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|0||0| Projects and Financing - ATHENA Martin Tuzar ATHENA MECHANISM Council of the European Union General Secretariat Directorate-General Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "|0||0| Projects and Financing - ATHENA Martin Tuzar ATHENA MECHANISM Council of the European Union General Secretariat Directorate-General Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 |0||0| Projects and Financing - ATHENA Martin Tuzar ATHENA MECHANISM Council of the European Union General Secretariat Directorate-General Administration Directorate Finance

2 |1||1| 1.ATHENA characteristics 2.ATHENA actors 3.ATHENA financing framework 4.Conclusion 5.Examples ATHENA Mechanism 5 June 2016

3 |2||2| Created in February 2004 / reviewed 4 times + now under revision Inter-governmental body, NOT EU BUDGET Covers expenditures arising from operations or exercises having military or defence implications Contributions based on GNI key 12 M€ in Early Financing available for Rapid Response Operations (75% for non-rapid response operations) Cyclic review + each end of operation + on request ATHENA characteristics 5 June 2016

4 |3||3| ATHENA characteristics 5 June 2016 CCOther costsNBC Managed by ATHENA Managed by States participating in the Ops Contributing (financing) States States Participating in the Ops € € € OPERATION

5 |4||4| Special Committee: 27 MS Reps Administrator + ATHENA unit + Internal auditors Operation commander ATHENA accountant College of 6 external auditors (for MS - certification of accounts) ACTORS 5 June 2016

6 |5||5| 27 MS Reps + 3rd States + OpCdr (poss.) Chaired by the Presidency Binding decision, at unanimity Budget approval, discharge Act (Signed by Chair+Administrator) EEAS/EUMS ACTORS Special Committee 5 June 2016

7 |6||6| “ The SC may decide on a case-by-case basis that, in view of particular circumstances certain incremental costs other than those listed in Part B of Annex III shall be regarded as common costs for one given operation during its active phase.” Examples: Meals for UPDF soldiers ensuring the security of MHQ in Kampala. Role 1 equipment and consumables. Equipment for MAF (tents, beds, chairs, tables). Security services for the protection of the MHQ. Purchase of 4x4 vehicles Koulikoro camp. ACTORS SC - Article 15.7 of CD 5 June 2016

8 |7||7| Appointed by the Council Sec. Gen. Draws up and submits budget to SC Authorising officer Revenue management Ensures CD rules complied with SC Acts implemented Accountable to SC ACTORS Administrator 5 June 2016

9 |8||8| Acts on behalf of Athena Authorising officer Implements appropriations (CC) Implements expenditure (NBC) Awards contracts ACTORS Op Commander 5 June 2016

10 |9||9| Accountant Prepares/keeps/draws up accounts Lays down rules/guidances and accounting systems College of Auditors External auditing Audit opinion Audit report (Discharge) ACTORS Accountant + CoA 5 June 2016

11 | 10 | ATHENA FRAMEWORK ATHENA DECISION 5 June 2016 Winding up phase Annex IV Preparatory phase Active phase Annex II Annex III Part A Always born by ATHENA Annex III Part A Always born by ATHENA Annex III Part B When the Council so decides Annex III Part B When the Council so decides Annex III Part C Requested by the OpCdr approved by SC Annex III Part C Requested by the OpCdr approved by SC Whenever incurredAnnex I

12 | 11 | Annex I: whenever incurred -Audit costs -Banking costs -Indemnities COMMON COSTS 5 June 2016

13 | 12 | Annex II: Preparatory phase (CMC) –FFM, drivers, accommodation –Medical emergency evacuation COMMON COSTS 5 June 2016

14 | 13 | Annex III A: In all cases -Mostly Headquarters -OHQ, FHQ, Component Headquarters: travels, CIS, admin, public info, representation and hospitality, Locally Hired Personnel -FHQ, Component Headquarters only: transport / deployment / lodging -Forces as a whole : infrastructure, MEDEVAC, Identification, acquisition of information -Reimbursements to/from NATO or other organisations (UN) Annex III B: If the Council so decides –Transport and lodging of forces, –Multinational HQs below FHQ, COMMON COSTS 5 June 2016

15 | 14 | Annex III C: When requested by the Operation Commander and approved by the Special Committee –Barracks and lodging / Infrastructure –Essential additional equipment –Medical services (Role 2 in theatre) –Acquisition of information (satellite images, theatre level intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance, including AGSR, human intelligence) –Other critical theatre-level capabilities (demining, CBRN, fuel storage and supply facilities, storage and destruction of arms) COMMON COSTS 5 June 2016

16 | 15 | COMMON COSTS 5 June 2016 Specific case of BG strategic deployment (Council declaration)

17 | 16 | NATION BORNE COSTS 5 June 2016 Certain costs not eligible for common funding, for administrative reasons can be managed under NBC scheme, remain the responsibility of the Participating States (PS) Participation in NBC scheme is voluntary. Benefits for PS: simpler and normally cheaper Any Member State, third State or entity participating in the operation, can join.

18 | 17 | Official texts: ATHENA decision 2011/871/CFSP (19 Dec 2011) ATHENA financial rules 1203/08 (23 Dec 2008) Council Declaration on BG (19 Dec 2011) ATHENA website REFERENCES 5 June 2016

19 | 18 | 6 Parts: Fin. Rules applicable to all expenditure financed through ATHENA Rules on procurement Fin. Rules when HQs provided by EU MS Fin. Rules when recourse to NATO assets Mission expenditure Recruiment of civilian personnel ATHENA FRAMEWORK FINANCIAL RULES 5 June 2016

20 | 19 | EFFICIENT List of automatic common costs Sound financial management Knowledge based on lessons learned FLEXIBLE Common costs can be expanded as per political will ACCESSIBLE Easy access to MS (decision making) Daily support from Athena team Expertise (regular Athena training) CONCLUSION 5 June 2016

21 | 20 | EXAMPLES Transport deployment/repatriation theatre (FHQ/CCHQs) NOT OHQ 5 June 2016

22 | 21 | EXAMPLES HQ facilities/lodging in theatre (FHQ/CCHQs) NOT OHQ 5 June 2016

23 | 22 | EXAMPLES 5 June 2016 Transport/travel in theatre HQ Transport/travel in theatre HQ Communication and information systems HQ Communication and information systems HQ Information campaigns: visits by journalist to theatre film on the operation Information campaigns: visits by journalist to theatre film on the operation

24 | 23 | EXAMPLES Barrack/lodging for the forces 5 June 2016

25 | 24 | EXAMPLES Essential additional equipment 5 June 2016

26 | 25 | EXAMPLES Medical services: other role 2 facilities in theatre 5 June 2016

27 | 26 | 5 June 2016 Thank you for your attention! Questions to follow…

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