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TO 4-25-06 p. 1 Spring 2006 EE 5304/EETS 7304 Internet Protocols Tom Oh Dept of Electrical Engineering Lecture 14 TCP-Part 1.

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1 TO 4-25-06 p. 1 Spring 2006 EE 5304/EETS 7304 Internet Protocols Tom Oh Dept of Electrical Engineering Lecture 14 TCP-Part 1

2 TO 4-25-06 p. 2 Administrative Issues  (For distance learning students) If you are graduating this semester, you need to take the Final on May 9, 2006.  For in-class students, we will have the Final (Test #3) on May 9, 2006, 6:30PM.  The Final will cover lecture 11-15.  The Final will consists of multiple choice, T/F and short answers.  You are allowed to bring one 3 ½ X 5 card.

3 TO 4-25-06 p. 3 Outline (Comer, Ch. 25)  TCP  TCP header  TCP retransmissions  TCP duplicate detection  TCP connection set-up and close

4 TO 4-25-06 p. 4 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)  TCP is predominant transport layer protocol to add end-to-end reliability above IP  Designed for reliable sequential byte stream delivery with no duplicates, no loss  Views application data as continuous byte stream, breaks into segments of 64-Kbyte max. length  Keeps track of each byte with a sequence number  Segments are prefixed with TCP header and encapsulated into IP packets

5 TO 4-25-06 p. 5 TCP (cont) TCP data TCP header IP header Sending application Data Data Data TCP header TCP segment Receiving application Data Data Data TCP header TCP segment IP packet

6 TO 4-25-06 p. 6 TCP (cont)  Provides connection-oriented service between applications on different hosts  An application is identified to TCP by port address  Application is completely identified by 16-bit port address & 32-bit IP address  TCP connection is between two endpoints, source and destination

7 TO 4-25-06 p. 7 TCP (cont) Transport Application Transport Application Host TCP port 80 Application TCP port 25 Application TCP port 26 TCP port 18 Reliable connection-oriented service with no duplicate, lost, misordered, or errored bytes

8 TO 4-25-06 p. 8 TCP (cont)  TCP assumes IP - a type C network - so has all of most complicated functions of transport protocol  Error control detects missing, errored, non- sequential, and duplicate packets  Uses sequence numbers and piggybacked ACKs, adaptive retransmissions  Flow control using credits  Connection control: 3-way handshake  Also, TCP assumes responsibility for congestion avoidance because IP has no congestion control

9 TO 4-25-06 p. 9 TCP Header Source port (16 bits): optional; allows replies to sender Destination port (16 bits): identifies application at destination host

10 TO 4-25-06 p. 10 TCP Header Checksum (16 bits): error detection over pseudoheader + TCP segment

11 TO 4-25-06 p. 11 TCP Header (cont)  Pseudoheader is constructed from IP packet header including IP source/destination addresses, protocol field (=6 for TCP), length of TCP segment  Ensures that IP addresses are correct  Like UDP, this violates layering principle of OSI model

12 TO 4-25-06 p. 12 TCP Header Sequence number (32 bits): number of first data byte, except if SYN=1; data bytes are numbered sequentially, to reconstruct sender’s byte stream

13 TO 4-25-06 p. 13 TCP Header (cont) Sending application Byte n+1Byte n Data Data TCP header Number of first byte = sequence number Receiving application Data Byte n+2Byte n+1Byte n Byte n+2 Sequence number tells where this segment belongs in reconstructed byte stream

14 TO 4-25-06 p. 14 TCP Header Acknowledgement (32 bits): piggybacked ACK tells sender the next byte that is expected; ACKs are cumulative and refers to end of contiguous received data; additional received data, if not contiguous, triggers a duplicate ACK

15 TO 4-25-06 p. 15 TCP Header (cont) Sending application Data Segment A SEQ = 400 Receiver’s buffer Byte 399 Data Data Segment B SEQ = 600 Segment C SEQ = 800 Data Segment B received first ACK 400 bytes

