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Dark Energy and Supernovae Wendy Freedman Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena CA Beyond Einstein, May 13, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Dark Energy and Supernovae Wendy Freedman Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena CA Beyond Einstein, May 13, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dark Energy and Supernovae Wendy Freedman Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena CA Beyond Einstein, May 13, 2004

2 Type Ia Supernovae for Cosmology Advantages: small dispersion single objects (simpler than galaxies) can be observed over wide z range Challenges: dust (gray dust) chemical composition evolution photometric calibration environmental differences

3 State of the Art Riess et al. 2004 Knop et al. 2003

4 Current Supernova Constraints on Dark Energy Wang & Tegmark (2004) Assume flat universe Dark energy density as a function of redshift 1-  constraints on density of matter and dark energy Consistency with cosmological constant  -----  x (0) Redshift z

5 Equation of State and Dark Matter Density Tegmark et al (2004)

6 Does the Dark Energy Density Vary with Time? Wang & Tegmark (2004)

7 CFHT Legacy Survey ESSENCE Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP) GOODS Perl. Present/Future Supernova Projects LOTOSS (KAIT) SN Factory CSP High z: Low z: Future Supernova Projects: LSST Giant Magellan SNAP DESTINY

8 CFHT Legacy Survey (SNLS): ugriz light curves observations to I’ ~ 28 mag CFHT MegaCam 2000 SN over 5 years 0.1 < z < 1 Ground-Based Supernova Searches

9 High z Supernova Searches e.g., CFHT Legacy candidates REFDIFF Try to catch supernovae on the rise for followup. I AB ~ 22 – 25 mag Confirming VLT Spectrum (VLT, Gemini, Magellan)

10 CFHT Legacy Survey : ugriz light curves CFHT MegaCam 2000 SN over 5 years 0.1 < z < 1 Ongoing Supernova Searches ESSENCE : VRI light curves CTIO 4m Mosaic Imager 200 SN over 5 years 0.15 < z < 0.75 LOTOSS (KAIT) : UBVRI light curves Lick 0 < z < ~0.15 High z: Low z: SN Factory: spectophotometry, UH 3200 – 10000 A o NEAT, Palomar ***E.g., redshifts posted on web within 2 days!!!!!

11 ESSENCE survey implementation NOAO Survey on CTIO 4m, MOSAIC Same frame subtraction pipeline as SuperMacho project, scheduled in “other” halves of SuperMacho nights ~ 200 supernovae with 0.1 < z < 0.8 3 band photometry: V,R,I (observer frame) 2 sets of fields, so  t=4 days Goal is to determine a distance modulus in each bin (of  z = 0.1) to 2% ~3% photometry at peak SN brightness

12 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Highly ranked in Decadal Survey Optimized for time domain 7 square degree field 6.5m effective aperture 24 th mag in 20 sec > 5 TBytes/night Real-time analysis Simultaneous multiple science goals Highly ranked in Decadal Survey Optimized for time domain 7 square degree field 6.5m effective aperture 24 th mag in 20 sec > 5 TBytes/night Real-time analysis Simultaneous multiple science goals

13 13 LSST: Massively Parallel Astronomy  Multiband source catalog as shakedown project: early impact  Near Earth Objects  Trans-Neptunian Objects  Time-resolved stellar photometry, parallaxes & proper motions in MW  RR Lyrae throughout the entire local group  Gravitational microlensing across the entire sky  Gamma Ray Bursts (both with and without gamma rays!)  Weak lensing maps across wide fields, with photometric redshifts  Lensed QSO microlensing and time delays  Line-of-sight mass structures via dispersion of Ia distance moduli …Plus substantial potential for discovery!

