive Radn Pressure development at SR8 M&O A 20152015 Budget Request [kCHF] Industrial services and subsistence95.0 Experimental operation costs93.9 Common investments12 Radiation Pressure and Relic detector and window development61 MFB platform4 Total265.9
Detailed 2015 draft budget request DRAFT BUDGET REQUEST 2015 GENERAL M&O a) Industrial services and subsistence(kCHF) 1Students32 2Spokesman10 3PJAS ABB Upgrade0 4CAST Running/ Deputy Technical Coordinator50 5Mechanical support (FSU)3 6sub total95.0 b) Experimental operation costs 7Stores8 8Cars9 9Phones/printing/transport costs8 10Gas/cryo liquids1 11Epool7 12Mechanical workshops and materials (CERN plus Institutes )5 13Subsistence/expenses (sun filming and data taking)16 14GRID + XRT alignments10 15expenses for analysis, clean and replacements for silicone contamination0 16Slow Control(computers/monitors/tapes)6 17Repairs, maintenance on pumps& gauges & RGA8 18Mechanical movement maintenance & running costs2 19Electrical work and cabling workshop2 20Safety1 21Divers(vacuum cleaning/ cleaning/ outreach/ courses/ trips /Patras workshop grant)4 22Payment AB for FSU for power converter +3He PLC maintenance5 23Contract with ABB (1.9k + contingency for call outs)1.9 sub total93.9 24Total188.9
Detailed 2015 draft budget request (cont.) 2015 Experimental upgrades(kCHF) a) Common Investments 25XRTs in PANTER0 26Tracking system upgrade6 27Instrumentation4 28Sun filming upgrade2 29sub total12 b) Radiation Pressure detector and window development 30Radiation Pressure and Relic detectors development (DE/DM)56 31Low Energy Windows, prototypes and tests5 32 33sub total61 c) MFB Platform 34Design - integration on XRT platform2 35Mechanical work for mounting new instruments/shielding on CAST1 36Electrical work & cabling on new instruments/new detector1 37sub total4 38Total77 39Grand Totals265.9
Commitments Addendum No 7 (2015) 3 new universities included in Addendum : Bilgi U Istanbul, Freiburg U, Rijeka U Commitments low but more realistic Budget 265.9kCHF - underfunded CashIn-Kind Details In-Kind Total 2015 (kCHF) CERN 20 (25) 2 5Technical support25 (30) IRFU-Saclay, France 0 0 Greek Delegation 15 1 15 UP, Greece 10 1 10 UTH, Greece 0 0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece 0 0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany 10 PANTER tests if needed10 MPP, Germany 0 Paid in 2014 0 Columbia U., USA 5 5 DTU-Space, Denmark 5 5 Bilgi U, Turkey 52Instruments purchased in Turkey7 U Bonn, Germany 10 INR, Russia 5Extra shifts5 LLNL, USA 15 UBC, Canada 3Shifts3 RBI, Croatia 15 UZ, Spain 0 0 UT, Italy 2 2 MPS, Germany 10 Rijeka, Croatia5 5 CAPP, Korea25 UFR, Germany5 5 TOTAL 155 (160)17 172 (177) 1 & 2 Subject to approval
Contributions so far in 2015 CASH CONTRIBUTIONS in 2015 20.09.2015 Date InstituteCash (CHF)Comments MPP Paid in 2014 26.01.2016 BONN10000Degreasing vacuum pieces CAST 12.06.2015 MPS9998Contribution 2015 10.08.2015 TUD10773Contribution 2015 24.08.2015 CAPP25000Contribution 2015 10.09.2015 FREIBURG5000Contribution 2015 15.09.2015 BONN10000Contribution 2015 Total 70771 There have been 70.8 kCHF cash contributions (up to 20.09.2015) With 85 kCHF cash still outstanding from 2015 Bilgi Istanbul, CERN, UP, DTU, LLNL/CU, RBI, Rijeka. Also 105 kCHF outstanding commitments carried over from Add No 4 IN KIND 2015 20.09.2015 Institute (CHF) CERN10283 divers: ABB, Freq inverters,encoder,etc LLNL2623 SDD chameleons publication $2623.20 UBC3000 shifts INR3000 shifts (perhaps 5000 tbd) TRIESTE500 Sun Filming Base Plate RBI/Rijeka1500 Sun Filming Camera Total20906.2