16 TO 4-25-06 p. 16 TCP Header (cont) Sending application Data Segment A SEQ = 400 Receiver’s buffer Byte 399 Data Data Segment B SEQ = 600 Segment C SEQ = 800 Data Segment C received second ACK 400 duplicate bytes

17 TO 4-25-06 p. 17 TCP Header (cont) Sending application Data Segment A SEQ = 400 Receiver’s buffer Byte 999 Data Data Segment B SEQ = 600 Segment C SEQ = 800 Data Segment A received third ACK 1000 bytes

18 TO 4-25-06 p. 18 TCP Header (cont) Header length (4 bits): in units of 4 bytes; header is 20 bytes (value = 5) + options (if any) Reserved (6 bits): all zeros

19 TO 4-25-06 p. 19 TCP Header (cont) Flags (6 bits): URG: tells if Urgent pointer is used ACK: tells if Acknowledgement field is used PUSH: forces immediate transmission at sender RST: tells receiver to abort and reset connection SYN: segments for 3-way handshake to set up connection FIN: segments for 3-way handshake to terminate connection

20 TO 4-25-06 p. 20 TCP Header (cont) URG flag: tells if Urgent pointer is used Urgent pointer (16 bits): used if URG=1

21 TO 4-25-06 p. 21 TCP Header (cont)  Urgent pointer (2 bytes): points to number of first byte after urgent data in segment  If URG flag =1, data up to urgent pointer is urgent data to be processed immediately; rest of data is regular (not urgent)  Allows "out of band" data (to be processed immediately, out of sequence) Data TCP header Urgent pointer Urgent data Regular data

22 TO 4-25-06 p. 22 TCP Header (cont)  Push function:  Normally, TCP accumulates data from sender before transmitting a segment  If sender issues a “push”, TCP will send the ready data, even if segment will be short (e.g., 1 byte of data)

23 TO 4-25-06 p. 23 TCP Header (cont) Window (16 bits): piggybacked credit advertised by receiver; for flow control of sender

24 TO 4-25-06 p. 24 TCP Retransmissions  Sender waits for piggybacked acknowledgements  ACK is next expected byte (cumulative: acknowledges all previous bytes)  ACK does not acknowledge any additional non-contiguous data received  Sender will resend if retransmission timer expires  TCP tries to adjust time-out to just a little longer than estimated roundtrip time (RTT)  But timer is very difficult to determine when RTT varies widely in Internet

25 TO 4-25-06 p. 25 TCP Adaptive Retransmission Algorithm  Sender keeps track of returned ACKs as samples of RTT  Can continually update estimate of average roundtrip delay as weighted average of new measurement and old estimate, eg:

26 TO 4-25-06 p. 26 TCP Adaptive Retransmission Algorithm (cont)  Noticed β should depend on variance of roundtrip samples  Estimate can’t keep up with widely varying samples, resulting in unnecessary retransmissions  Current algorithm adapts RTO based on mean and variance of RTT

27 TO 4-25-06 p. 27 TCP Adaptive Retransmission Algorithm (cont) mean RTT standard dev. RTO packets ACKs mean RTT standard dev. RTO packets ACKs RTT with small variance RTT with large variance

28 TO 4-25-06 p. 28 TCP Adaptive Retransmission Algorithm (cont)  Problem: acknowledgement ambiguity problem  Suppose segment is transmitted twice, and then ACKed  Does ACK refers to first segment or duplicate? packet ACK Sender cannot know which case is true duplicate packet ACK duplicate

29 TO 4-25-06 p. 29 TCP Adaptive Retransmission Algorithm (cont)  If assume ACK from first transmission, RTT estimate could be too small → cause RTO to be too short and unnecessary retransmissions  If assume ACK from duplicate packet, RTT estimate could be too large → cause RTO to be too long

