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Expository Writing An Introduction. Ideas Borrowed From: Writer’s Inc. by Sebranek, Kemper, and Meyer ERWC course of study, California State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Expository Writing An Introduction. Ideas Borrowed From: Writer’s Inc. by Sebranek, Kemper, and Meyer ERWC course of study, California State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expository Writing An Introduction

2 Ideas Borrowed From: Writer’s Inc. by Sebranek, Kemper, and Meyer ERWC course of study, California State University Mark Keppel High School English Department Resource Manual for Successful Writing Step Up to Writing by Aumen Maria Garcia at San Antonio College tfils/mod.htm

3 Expected Outcomes Modes of Discourse with particular focus on Expository Writing General Information on Expository Writing –The importance of structure Writing Introductions, Body paragraphs Conclusions and Thesis statements Using the Claim, Evidence and Elaboration format/structure in body paragraphs –Ways to make claims –Types of Evidence –The Use of Rhetorical Appeals

4 Expected Outcomes, cont. How to Write a Process, Comparison, Cause/Effect & Definition Essay

5 Modes of Discourse Exposition Persuasion (Argument) Narration Description This presentation will focus specifically on Expository Writing.

6 General Information Expository Writing The expository essay is the basic form of writing used in most academic classes. Expository essays inform, explain, examine, discuss, or illustrate. Expository essays follow the thesis statement plus support structure.

7 The Importance of Structure An expository essay should be tightly structured with –an introductory paragraph (beginning) –several supporting/body paragraphs (middle) – a concluding paragraph (end)

8 Metacognitive Reflection Talk to Your Neighbor –What expository reading have you done previously? –This is called metacognitive reflection, “thinking about your thinking.” It makes knowledge stick to your brain like peanut butter sticks to bread!

9 Beginning -- Introduction Gain your reader’s interest & identify the thesis To get a reader’s interest: – Provide an interesting story about the subject –Present a significant fact or statistic –Quote an expert on the subject –Define an important term

10 Characteristics of a Thesis Statement A sentence Names the topic of your paper and contains an assumption about your topic –It is debatable -- it is not merely factual or obvious but requires convincing proof of its validity. It is specific. It controls everything that goes into your paper.

11 Sample Thesis Formulas Process analysis OUTCOME involves ____, ____, and ____. Creating a fabulous meal involves planning, planning and more planning! Compare/Contrast A look at _____(objects of comparison) in terms of _____(the points of comparison) shows that (general finding). A look at the PC and the Mac in terms of functionality shows that the Mac is a superior computer. Looking at _____(object A) and _____(object b) shows that although they seem (similar/different), they are really quite (different/similar).

12 Sample Thesis Formulas Cause/Effect {Effect} happens as a result of {Cause}. Poverty happens as a result of lack of education. {Effect} (verb) {Cause A, Cause B, and Cause C}. Lack of Education impacts people’s lifetime finances, their career choices, and the overall quality of their lives. {Cause} brings about {Effect}. Lack of education brings about a nation of ill informed citizens, many of whom are poor. {Cause} (verb) {Effect A, Effect B, and Effect C}. Lack of education impacts one’s ability to participate in society, to provide for one’s family, and to move up in the world.

13 Middle -- Body Supporting paragraphs present the reasons supporting your thesis. Structure of the supporting paragraphs should include:ClaimEvidenceElaboration

14 How to make a Claim A claim is the topic sentence. –You can make a claim by beginning each paragraph in one of the following ways: Using a quotation Semicolon Claim A Rhetorical question A List of Phrases A List of Words Occasion/Position Statements –(see “Topic Sentence” handout for further explanations)

15 Occasion & Position Occasion - Intro reason for writing Can be any event, problem, idea, solution, or circumstance that gives you a reason to write Position - states what you plan to prove or explain in your paragraph Even though bike helmets are sometimes unfashionable and uncomfortable, all cyclists should wear them. Even though bike helmets are sometimes unfashionable and uncomfortable, all cyclists should wear them.

16 Types of Evidence Used to Support a Claim Factual Example Expert Testimony Statistic Personal/Anecdotal Experience Commonly Held Assumption/Belief Author Opinion

17 Elaboration Elaboration is your commentary on how the evidence supports the claim. Your elaboration should leave the reader thinking about and contemplating the claim you made in the paragraph.

