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Regulations and Procedures Please ensure you are familiar with the regulations surrounding examination as laid out in the Research Degree Regulatory Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulations and Procedures Please ensure you are familiar with the regulations surrounding examination as laid out in the Research Degree Regulatory Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulations and Procedures Please ensure you are familiar with the regulations surrounding examination as laid out in the Research Degree Regulatory Framework

2 Word Limits The text of a thesis in science or art and design, excluding ancillary data, must not exceed: a)for the Masters by Research:15,000 words; b)for the Degree of MPhil:20,000 words; c)for a Doctorate:40,000 words. The text of a thesis in the humanities or social sciences (including business and management studies), excluding ancillary data, must not exceed: a)for the Masters by Research:30,000 words; b)for the Degree of MPhil:40,000 words; c)for a Doctorate:80,000 words.

3 The RDB8 – Preliminary Report In completing the RDB8, examiners are required to answer yes/no to the following questions:  Does the thesis show evidence of sustained independent effort by the candidate?  Does the thesis demonstrate exercise of critical powers?  Does the thesis provide evidence of originality?  Is the thesis satisfactory as regards literary presentation and succinctness?  Is the abstract of the thesis submitted acceptable? In addition the examiner must write a report of approx 300 words on the thesis.

4 Outcome of the Viva The Independent Chair remains in the examination room while the examiners discuss and confirm the final decision but ensures that both the student and the DoS/supervisor(s) vacate the room whilst the decision is confirmed. An overall decision must be made on the day of the oral examination and communicated to the student. The student is recalled to the room and informed of the decision by the Examiners. A copy of the report and a list of amendments, as necessary, may be provided on the day if available. If not, these must normally be compiled and provided for the student in 7 days by one of the examiners as agreed at the pre-meeting.

5 Outcome of the Viva The Examiners, if in agreement, present a joint report and decision to the University relating to the award of the higher degree being sought. It is the responsibility of the Independent Chair to ensure that the final report form (RDB9) is completed and signed by all members of the examining team on the day of the viva. The Independent Chair must also sign the RDB9. The preliminary reports (RDB8) and joint report of the examiners (RDB9) must together provide enough detailed observation on the scope and quality of the work undertaken to enable the University to be satisfied that the criteria for the award of the higher degree have been met. If the examiners are not in agreement, they must submit separate reports and recommendations to the University.

6 Outcome of the Viva The Examination Panel shall only be permitted to recommend to the University the following: a)that the student be awarded the degree for which registered; b)that the student be awarded the degree for which registered, subject to amendments being made to the thesis to the satisfaction of the examiners, the timeframe of which will be decided by the examiners but shall not exceed 6 months; c)that the student be permitted to resubmit for the degree concerned and to be reassessed, with or without a viva voce within 12 months; d)that the student be not awarded the degree and be not permitted to be reassessed; e)in the case of an assessment for a Doctorate, that the student be awarded the Degree of MPhil subject to the presentation of the thesis amended to the satisfaction of the examiners;

7 Disagreements between the Examiners Possible disagreements between the examiners will be apparent when preliminary reports are received from the Examination Panel and will, at this point, negate the appointment of an experienced Independent Chair. The Independent Chair will, where possible, facilitate a decision of the examiners on the day of the viva. Where a decision can not be reached, a decision about the award will be passed to the appropriate assessment board; the Research Degrees Board, who will make a decision on how to proceed. This may be to accept a majority recommendation provided that majority recommendation has been supported by at least one External Examiner or require the appointment of an additional External Examiner in accordance with the procedures approved for the appointment of examiners.

8 Fail When it is decided, on the recommendation of the Examination Panel, that the degree be not awarded and that no reassessment be permitted, the examiners must be required to prepare an agreed statement of the deficiencies of the thesis and give the reasons for their decision to be forwarded to the student and DoS.

9 Minor Amendments The student has a up to 6 months (timeframe decided by the examiners) to complete amends from the receipt of the examination report. The amended thesis must be checked by one or more of the examiners as agreed (usually just the internal examiner). Once satisfied that the amendments have been completed, the examiner(s) writes a letter recommending the student for the appropriate award.

10 Major Amendments The student has a maximum of 12 months from the receipt of the examination report to submit the revised thesis. The revised thesis must normally be checked by all of the examiners Once satisfied that the necessary revisions have been completed, the examiner(s) writes a letter recommending the student for the appropriate award. If a further oral examination was agreed, the examination panel may remain the same but a new Independent Chair will be appointed.

11 Re-assessment of a research degree thesis Only one opportunity for reassessment of the thesis shall be allowed. The following forms of reassessment of the thesis shall be permitted: a)the thesis only to be reassessed after revision without the holding of a second viva voce (and presentation, where specified); b)the thesis to be reassessed after revision followed by the holding of a second viva voce (and presentation, where specified); c)a second viva voce (and presentation, where specified); after due time, without the need to revise or resubmit the thesis; d)When the thesis is to be reassessed after revision (either with or without the holding of a second viva voce and presentation, where specified), the Examination Panel shall only be permitted to recommend to the University the following: that the student be awarded the degree for which registered; in the case of a PhD, that the student be awarded the fall back award of MPhil, subject to very minor amendments being made to revise the thesis to MPhil standard to the satisfaction of the examiners; that the student be not awarded the degree.

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