30 TO 4-25-06 p. 30 TCP Adaptive Retransmission Algorithm (cont)  Karn's algorithm: timer backoff strategy  RTT estimate is adjusted only for unambiguous ACKs  If segment is sent twice due to time-out, ignore measured delay to get its ACK and instead increase next RTO  Rate of increase is implementation-dependent, usually increases by factor of 2  On next unambiguous ACK, recompute RTT estimate and reset RTO

31 TO 4-25-06 p. 31 TCP Duplicate Detection  Receiver can get duplicate segments caused by early time-outs, lost ACKs, or late ACKs  Should be no confusion because duplicates of TCP segment are identified by same sequence number  Large range of sequence numbers needed to avoid ambiguity  TCP uses 32 bits (4 billion) so sequence numbers will not wrap around in short time  Receiver will not be confused by duplicate segments with same number

32 TO 4-25-06 p. 32 TCP Duplicate Detection (cont)  For duplicate segments, receiver assumes first ACK was lost and will ACK the duplicate  Sender will not be confused by duplicate ACKs  Possible confusion is a duplicate TCP segment arrives after connection is closed and new connection is opened

33 TO 4-25-06 p. 33 TCP Duplicate Detection (cont)  TCP segment from old connection could arrive during new connection and be mistaken for a valid TCP segment  TCP avoids this confusion by:  New connection starts with random initial sequence number  Duplicate segments arriving during new connection will probably have a sequence number outside of new range  Any duplicate segments received during this time are discarded

34 TO 4-25-06 p. 34 TCP Duplicate Detection (cont) New TCP connection chooses initial byte number at random bytes Byte number 0 Byte number 2 32 Byte numbers used for this connection An old segment from another connection will more likely fall outside of expected range when range is very big (as in TCP)

35 TO 4-25-06 p. 35 TCP Duplicate Detection (cont)  Also, TCP keeps record of old connection for a timed Wait state after connection is closed  Time = 2 x Maximum Segment Lifetime (MSL = longest time a TCP segment might take to arrive)  Any duplicate segments received during this time are discarded

36 TO 4-25-06 p. 36 TCP Connection Set-up  TCP 3-way handshake: SYN=1, SEQ=x SYN=1, SEQ=x, ACK=y+1 Connection request; first data byte will be x SYN=1, SEQ=y, ACK=x+1 AB Connection acknowledgement; first data byte will be y Connection confirm; send data starting at byte x

37 TO 4-25-06 p. 37 TCP Connection Set-up (cont)  As seen before, 3-way handshake works even if both initiate connection at same time  Use of retransmission timer may cause duplicate SYN segments but there is no confusion

38 TO 4-25-06 p. 38 TCP Connection Close  3-way handshake like procedure for connection set- up  Connection can be closed in one direction with segment with FIN=1  No more data is accepted in this direction  Other end will immediately ACK to prevent getting duplicate FIN segments  Delays FIN response until application is ready to close connection in reverse direction

39 TO 4-25-06 p. 39 Spring 2006 EE 5304/EETS 7304 Internet Protocols Tom Oh Dept of Electrical Engineering Lecture 14 TCP-Part 2

40 TO 4-25-06 p. 40 Outline  TCP flow control  TCP congestion avoidance  Slow start  Fast retransmit and recovery

41 TO 4-25-06 p. 41 Flow Control vs Congestion Control  Flow control: destination can slow down source through feedback control  Destination may not be ready to receive data  Host-to-host control (network not involved)  Congestion control: network should not get overloaded with traffic  May be handled by hosts (e.g., TCP), the network (e.g., resource reservations), or both hosts and network cooperating together (e.g., congestion notification)

42 TO 4-25-06 p. 42 Flow Control  2 approaches to flow control:  Window-based control (typically sliding window): destination constrains how many packets (volume) can be in transit by slowing down ACKs or withholding credits Destination simply advertises the amount of its unused buffer space Inefficient for high-speed networks  Rate-based control: destination constrains the sender’s transmission rate (not volume) Suited for streaming type applications that need a minimum bandwidth