14 Computer Evolution is Staggering ~1990 (MACHO era) 60 MHz CPUs 2 GB disks K$’s Real-time DoPhot analysis on 5 Gbytes/night Today (SuperMacho/ESSENCE era) arrays of > 2 GHz CPUs are routine Scripting languages 250 Gbyte drives for $400 Algorithmic Advances 250 Gbyte drives for $400 Algorithmic Advances Real-time subtractions on 20 Gbytes/night “Commercial” databases seem up to the task Tomorrow (LSST era) Real-time reduction of 15 Terabytes/night Entire image archive on spinning disk (1000s of Terabytes) ~1990 (MACHO era) 60 MHz CPUs 2 GB disks K$’s Real-time DoPhot analysis on 5 Gbytes/night Today (SuperMacho/ESSENCE era) arrays of > 2 GHz CPUs are routine Scripting languages 250 Gbyte drives for $400 Algorithmic Advances 250 Gbyte drives for $400 Algorithmic Advances Real-time subtractions on 20 Gbytes/night “Commercial” databases seem up to the task Tomorrow (LSST era) Real-time reduction of 15 Terabytes/night Entire image archive on spinning disk (1000s of Terabytes)

15 LSST Challenges Large effective aperture wide field telescope(s) Monster focal plane(s) Real-time analysis pipeline and “alert” distribution Variability Classification (85% SN, 15% AGN…?) On-the-fly detection efficiencies, for rates Aggregating detections into objects Database representation and indexing structures Optimal co-adding of images Joint science optimization (bands, cadence: SWG)

16 A staged approach Today LSST design and tradeoff studies Today LSST design and tradeoff studies LSST precursor projects: Software and database prototyping 2 - 5 years Dedicated 1.5 – 2.5m wide-field facilities? 2 - 5 years Dedicated 1.5 – 2.5m wide-field facilities? 10-15 years: Full LSST operations 10-15 years: Full LSST operations Today LSST design and tradeoff studies Today LSST design and tradeoff studies LSST precursor projects: Software and database prototyping 2 - 5 years Dedicated 1.5 – 2.5m wide-field facilities? 2 - 5 years Dedicated 1.5 – 2.5m wide-field facilities? 10-15 years: Full LSST operations 10-15 years: Full LSST operations APO 2.5m post-SDSS? PanStarrs Array?

17 The LSST Opportunity Current trend is towards fewer (albeit larger aperture ) telescopes with open access… LSST goes in the other direction: Multiple projects fed from a common image stream No proprietary data period Exploits the 3 enabling technologies of our era: Large aperture telescopes Silicon detector arrays Computing and mass storage technology Highly Efficient multitasking system

18 SuperMacho and ESSENCE Images Raw frames: NOAO Science Archive:

19 SN rates: reality vs. aspirations Goal is 200 type Ia light curves in 5 seasons This implies 40/yr, we got 15. What’s up? 1.First of 3 lunations was first epoch: templates Expect 1.5x as many in future ~ 22 2.Seeing was usually worse than 1.5 arcseconds! 3. Opportunity to use SDSS for detection out to z~0.3, where 4m is inefficient

20 Discrimination (on a 1K x 4K amp) 130 Detections in R band difference image 21 Detections in R band survive cuts 21 Detections in R band survive cuts DoPhot PSF chi-squaredNpix >0Masked DoPhot object typeNpix<0Saturated 808 Detections in I band difference image 119 Detections in I band survive cuts 114 Detections in V band difference image 30 Detections in V band survive cuts 30 Detections in V band survive cuts Spatial coincidence in 2 or more filters: A single candidate A single candidate

21 CFHT Legacy Survey : ugriz light curves CFHT MegaCam 2000 SN over 5 years 0.1 < z < 1 Ongoing Supernova Searches ESSENCE : VRI light curves CTIO 4m Mosaic Imager 200 SN over 5 years 0.15 < z < 0.75 LOTOSS (KAIT) : UBVRI light curves Lick 0 < z < ~0.15 High z: Low z: SN Factory: spectophotometry, UH 3200 – 10000 A o NEAT, Palomar ***E.g., redshifts posted on web within 2 days!!!!!

22 Supernova Factory 2002 candidates Wood – Vasey et al 2004 (see article supernova factory in dark e folder



25 Future Surveys SNAP SNAP focal plane

26 2004 Standard Cosmological Model  m = 0.3   = 0.7  0 = 1 h = 0.7 w = -1 dw/dz = 0 A universe with a flat geometry composed of one third matter density, and two thirds dark energy.

