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DAQ Status for cosmic-ray test in RAL Hideyuki Sakamoto MICE Phone meeting 12 th July 2007 Contents Status Setup for cosmic-ray test bench Schedule.

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1 DAQ Status for cosmic-ray test in RAL Hideyuki Sakamoto MICE Phone meeting 12 th July 2007 Contents Status Setup for cosmic-ray test bench Schedule

2 Scheme for DAQ DATE (Data Acquisition and Test Environment) framework. Need to build modified readout program for MICE in DATE. –Other part (e.g. data format, eventBuilding) will use default one. –Readout program is prepared for each modules. VLSB module made by FNAL TDC/ADC module made by CAEN Sub-framework (readout+initializing) is under preparing by James.

3 Status New RHB is coming today, taking data with test charge injection/cosmic-ray. –Threshold: 100,120,160,200,240 – Bias ON & Heater ON –Try heater current to be low by heating cryostat with OXFORD temperature controller. Started working on DATE from last week. –Yesterday, once success to starting readout program in DATE. … fail at 2 nd try … –Should be finished in next week at RAL. Readout code is under implementing. –Sub-framework is almost done? –Command lists are replaced from AFEII to AFEIIt. –Can be tested at stand alone. –Linux driver for SBS(bit3) dataBLIZZARD to test in Imperial. –In next week, test will also be done in RAL.. (using CAEN)

4 Threshold 100 It seems LHB  RHB compared with previous version for Excel sheet.

5 Threshold 120 Increase noise

6 Threshold 160 Increase noise

7 Threshold 200 Decrease noise

8 Threshold 240 Decrease/Same? noise

9 Bias ON - threshold 160 - w/o charge injection test_pulse_033_old-excel_thre160_heater_on_bias_on OLD version (afeIIt_vlsb_daq_810.c.xls)Previous RHB

10 Bias ON - threshold 200 - w/o charge injection test_pulse_032_old-excel_thre200_heater_on_bias_on OLD version (afeIIt_vlsb_daq_810.c.xls)Previous RHB

11 Bias ON - threshold 240 - w/o charge injection test_pulse_031_old-excel_thre240_heater_on_bias_on OLD version (afeIIt_vlsb_daq_810.c.xls)Previous RHB

12 Comment for today ’ s result Noise rate seems to be reproduced as previous RHB. Noise rate seems to be reversed at threshold 160 by eye. –This may not true. For treatment of heater current, it is better to compare with the same RHB, so taking data with default setting with this new RHB.

13 Possible reason for RHB noise Remember that we do not see ANY noise with test charge injection data. Let ’ s check this fact by taking data as changing triggering rate. –This will be done by LED pulse injection. –If we take data with high rate, we cannot not see any noise as LED data. –It not, there is problem at the setting of self trigger mode. Our goal is to identify/remove the noise. –If heater current is the reason, then we should see any changeable results from it. –We should check it by taking data with the default setting as previous.

14 Run parameters Run#, #/events, File name Configuration Specify PCs for DAQ Run options Staring data taking Start/Stop/Abort This is copy from ALICE web-page.

15 Slow progress for DATE Last week Yesterday Goal in RAL? Yesterday, reach to goal, but 2 nd try was failed ….=> finish in next week at RAL!

16 VLSB data format for new firmware (ver. “ ce ” ) Old Version “ cc ” New Version “ ce ” Header First 4/5 lines (variable) 7 dummy lines (fix?) + Trigger location (line#8&9) + Discriminator hit map (line#10-17) Body Channel address/ADC(128) Channel address/ADC(128) Footer 2/3 lines 0 line? TOTAL 135 145 123456789 10101 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020 2323 2121 2424 2525 2626 2727 2828 2929 3030 3131 32322 32-bit VLSB data ADC Counter Status bit 10 lines are added for debug information. “ ce ” is soon available. -- Need to check header length to kwame --

17 Check numbers for cosmic-ray test 2 VME crates –Slow control will be separated from DAQ crate. 8 AFEIIt boards –To readout 5 stations, we need 3200 channels in total. 8 VLSB modules –1 VLSB is needed to readout 1 AFE board 1 ADC & TDC module –Used for readout defining counter To readout 5 stations ….

18 Upside Define counter Downside Define counter Low energy filter block Light shield box embedded 5 stations 2channles for TDC/ADC 3200(640 x5) channels for VLSB Patch panel Requires 4 for TDC/ADC & 3200 for VLSB How many channels are used?

19 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 8 AFEIIt boards = 8 VLSB modules How about VLSB modules? This cabling is virtual.

20 Setup for test bench (R12) V2718 MIL 1553 V2718 V1270V1724VLSB V977 DAQ(LDC/GDC) Slow control/Monitoring Optical cable VME crate

21 Schedule This week (~13 th ) –Checking signals for newly RHB today! –Testing code for VLSB module in Imeprial. Waiting for driver for SBS(Bit3) dataBLIZZARD. –Implement readout code for new firmware (ce). Next week (16 th ~ 20 th ) –Set up test bench at R12 in RAL with JSG/Mike/Nicholls/Craig/etc. Clone system for Geneva University –Testing code for CAEN modules(V977, V1270, V1724) in RAL. –To test VLSB modules in RAL, need more modules! Please send to RAL! Imperial ’ s VLSB will be in use for QA. The week after next (23 rd ~ 27 th ) –DAQ workshop (23,24,25) –Finish to setup DAQ system (mainly to debug readout program, I think)

22 R12 Here coming 2 cryostats & 1 compressor & 1 transformer & 8 AFE boards & 5 stations & 25 inter/external waveguides & 1 patch panel & 2 VME crates & 2 NIM crates & VME/NIM modules & 2 DAQ PCs & other stuff …

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