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Data for Region 16 Vertical Alignment Partners September 24, 2012 All AVATAR artifacts :

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1 Data for Region 16 Vertical Alignment Partners September 24, 2012 All AVATAR artifacts :

2 ESC Region 16

3 Amarillo College Clarendon College Frank Phillips College West Texas A&M University Amarillo High School is in Potter County Amarillo College is in Potter County Borger High School is in Hutchinson County Frank Phillips College is in Hutchinson County Canyon High School is in Randall County West Texas A&M University is in Randall County Clarendon College is in Gray County

4 AEIS Data from TEA Amarillo High School, 2010-11 Student Body: Student GroupNumber TOTAL2089 Grade 9 585 Grade 10 490 Grade 11 520 Grade 12 494 Graduating class 494 % Minimum curriculum 16.3 % Recommended curriculum 83.7 *State Comparison: Minimum 17.2% Recommended 82.8%

5 AEIS Data from TEA Borger High School, 2010-11 Student Body: Student GroupNumber TOTAL745 Grade 9194 Grade 10192 Grade 11181 Grade 12178 Graduating class158 % Minimum curriculum15.8 % Recommended curriculum84.2 *State Comparison: Minimum 17.2% Recommended 82.8%

6 AEIS Data from TEA Canyon High School, 2010-11 Student Body: Student GroupNumber TOTAL1124 Grade 9351 Grade 10290 Grade 11252 Grade 12231 Graduating class260 % Minimum curriculum8.5 % Recommended curriculum91.5 *State Comparison: Minimum 17.2% Recommended 82.8%

7 AEIS Data from TEA Amarillo High School, 2010-11 Ethnicity of Student Body in Percentages: Ethnic GroupPercentage African American 5 Hispanic 15.9 White 73.7 American Indian 0.6 Asian 2.4 Pacific Islander 0.1 2 or more races 2.2

8 AEIS Data from TEA Borger High School, 2010-11 Ethnicity of Student Body in Percentages: Ethnic GroupPercentage African American5.4 Hispanic32.2 White59.7 American Indian0.9 Asian0.4 Pacific Islander0.0 2 or more races1.3

9 AEIS Data from TEA Canyon High School, 2010-11 Ethnicity of Student Body in Percentages: Ethnic GroupPercentage African American1.7 Hispanic15.0 White80.7 American Indian1.0 Asian0.3 Pacific Islander0.0 2 or more races1.3

10 AEIS Data from TEA Amarillo High School, 2010-11 Other Descriptors of Student Body in Percentages: Demographic groupsPercentage Economically disadvantaged 16.1 Limited English Proficient (LEP) 1.1 With disciplinary placements 2.5 At risk* 20.5 Mobility (2009-10) 11.4 *At risk of dropping out of school based on performance and status indicators listed in the AEIS Glossary.

11 AEIS Data from TEA Borger High School, 2010-11 Other Descriptors of Student Body in Percentages: Demographic groupsPercentage Economically disadvantaged31.1 Limited English Proficient (LEP)5.8 With disciplinary placements8.6 At risk*53.7 Mobility (2009-10)14.7 *At risk of dropping out of school based on performance and status indicators listed in the AEIS Glossary.

12 AEIS Data from TEA Canyon High School, 2010-11 Other Descriptors of Student Body in Percentages: Demographic groupsPercentage Economically disadvantaged19.9 Limited English Proficient (LEP)0.4 With disciplinary placements2.8 At risk*23.8 Mobility (2009-10)9.5 *At risk of dropping out of school based on performance and status indicators listed in the AEIS Glossary.

13 AEIS Data from TEA Amarillo High School, 2010-11 Percent Enrolled in Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment: YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More 2009-1026.815.521.527.916.756.8*17.8 2008-0926.512.114.428.714.3n/a

14 AEIS Data from TEA Borger High School, 2010-11 Percent Enrolled in Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment: YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More 2009-1017.810.512.021.50.0*-* 2008-0917.417.18.922.014.3n/a

15 AEIS Data from TEA Canyon High School, 2010-11 Percent Enrolled in Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment: YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More 2009-1029.516.721.031.038.5--33.3 2008-0929.025.021.930.421.4n/a

16 AEIS Data from TEA Amarillo High School, 2010-11 Texas Success Initiative, Math, Percent Passing YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More 201185546789*91*99 2010763566796099*73

17 AEIS Data from TEA Borger High School, 2010-11 Texas Success Initiative, Math, Percent Passing YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More 201155834060**** 201050333459****

18 AEIS Data from TEA Canyon High School, 2010-11 Texas Success Initiative, Math, Percent Passing YearAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More 201183*6885**** 201076*7476****

19 AEIS Data from TEA Amarillo High School, 2010-11 Percentage College Ready Graduates, Class of 2010 SubjectAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More Math7671 78*56*29

20 AEIS Data from TEA Borger High School, 2010-11 Percentage College Ready Graduates, Class of 2010 SubjectAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More Math55144167****

21 AEIS Data from TEA Canyon High School, 2010-11 Percentage College Ready Graduates, Class of 2010 SubjectAllAfrican- American HispanicWhiteAmer. Indian AsianPacific Island Two/ More Math79*7680****

22 P-16 Data from THECB (OUR SCHOOLS + OTHER) Amarillo High School, 2011 Institution of Enrollment, Class of 2011Students Amarillo College154 West Texas A&M University 46 Texas Tech University 44 Univ. of Texas at Austin 13 Texas A&M University 9 Baylor University 6 Texas State University-San Marcos 6 Other Public/Ind 4-year (15) 27 Other Public/Ind 2-year (9) 17 Not trackable 3 Not found180