43 TO 4-25-06 p. 43 TCP Flow Control  TCP flow control operates in units of bytes (not segments)  Destination piggybacks ACK (4 bytes) and window advertisement (2 bytes) in data segments going to source  Advertised window = number of bytes it is ready to receive beyond last ACK’ed byte (i.e., a credit)  Example: gives the sender permission to send up to byte n+m  Window advertisement = 0 means stop sending

44 TO 4-25-06 p. 44 TCP Flow Control (cont)  Possible deadlock if destination closes window, then opens window but this credit is lost  Destination is expecting data while sender thinks window is closed  Sender starts a persist timer when window is closed  If timer expires, sender will send a window probe (TCP segment with 1-byte data) to see if window has been increased

45 TO 4-25-06 p. 45 TCP Flow Control (cont) Lost Probe with one byte of data Host is waiting ACK=x, credit=0 SenderDest. Host is waiting Process continues until credit is received or connection is closed; persist timer doubles each time up to 60 sec ACK=x, credit=m Persist timer ACK=x, credit=m Probe should trigger duplicate of last credit or a new credit

46 TO 4-25-06 p. 46 Congestion Control  Without congestion control, Internet would reach congestion collapse  Since IP is best effort, sender’s best strategy is to send as much data as possible to hog the network and increase its chances of successful delivery  Everyone following this strategy will increase load on network, pushing it into congestion  Increasing congestion will cause more retransmissions → higher load will increase congestion even more → congestion collapse: very long delays; network full of duplicate packets; few packets delivered

47 TO 4-25-06 p. 47 Congestion Control (cont) offered load throughput ideal controlled uncontrolled - congestion collapse

48 TO 4-25-06 p. 48 Congestion Control (cont)  Congestion control can be:  Window-based Traditional sliding window is naturally responsive to congestion Congestion increases → RTT increases → ACKs slow down → sender slow down  Rate-based Better suited for streaming type applications Easier to think in terms of fair shares of bandwidth  TCP congestion control is window-based

49 TO 4-25-06 p. 49 Congestion Control (cont)  Congestion control can be:  Preventive: traffic is blocked from entering network to prevent congestion from occurring Need some type of admission control procedure or explicit congestion notification  Reactive: traffic is restricted after congestion occurs Can be implemented in hosts without complexity of admission control or congestion notification Congestion prevention is preferred when possible  TCP uses reactive congestion control because IP layer does nothing

50 TO 4-25-06 p. 50 Congestion Control (cont)  Closely related, congestion control can be:  Closed loop Continuous feedback during transmission allows sender to adapt its rate to current congestion state  Open loop Traffic is either admitted or blocked; once admitted, transmission is not controlled by feedback but source must conform to its specified rate Good for streaming type applications, if admission control is possible  TCP uses closed loop control (keeps routers simple)

51 TO 4-25-06 p. 51 Congestion Control (cont)  Closed loop control uses feedback that is either:  Explicit Congested routers send explicit congestion notification Sender can adapt its rate to current congestion state  Implicit Sender must adapt its rate by inferring the congestion state - typically from packet losses and RTT No information from routers Performance will not be as good as explicit feedback  TCP uses implicit feedback (keeps routers simple)

52 TO 4-25-06 p. 52 TCP Congestion Avoidance (cont)  TCP sender reacts to congestion in network by keeping an adaptive “congestion window”  Congestion window (cwnd) = amount of data that is appropriate for level of network congestion  Current sending window = min(window advertisement, congestion window)  Sender is constrained by either network congestion or the destination  Congestion avoidance algorithm: adapts congestion window by AIMD (additive increase, multiplicative decrease)

53 TO 4-25-06 p. 53 TCP Congestion Avoidance (cont)  Multiplicative decrease: idea is to back off senders quickly (exponentially) when congestion is detected  TCP assumes a lost segment (detected by retransmission timeout) is caused by congestion, and not because of error in RTO  If segment is lost (and retransmitted), decrease congestion window by half  If loss continues, congestion window keeps decreasing by half (down to one segment)

