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Use of Available Information to Infer Groundwater- Surface Water Interactions - Practical Examples from BC - Practical Examples from BC Jacek Scibek M.Sc.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Available Information to Infer Groundwater- Surface Water Interactions - Practical Examples from BC - Practical Examples from BC Jacek Scibek M.Sc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of Available Information to Infer Groundwater- Surface Water Interactions - Practical Examples from BC - Practical Examples from BC Jacek Scibek M.Sc.

2 1.BC observation well network – examples of water levels and interactions with surface water 2.Delineating areas of aquifers where GUDI wells are likely to occur 3.Aquifer heterogeneity OUTLINE:

3 Nanaimo River Nanaimo River gauge CASSIDY Obs 312 Obs 228 Obs 330 N Cassidy Aquifer (Nanaimo) Example 1:

4 Nanaimo River Obs 312 Obs 228 Obs 330

5 Obs 312 Wellfield drawdown Recovery event

6 Nanaimo River Obs 312


8 Nanaimo River Obs 312 Obs 228 Obs 330 Wells near rivers are potentially GUDI

9 Cowichan River Valley (Duncan) Example 2: 318 204 River Gauge 211 205

10 Note flow magnitude in river!!


12 Rough sketch of area of interaction of groundwater with surface water

13 Grand Forks Valley Example 3: Obs well Kettle River


15 River recharging aquifer Aquifer discharging to river Effect of aquifer heterogeneity on connection with surface water: head difference map = Aquifer Scenario 1 – Aquifer Scenario 2 (homogeneous K) (heterogeneous K) - 0.5 m + 0.5 m 0 m

16 Fraser Valley (Abbotsford) Example 4: No GUDI wells up-gradient from rivers? How far? Stream leakage?

17 Complex flow patterns (modeling results)

18 CONCLUSIONS: 1.Available information: -often not used -significance missed -objective is to avoid expensive tests done that confirm what is already known 2.BC observation well network -free source of data -most wells too close to rivers to help characterize aquifer behaviour

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