27 Current Evidence for Dark Energy 1.Supernovae at high z 2.CMB anisotropies + Galaxy power spectrum Riess et al. 2004Knop et al. 2003 Page, 2004

28 Constraints on Equation of State Riess et al. 2004; Knop et al. 2003 Assuming:  m = 0.27 § 0.04 Corrections for reddening, metallicity, evolution well-understood Measurements of w 0 to § 0.1

29 Grey Dust? There is no evidence to date for gray dust. The data are consistent with the presence of dark energy. Riess et al. 2004

30 Galactic Extinction Law Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis 1989 A B / E(B-V) = 4.1 A I / E(B-V) = 1.7 B I V R V = A V / E(B-V) A U / E(B-V) = 4.9 U

31 E(B-V) Distributions for SN1a Knop et al. 2003

32 Supernova Ia Metallicities Lentz et al. 1999 models IRUV optical Lower fluxes for higher metallicity Variation in level of UV continuum.03 x solar 10x solar

33 The Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP) A restframe I-band Hubble diagram

34 Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP) Advantages: - dust - chemical composition - low dispersion => reduce systematics Why an I-band Hubble diagram? [Why hasn ’ t this been done? HARD! IR detectors on large telescopes]

35 Wavelength-Redshift Coverage CSP HST CSP CSP: 0<z<0.2 comparison UBVRIJHK 0.3<z<0.8 VRI restframe HST: 0.5<z<1.5 UBV(R) restframe Essence CFHTLS

36 Overview of Carnegie Supernova Project Swope 1-meterMagellan 6.5-meterDupont 2.5-meter Low z:High z: u’BVr’I’YJH photometry Dupont spectroscopy r’i’YJ photometry Magellan spectroscopy ~200 nights over 5 years ~200 SNIa 0.2 < z < 0.8 C40 9 month campaigns over 5 years densely sampled photometry and spectroscopy 0 < z < 0.2 SNIa and SNII

37 Goals: minimize systematics accurate reddenings, K-corrections H 0 (H-band observations for Cepheids + SNIa)   peculiar flows physics of SNI and II Carnegie Supernova Project Magellan Jha 2002

38 ~30 observed to date UBVRIJHK light curves excellent sampling Carnegie Supernova Project Krisciunas et al. (2002) SN2001el Recent results on Nearby supernovae:

39 decline rate versus magnitude BVIH H-band promising as distance indicator Carnegie Supernova Project Krisciunas et al.

40 decline rate versus magnitude JHK Carnegie Supernova Project Krisciunas et al. (2004)

41 Carnegie Supernova Project Krisciunas et al. JHK Hubble diagrams Redshift in CMB frame (km/sec) Extinction-corrected apparent magnitude at maximum

42 PANIC: Magellan 6.5-meter IR Imager PANIC: Eric Persson Antennae 1024 x 1024 array 1 – 2.5 micron imager 2 ’ x 2 ’ FOV 0.125 “ /pixel 25 nights of Magellan time November 03 through March 04 optical r ’ I ’ imaging near-IR YJ imaging optical spectroscopy

43 Magellan PANIC Images ESSENCE SNIa : z = 0.33 (d149) 36-minute dithered exposures J-bandY-band

44 Magellan PANIC Images CFHT SNIa : z = 0.55 (1022) 36-minute dithered exposures (total exposures 2 hours per filter) J-bandY-band Stay tuned …

45 Future Plans (Carnegie High z) Magellan The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) Roger Angel design concept Seven 8.4-meter mirrors; f/0.7 21.5-meter aperture, 25.3-meter baseline A consortium of partners currently including Carnegie, Harvard/Smithsonian, University of Arizona, MIT, and the University of Michigan * Funds are in place for the 18-month conceptual design phase Highest Priority Capabilities: 1. Narrow field, high dynamic range AO [Exoplanets, disks, star formation, Galactic Center, KBOs; QSOs, AGNs] 2. Wide field, optical spectroscopy [Galaxy Formation & Evolution, Cosmology, Stellar Populations, Large Scale Structure] Dark Matter (lensing) and dark energy studies. Supernovae 1<z<2