54 TO 4-25-06 p. 54 TCP Congestion Avoidance (cont) Idealized cwnd Time Retransmission timeout drops cwnd to half Linear increase

55 TO 4-25-06 p. 55 TCP Congestion Avoidance (cont)  Why back off window exponentially?  Some believe queues build exponentially during congestion → sources should back off as quickly  Additive increase: when congestion abates (an ACK for new data), increase congestion window linearly (one more segment per RTT)  Why not increase multiplicatively?  Leads to instability and oscillations (easy to cause congestion, harder to recover)

56 TO 4-25-06 p. 56 TCP Slow Start  Idea: if network is in equilibrium (running stably with full window in transit on each connection) when new connection starts or recovering from long period of congestion, sending a large initial window of segments might upset equilibrium and cause oscillations or congestion  Slow start: idea is to start congestion window at one segment and gradually increase rate  Increase congestion window by one segment for each ACK that is returned  Attempts to probe network for acceptable sending rate

57 TO 4-25-06 p. 57 TCP Slow Start (cont)  Slow in sense of starting with small window but rate of increase may not be slow  Window could increase exponentially: send 1 → get 1 ACK, increase window to 2 → get 2 ACKs, increase window to 4,...  This is actually fast rate of increase to allow sender to reach equilibrium point quickly (although gently)  Eventually, a segment will be lost Set “slow start threshold” SST = 1/2 current congestion window (the equilibrium point); then go into congestion avoidance

58 TO 4-25-06 p. 58 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance  These are separate algorithms but implemented together because both triggered by time-out and change congestion window  New connection begins with congestion window = 1 segment, SST = 65,535 bytes  Go into slow start to search for acceptable window  Congestion is indicated by packet loss evidenced by timeout  Set SST = 1/2 current congestion window

59 TO 4-25-06 p. 59 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance  If time-out occurred (this assumes that adaptive timer is accurate, so time-out means a lost segment), set congestion window = 1 segment and go into slow start  Slow start can continue until window reaches SST (half of window when congestion occurred)  Then go into congestion avoidance phase: congestion window can increase beyond SST but at more cautious rate (as it approaches the equilibrium point when congestion occurred)

60 TO 4-25-06 p. 60 Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance  In congestion avoidance phase, congestion window increases linearly as long as ACKs are returned  Whenever congestion window ≤ SST, it’s in slow start; if congestion window > SST, then it’s in congestion avoidance Slow start Congestion avoidance Slow start Congestion avoidance

61 TO 4-25-06 p. 61 Fast Retransmit and Recovery Algorithm  Destination will send duplicate ACK whenever it gets out-of-order segment  Sender does not know if duplicate ACKs mean segment was lost or segments were received out of order  Fast retransmit algorithm:  Assumes that out-of-order segments will result in only 1 or 2 duplicate ACKs, and 3 or more duplicate ACKs means a segment was lost

62 TO 4-25-06 p. 62 TCP Header (cont) Receiver’s buffer Data First ACK ACK These out-of-order segments will cause 3 duplicate ACKs → TCP assumes that missing segment is lost DataData

63 TO 4-25-06 p. 63 Fast Retransmit and Recovery Algorithm  That lost segment is retransmitted immediately (even if retransmit timer hasn’t expired)  Fast recovery: do congestion avoidance but not slow start because duplicate ACKs indicate that some segments (after lost segment) were delivered, so congestion is not too bad  Set SST = 1/2 congestion window  Reduce congestion window to half + 3 segments (to allow for 3 segments already at dest.)  Expand congestion window linearly until next lost segment

64 TO 4-25-06 p. 64  Retransmissions around time = 10, 14, and 21 sec  SST is sent to 1/2 congestion window but window is allowed to increase with each duplicate ACK  When missing segment is ACKed, congestion window closes down to SST Fast Retransmit and Recovery Algorithm

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