23 P-16 Data from THECB (OUR SCHOOLS + OTHER) Borger High School, 2011 Institution of Enrollment, Class of 2011Students Frank Phillips College41 West Texas A&M University14 Texas Tech University10 Amarillo College8 Other Public/Ind 4-year (15)8 Other Public/Ind 2-year (9)6 Not trackable9 Not found65

24 P-16 Data from THECB (OUR SCHOOLS + OTHER) Canyon High School, 2011 Institution of Enrollment, Class of 2011Students West Texas A&M University48 Amarillo College47 Texas Tech University6 Other Public/Ind 4-year (15)22 Other Public/Ind 2-year (9)7 Not found97

25 Participation Data from THECB Amarillo College, 2011 Clarendon College, 2011 Frank Phillips College, 2011 West Texas A&M University, 2011 Enrollment by Year; 2011 by Ethnicity Percentage Institution20102011 Amarillo College11,54011,329 Clarendon College15831343 Frank Phillips College12081031 West Texas A&M University 78397886 InstitutionWhiteHispanicAfrican American Multi- Racial Asian/ Pacific Inter’lOther/ Unk Amarillo57.531. Clarendon64.718.84.700.60.810.4 Frank Phillips63.424. West TX A&M67.619.

26 Online Institutional Resumes: THECB Amarillo College, 2011 Clarendon College, 2011 Frank Phillips College, 2011 West Texas A&M University, 2011 Graduation/Completion Numbers Degrees and Certificates Awarded2011 Amarillo College AA984 Certificate 1594 Certificate 299 Clarendon College AA125 Certificate 198 Certificate 20 Frank Phillips College AA71 Certificate 141 Certificate 225 West Texas A&M University Bachelor’s1294 Master’s320 Doctorate1

27 NEED FROM HSs TO COLLEGES Participation Data from THECB Amarillo College, 2011 Developmental Education, Fall 2008 Cohort Tracked for 2 years FTIC Students Requiring Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math36622.475.6 FTIC Students Not Needing Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math57242.762.3

28 NEED FROM HSs TO COLLEGES Participation Data from THECB Clarendon College, 2011 Developmental Education, Fall 2008 Cohort Tracked for 2 years FTIC Students Requiring Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math6538.552 FTIC Students Not Needing Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math10373.839.5

29 NEED FROM HSs TO COLLEGES Participation Data from THECB Frank Phillips College, 2011 Developmental Education, Fall 2008 Cohort Tracked for 2 years FTIC Students Requiring Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math 7223.658.8 FTIC Students Not Needing Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math11576.561.4

30 NEED FROM HSs TO COLLEGES Participation Data from THECB West Texas A&M, 2011 Developmental Education, Fall 2008 Cohort Tracked for 2 years FTIC Students Requiring Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math19461.391.6 FTIC Students Not Needing Dev. Ed. N% Attempting College Courses % Attempting and Completing Math8417895.1

31 Academic Performance of Transfer Students from Amarillo College, 2011 Developmental Education vs. No Developmental Education, Fall 2009 No Developmental EducationN<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Midwestern State40102103 Texas State50014004 Texas Tech36374615126 UT Arlington52100202 University of North Texas61023004 West Texas A&M14611161550522119 Other public 4-yr2043245214 Developmental Education prior to Transfer TotalN<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Midwestern State620100102 Texas State611000001 Texas Tech521622641114 UT Arlington722000000 University of North Texas1151111104 West Texas A&M30115523252938364120 Other public 4-yr32124231207

32 Academic Performance of Transfer Students from Clarendon College, 2011 Developmental Education vs. No Developmental Education, Fall 2009 No Developmental Education N<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Texas Tech770311207 West Texas A&M4029743105021 Other public 4-yr261753161111 Developmental Education prior to Transfer TotalN<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Texas Tech700000000 West Texas A&M40115312007 Other public 4-yr2695120104

33 Academic Performance of Transfer Students from Frank Phillips College, 2011 Developmental Education vs. No Developmental Education, Fall 2009 No Developmental Education N<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Texas Tech11 10001001 West Texas A&M35 51110204 Other public 4-yr13 20110002 Developmental Education prior to Transfer TotalN<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Texas Tech11103122207 West Texas A&M3530122663114 Other public 4-yr13114421004

34 Academic Performance of Transfer Students from West Texas A&M University, 2011 Developmental Education vs. No Developmental Education, Fall 2009 No Developmental Education N<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Texas Tech11 10001001 West Texas A&M35 51110204 Other public 4-yr13 20110002 Developmental Education prior to Transfer TotalN<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Amarillo College30115523263836 4120 Clarendon College40115312007 South Plains College361761631012 Frank Phillips College 3730122663114 North Central Texas College 720011001 Vernon College731010202 Houston CC630101102 All Other Public872497313114

35 Academic Performance of Transfer Students from West Texas A&M University, 2011 Developmental Education vs. No Developmental Education, Fall 2009 No Developmental Education N<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Texas Tech11 10001001 West Texas A&M35 51110204 Other public 4-yr13 20110002 No Developmental Education TotalN<2.02.0- 2.49 2.5- 2.99 3.0- 3.49 >3.5UnkEnroll Fall ‘10 Amarillo College30114611161550522119 Clarendon College4029743105021 South Plains College361932554012 Frank Phillips College 3751110204 North Central Texas College 750013103 Vernon College741010202 Houston CC630201003 All Other Public8763159111014444

36 West Texas A&M University, 2011 Graduation Rate of First-time, Full-Time Degree- seeking Students 4-year rate5-year rate 6-year rate West Texas A&M Same institution23.535.439.7 Other institution1.83.65.9 Total25.339.445.9 Student Baccalaureate Success Rate

37 Data Sources Texas Education Agency, Testing and Accountability, AEIS Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Data Resources and Tools (The county of the institution is needed for retrieving some items.)

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