18 Reflective Practice Talk to your neighbor. –Explain to them what is meant by claim, evidence, and elaboration. –Then have them explain it back to you. Consider –What part of the essay contains the claim, evidence, elaboration structure. –What types of evidence can be used to support a claim. –What is the function of elaboration? What does it mean to elaborate on your claims and evidence?

19 A Conclusion Should: Stress the importance of the thesis statement. Give the essay a sense of completeness. Draw conclusions about all evidence presented Leave a final impression on the reader.

20 Suggestions, cont. Synthesize, don’t summarize –Don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. –Show them how the points in you made and the support and examples you used were not random, but fit together.

21 Suggestions, cont. Redirect your readers –Give your readers something to think about, perhaps a way to use your paper in the “real” world. –Your conclusion should go from specific to general. –Think globally.

22 Strategies for Concluding Your Essay Echoing the introduction: –Echoing the introduction can be a good strategy if it is meant to bring the reader full circle. –If you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay was helpful in creating a new understanding.

23 Why do Writers use Process Analysis? Directional process analysis: –To give instructions that a reader is expected to perform and that lead to the same result every time. Informational process analysis: –To explain a cycle that readers can understand, but are not expected to perform.

24 Process Analysis Steps Outline the steps of the process. Write each step as one clear action. Make sure all of the major & minor steps are there. Make sure all of the steps are in the correct order. Explain the reasons for steps Define all technical terms briefly. Describe special equipment. Use time order transitions.

25 Time Transitions for Process Writing After a few hours Afterwards At last At the same time Before Before this Currently During Eventually Finally First Second Third First of all Formerly Immediately before Immediately following Initially In the end In the future In the meantime In the meanwhile Last Lastly Meanwhile Next Soon after Previously Simultaneously Subsequently Then

26 Essay of Comparison What is comparison? –The method of development in which the writer examines the similarities and/or differences between persons, objects, or ideas to support a point. –A way of thinking that we use unconsciously to make decisions

27 Why Do Writers Use Comparison? To show that things which appear similar are really different To show that things which appear different are really similar To evaluate To explain the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar

28 Transitions Used in Comparison Writing Similarly And Both Neither Like Also Too In addition As well as In contrast While But Yet However Although Whereas On the other hand Another difference Just as … so… Unlike Conversely

29 How Does a Writer Compose a Comparison Essay? Decide whether a block or a point by point organization works best for the purpose selected. Block MethodPoint by Point Method Subject 1: Macintosh Feature 1: Price Feature 2: Availability Feature 3: Quality Feature 4: Production Subject 2: Personal Computer Feature 1: Price Feature 2: Availability Feature 3: Quality Feature 4: Production Feature 1: Price Subject 1: Macintosh Subject 2: PC Feature 2: Availability Subject 1: Macintosh Subject 2: PC Feature 3: Quality Subject 1: Macintosh Subject 2: PC Feature 4: Production Subject 1: Macintosh Subject 2: PC

30 Thesis Pattern(s) for a Comparison Essay A look at ______ (object of comparison) in terms of _____(the points of comparison) shows that _____ (general finding). Looking at _____(Object A) and ____ (Object B) shows that although they seem _______(similar/different), they are really ____(different/similar).

31 How Does a Writer Compose a Comparison Essay? Finally, –Make sure that you explain what one learns from making the comparison you are making in your essay.

32 Cause/Effect Essay What is cause/effect? –The method of development in which the writer analyzes the reason(s) for an action, event, or decision, or analyzes resulting consequences to support a point.

33 Why Do Writers Use Cause and Effect? To discover order in a reality that is in apparent chaos. To inform. To speculate. To change behavior.

34 How Does a Writer Compose a Cause/Effect Essay? Choose a manageable subject that a specific group of people needs information on. Decide on a thesis and state it in one of the prescribed patterns below. Compose the examples and organize them with transitions to support each point. Make sure you don’t oversimplify the subject/topic. Make sure your argument makes sense. Make sure you neither overstate or understate the position.

35 Thesis Pattern for a Cause/Effect Essay Cause/Effect {Effect} happens as a result of {Cause}. {Effect} (verb) {Cause A, Cause B, and Cause C}. {Cause} brings about {Effect}. {Cause} (verb) {Effect A, Effect B, and Effect C}.

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