47 Current Status of Cosmological Parameter Measurements WMAP (+ one of H 0, LSS, SNae) is consistent with a FLAT universe Consistent model with h = 72  m = 0.27   = 0.73 Wright, 2004

48 Redshift and Sample Wavelengths High z: U and B restframe observations Large k-corrections More susceptibility to metallicity and reddening differences Reddening and metallicity effects are degenerate. Need empirical constraints (nearby surveys).

49 Supernova Ia Metallicities/Ages Nomoto et al. (2003)

50 Photo-redshifts Even without spectra, colors turn out to be an extremely effective means of distinguishing Type Ia and II supernovae. Riess et al. 2004 Type II Type I

51 Carnegie Supernova Project Infrared observations of Type Ia & II supernovae Low and high z (0 < z < 0.8) : improved constraints on H(z) (w, w’) I-band Hubble diagram Gaston Folatelli Wendy Freedman Mario Hamuy Barry Madore Nidia Morell Eric Persson Mark Phillips Nick Suntzeff Pamela Wyatt Ray Carlberg, Chris Pritchet (CFHT Legacy) Alex Filippenko, Weidong Li (KAIT) Nick Suntzeff (ESSENCE) CSP coI’s:


53 UBVRIJHK observations 3 telescopes, coordinated followup, 5 years Carnegie/Las Campanas Infrared SN Survey Hamuy et al. (2001) >300 6.5m Magellan nights (2003-2008) Infrared Hubble diagramDecline-rate relation H-band may be insensitive to decline rate

54 CFHT Legacy Survey : Success! CFHT Legacy candidates: September 03 finding ~ 15 SN1a per month generally finding ~ 2 mag before peak collaboration with Carlberg et al. followup SN1a 0.2 < z < 0.8 at RIYJ

55 CFHT Legacy Survey : Success! CFHT Legacy candidates: September 03 REFERENCEDIFFERENCE Try to catch supernovae on the rise for followup. I AB ~ 22 – 25 mag

56  SN Ia spectrum z = 0.54 t = 20 min VLT FORSI Followup Spectroscopy: ESSENCE & CFHTLS VLT Gemini Magellan SNIa e.g.:

57 IMACS: Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph installed August, 2003 Followup spectroscopy RI photometry 2 cameras f/4 : 15 ’ FOV f/2 : 30 ’ FOV 8192 x 8192 CCD array Alan Dressler, Bruce Bigelow

58 Pipeline-flattened image


60 State of the Art for Type Ia Supernovae Riess et al. 2004 Knop et al. 2003

61 WMAP Angular Power Spectrum Page, 2004

62 Covering 4 square degrees in four independent fields spread across the sky to have two fields visible throughout a given night at any time of the year, and acquired through the whole filter set (u*, g', r', i', z') with integration times ranging from 33 to 132 hours depending on the filter (u*: 33, g':33, r':66, i':132, z':66), this survey will also be sequenced over 5 years. Aimed mainly at the detection and monitoring of as many as 2000 type Ia supernovae and at the study of the galaxy distribution on images reaching r'=28,

63 CFHT Legacy Survey : ugriz light curves CFHT MegaCam 2000 SN over 5 years 0.1 < z < 1 Ongoing Supernova Searches ESSENCE : VRI light curves CTIO 4m Mosaic Imager 200 SN over 5 years 0.15 < z < 0.75 LOTOSS (KAIT) : UBVRI light curves Lick 0 < z < ~0.15 High z: Low z: SN Factory: spectophotometry, UH 3200 – 10000 A o NEAT, Palomar ***E.g., redshifts posted on web within 2 days!!!!!

64 High z Supernova Searches e.g., CFHT Legacy candidates REFDIFF Try to catch supernovae on the rise for followup. I AB ~ 22 – 25 mag Confirming VLT Spectrum (VLT, Gemini, Magellan)

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