Overall Financial Situation At the end of 2015 with no further Contributions to the Common Fund… Balance will be ~ -48 kCHF Missing cash contributions for 2015 and Add No 4 carry over 2014 85 + 105 =190 kCHF (kCHF) Balance start of 2015 96.0 Cash Contributions in 2015 up to 20 September 2015 70.8 Total 166.8 Expenditure up to 20 September 2013 127.2 Balance 20 Sept 2015 39.6 Estimate of Outstanding Commitments 20 Sept 2015 5.0 Estimated still to spend to end of 2015 82.5 Total 87.5 Estimated balance end 2015 if no further contributions -48.0
Future Outlook – 2016 Running and beyond Experimental Program - Phase V Financial Outlook for Phase V and Beyond
Experimental Program - Phase V and Long Term Outlook 2015 Solar Axions (SSMM,SRMM/XRT, InGrid/XRT) Solar Chameleon (InGrid/XRT) 2016 (Solar Chameleons + Relic Axions) 1Q2016 Solar Chameleon KWISP solar tracking no magnetic field 1H2016 Partial Upgrade of ABB cryo controls? 2Q2016 Install and align InGrid (upgraded windows) behind MPE-XRT Install Relic Axion cavity detectors in CAST cold bores at MRB end July 2016 Cooldown 4 months data taking 2017 (Solar Chameleons + Relic Axions) 1Q2017 Upgraded Chameleon KWISP solar tracking no magnetic field 2Q2017 Install a number of Relic axion cavities (up to 9m) in cold bores 1H2017 second part of ABB upgrade ? July 2017 Cooldown 4 months data taking KWISP and Relics Axions 2018 (Solar Chameleons + Relic Axions) Either: Long Data taking run with Relics and KWISP Or: 11Q2018 Open cryostat and complete installation of Relic axion cavities 2Q2016 Pumpdown and cooldown of magnet 2H2018 Data taking with KWISP and Relic axion detectors
Long Term schedule summary Transformation of CAST from Solar Axion -> Solar Chameleon + Relic Axion
Long Term Outlook Program of measurements 2016 -> at least 2018 Outlined to SPSC 2 days ago Need safe and efficient magnet & cryo operation over 3+ years Cryogenics Control and Supervision system relies on >20 y.o ABB PLC system CAST is the last old ABB system at CERN Need an Upgrade to standardise Cryo Controls system based on PLCs. Cost of migration 250kCHF 200kCHF control racks (Granted by IEFC consolidation funds) Manpower from TE-CRG (request made to TE-CRG Group leader) 50kCHF PJAS (from CAST) to oversee the project (split 25kCHF in 2016 and 25kCHF in 2017)
Summary M&OA 2010-2015 Need a further 148kCHF to have a good working balance of 100kCHF by the end of 2015
Conclusions Two new techniques coming to CAST RF cavities and Radiation Pressure Cold Dark Matter and Dark Energy 2016 will be packed with physics activities Installations, Commissioning and Data taking Financially, unfortunately … to start the new era of CAST physics No new Addendum No 8 ready This will take time to produce The Common Fund balance small or even negative? Incoming funds will be slow to arrive without a signed Addendum No8 CAST has in principle the required resources, but … All Institutes urged to pay asap: Their 2015 contributions Their outstanding contributions from end of Add No4
CASH 2015 Missing Funds to break even Balance end 2014 CAST’s own dark matter…. Missing Funds 2015~ 48 kCHF to break even ~ 148 kCHF to maintain healthy balance The known unknowns of CAST Finances
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