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Healthcare Careers Barbara Mackessy. Career Pathways in Health Science A career pathway in Georgia consists of three high school courses within the same.

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1 Healthcare Careers Barbara Mackessy

2 Career Pathways in Health Science A career pathway in Georgia consists of three high school courses within the same cluster. Each pathway contains a group of careers requiring similar academic and technical skills as well as similar industry certifications or postsecondary education. The National Health Science Career Cluster has five pathways: supportive services, information and communication services, diagnostic services, therapeutic services, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical services.

3 Surgical Technicians must anticipate what The surgeon will need next.

4 Hooked up to the Aaron 950 and grounding pad so that patient will not get burnt.

5 Respiratory Therapy is a competitive program which Takes only 18 students. Must pass the National RRT Exam and state licensure.

6 You know how to operate all equipment in your area.

7 Scan patient and scan medications, both must match before giving anything to the patient. Computer also reminds RN’s what paperwork, charts and assessments that need to be completed.

8 Histologist or Histotechnologist – studies tissues cut out during surgery, an expert on slide preparation, Bachelor’s Degree; Histology technician – associate degree

9 Must be at least 18 years old to work in the lab. Some hospitals have a volunteer program but the volunteers do not do hands on collection.

10 Medical Lab Technician – collect, type and group blood, stain slides and sterilize equipment; 12 month certificate or Associate Degree. They must be able to load, unload, adjust, fix, change, take apart things in the lab.

11 Beckman Coulter - runs CBC in seconds

12 Medical Technologists- test for bacteria, drugs and diseases; Bachelor’s Degree; Aerospray Slide Strainer – spins and stains samples

13 Centrifuge – spins, separates Phlebotomist must be very fast at sample collection. High turn over rate for phlebotomist.

14 Test tube tops informs workers of what preservation and chemical reaction that will take place in the test tube. Purple – CBC – contains self preservative to keep cells from clotting. Red top – no additives –will clot at normal rate. Phlebotomists collect and process blood; 1 year program or on the job training

15 Testing of tissue sample collected.

16 Clinical Nurse Specialist- is a registered nurse with advance practice and specialization; Bachelors plus specialty leads to Masters.

17 Radiologic Technician – Associate Degree - produces images to be read by a Radiologist.

18 Nuclear Medicine Technologist view organ images and body functions – could be 1 or 2 year certificate or Associate or Bachelor’s

19 Diagnostic Medical Sonographer helps diagnosis abdominal tumors, cysts, and other abnormalities – could be a certificate, Associate or Bachelor’s degree.

20 Pharmacy - computerized

21 Pharmacy Technician works under pharmacist with on the job training from 6 months to 2 years.

22 All medications are labeled and bar coded in the hospitals for patient protection, safety and hospital inventory

23 Nurses station where everything is computerized. All patient files are on the computer, a back up is made each day of all hospital files and stored off location.

24 Industrial Hygienist search for hazards, diseases and hidden dangers to eliminate them, Bachelor’s Degree required. Containers are labeled for the type of trash that can properly be disposed of in each container.

25 Registered Nurse (RN) interpret and response to patients, may specialize, Associate Degree required but may be Bachelor’s Degree. Nurses station

26 Nursing Assistant – answers patient calls, serve meals and checks blood pressure, requires 90 hours of training.

27 Biomedical Technician Electronic Equipment Repairer

28 Case Management/ Social Service does discharge planning, reviews every case, calls insurance and gets days approved.

29 Starts with RT training at a Technical College then take National Boards


31 Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses with advanced degrees, Master’s Degree

32 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) provide basic care, 12-18 month program. Educational information posted

33 Medical Illustrator – Bachelor’s Degree in art and/or science plus a masters from a medical illustration program.

34 Radiation Therapist helps to treat cancer - 1 or 2 year certificate or Associate or Bachelor’s Degree.

35 Medical Dosimetrist calculates radiation dosage with 12 months on the job training.

36 Radiation Oncologist is a physician specializing in treating cancer with radiation.

37 Nursing Homes have recreational/activity directors develop, plan, arranges and conducts a variety of individual as well as group recreational and therapeutic programs.

38 Dietitian – an expert in food and nutrition with a Bachelor’s Degree plus supervised practice. Nursing home menus are posted for the resident and visitors to see.

39 Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)– associate degree ; Physical Therapist (PT) –Now a doctorate degree. Physical Therapy is provided in house in Nursing Homes.

40 Hydration Aide Staff member makes sure that people drink to remain hydrated. Training – special feeding classes

41 Physical Therapists Typically work to restore functional mobility and strength to individuals and their joints following injury or surgery. Helping people to walk again, climb stairs, walk on ramps and curbs Determine what device would allow them independence Requires a doctorate degree

42 Occupational Therapists Typically work to restore functional tasks following injury or surgery. Work to restore activities of daily living May involve: bathing, dressing, transferring from bed to chair, eating Requires a master’s degree

43 Occupational Therapist – help people regain and rebuilt skills needed in every day life. Occupational therapy assistant requires an associate degree and supervised practice along with a national exam.

44 Nursing Home Administrator – licensed by state – oversees overall operation Nursing- Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants - monitor the well being of patient Business Office Staff – financial records and billing – compliance with all state and federal regulations Social Service Staff – help with transition and provide ongoing counseling and support. Food Service – Dietary manager – oversees all meal and snack preparation Housekeeping- Laundry- Maintenance – maintaining a clean, well serviced center, keep equipment in good working order.

45 Speech Language Pathologists Typically work to restore function with swallowing, speaking, or cognitive abilities. Recommend diet changes to keep patient from taking food/liquids into the lungs. Require a master’s degree

46 Coroner & Deputy Coroners must determine cause and manner of death. Coroner is elected - must have a high school diploma and one week training at the police. academy.

47 Don Starnes, EMT/Paramedic director, requires a background check, DUI = No job, random drug testing, driving record checks

48 EMT – responds to crisis, national exam after 120-220 hours of instruction. Paramedic – 1000 hours of instruction, 5 full quarters, then a national exam

49 Home Health Go to people home Follow physician’s orders Assist the physicians – see patients between doctor’s visits Paid per visit per patient You decide how many patients you want to see Mileage reimbursement Do lab draws and give shots, vitals, weight Medicare requires 30 minutes per home visit

50 Athletic trainer demonstrates the use of new technology in her field.

51 Athletic Trainers, help with physical therapy for sports players and athletes.

52 Health Care Careers: ? some require heavy lifting, continuous education, risk of exposure, may be on call, long hours, standing, work on weekends and holidays and requires lots of responsibility. Health care professionals help others! Are you interested??

53 Diagnostic Services Cardiovascular Technologist Clinical Lab Technician Computer Tomography (CT) Technologist Cytogenetic Technologist Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Electrocardiographic (ECG) Technician Electronic Diagnostic (EEG) Technologist Exercise Physiologist Geneticist Histotechnician Histotechnologist Magnetic Resonance (MR) Technologist Mammographer Medical Technologist/Clinical Laboratory Scientist Nuclear Medicine Technologist Nutritionist Pathologist Pathology Assistant Phlebotomist Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Technologist Radiologic Technologist/Radiographer Radiologist

54 Practice sessions in the EMT/Paramedic classes.

55 Check out the different hospitals before you commit Usually a 20% differential for night shift Usually 12 hour shifts Some cases are very hard emotionally Can be very rewarding when someone with massive trauma recovers Some OTJ positions are available but most are now requiring post secondary schooling Add additional certification to bump up pay increases

56 Is Healthcare an option for you? Do you have the necessary qualifications to be successful?

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