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Quality Services Evidence of Participation (EOP) VET.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Services Evidence of Participation (EOP) VET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Services Evidence of Participation (EOP) VET

2 We facilitate regulatory compliance and continuous improvement by interpretation, review, dissemination and communication of relevant information We contribute to the governance of the University through committee participation and input into institutional policy and development We provide training and support services through direct contact, PD sessions, information guides and online tools We maintain documentation relevant to Quality and regulatory compliance to ensure currency of information through Policy Central and the Quality website We monitor Quality and compliance though internal and external audits Quality Services – What do we do?

3 Why do we collect EOP? Evidence is required to demonstrate a student has participated or “engaged” in each unit of competency that the University has claimed funding from Higher Education and Skills Group (HESG). This includes all units where a student has: been assessed as Competent (CY) / Not Yet Competent (CN) been assessed CY or CN through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) participated in a unit and left prior to the completion of the unit - Withdrawn with Participation (WP) commenced in the current year, however, training and delivery of unit continues into the next year

4 How much EOP is required? The following amount of Evidence Of Participation (EOP) must be provided at audit: 1.One month or less: One (1) piece of EOP per unit of competency must be provided if the period between Enrolment Activity Start Date and Enrolment Activity End Date (inclusive) for the unit of competency is one month or less 2.Greater than one month: Two (2) pieces of EOP per unit of competency must be provided if the period is greater than one month. One piece of EOP must be within the first and the last month of training delivery and/or assessment as identified by the Enrolment Activity Start and End Date. An auditor would consider the time lapsed between the start and end date (or withdrawal) and use discretion as to reasonable demonstration of ongoing engagement by an individual in learning and/or assessment activity across the Unit of competency.

5 EOP recommendation The following Evidence Of Participation (EOP) is recommended to meet the requirements: 1.One (1) piece of EOP per unit of competency within the first month of training delivery; and 2.One (1) piece of EOP per unit of competency within the last month of training delivery as a minimum. In instances where CBC are involved, and where the employer sign off has not been received by the RTO, and auditor will consider the last piece of EOP relating to training and/or assessment.

6 Types of Evidence Suggested Primary Evidence of Participation: 1.Evidence of work submitted relating to engagement by the student in the unit of competency (must include unit code/title, signed by student and teacher) Assessment Tasks, Assessment Workbooks, Practical Placement Workbooks, Observation Checklists (must have Federation University logo and student name and number) Assessment feedback coversheets attached to the assessment Assessment submission/coversheet attached to the assessment 2.Instructor notes based on personal interviews, telephone, email or other communication modes on the engagement of a student in learning activity of the unit of competency: Student file notes, student log, instructor notes, email, diary notes. These notes must include the unit code/title, student’s name and date of interaction. 3.A provider endorsed attendance roll -Attendance Record (hard copy) or an electronic version of an attendance or other document (as long as it meets audit requirements as stipulated in Attendance record section).

7 4.Login and engagement with learning activity required for the unit of competency or module -On-line participation record from Fed VET Moodle, Catapult or other online sources. 5.Flexible and distance modes of learning -records and staff/student engagement that indicates the student has commenced working on the learning materials received for a unit of competency. 6.Where primary recording documentation is not available a signed statement from the relevant provider staff member affirming a student’s participation. A full explanation of the reasons why primary documentation is not available is required. -A Statutory Declaration signed by the relevant teaching staff affirming student’s participation and a full explanation of the reasons why primary recording documentation is not available (only in extreme circumstances eg. fire, flood). It will be at the auditor’s discretion whether this mode of evidence is sufficient. 7.Secondary documentation to support evidence of assessment -Delivery Plan, Unit Outline to accompany assessments and/or attendance record, particularly if clustered units are involved. Delivery Plans and Unit Outlines are not acceptable as stand alone evidence of participation.

8 Sources not accepted as EOP The following documentation cannot be presented as a source of evidence: 1.Training Plan – this details the individual training plan of a student, but does not demonstrate participation/engagement 2.Cumulative Assessment Record – this displays the student’s full assessment record, but does not demonstrate student participation/engagement 3.Student Academic History (from the Student Management System), this does not demonstrate student participation/engagement. 4.Photos of student assessment – may be supplementary evidence only.

9 Retention of Assessment Tasks All completed student assessment tasks for each unit must now be retained in the student file for a period of seven (7) years for all students, apprentices and trainees. Practical Tasks (including work place assessments) - where it is not physically possible to retain the student’s actual work, assessors must clearly demonstrate and produce a marking guide or observation checklist to demonstrate how the assessment of competency was achieved. All other assessments – actual piece(s) of work completed by a student must be retained, as well as the assessment task, checklist and feedback to the student to demonstrate how assessment of competency was achieved. RPL assessments - all evidence collected must be retained.

10 Evidence of Participation Examples

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20 For further information Please refer to the Evidence of Student Participation / Engagement (VET) Procedure available on Policy Central. Rebecca Bone 5327 8259 Andrea Warr 5327 8407 Judy-Ann Quilliam 5327 8437 Shane Edyvane 5327 9407

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