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Getting Started in the Classroom & Overview of Teaching and Technology Resources Dr. Brenda Leady Department of Biological Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started in the Classroom & Overview of Teaching and Technology Resources Dr. Brenda Leady Department of Biological Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started in the Classroom & Overview of Teaching and Technology Resources Dr. Brenda Leady Department of Biological Sciences


3 New phase in your education For many, this involves being an instructor or teaching assistant You have learned the material Now you need to learn to teach the material New set of challenges

4 Instructor = Employee You are now an employee of UT RESPONSIBILITY You are the face of UT to your students –Your attitudes influence them –They reflect that attitude back to you and to others Your actions reflect back on UT –It’s not just you to think about now

5 3 Areas of Concern 1.Department/ course 2.Physical classroom/ technology 3.Student Issues

6 1) What is your role? Who is the instructor of record? What rights and responsibilities do you have? –Is this your course to design a syllabus for and make all decisions? –Is this a course with a set syllabus and some freedoms? –Is this a multi section course with a set syllabus and specific/consistent rules for all sections?

7 Make sure to meet with your department chair/ course coordinator/advisor to get a clear understanding of your role

8 Syllabus Contract between you and your students Specific information regarding the course content, objectives, grading policy, etc. If your course does not have one, ask for copies from other instructors as a guide Exam/quiz/assignment dates

9 2) Be Prepared: Know the Room and the Technology Room: check lighting, shades, outlets, network connection Check out exact hardware and software you’ll use Classroom Support Services Treat people nicely and get better cooperation



12 3) Student issues In the classroom –Inclusivity and Civility –Academic dishonesty Outside the classroom –FERPA –Accessibility –Sexual Harassment

13 Inclusivity and Civility How do students treat each other? How do students treat you? How do you treat students? You are modeling correct behavior

14 Academic dishonesty/Plagiarism VERY serious issue at UT Students may never have run into problems before Departments may have specific policies Know your rights and responsibilities SafeAssign on BlackBoard

15 FERPA Be aware of your student’s right to privacy –Sometimes creates difficulties but it is to protect the student’s rights Be aware of who you discuss details with Be aware of where you discuss details

16 Accessibility Are you doing what you need to do to make every student successful? Student Disability Services –How to post notes? –How to give exams? –How much time to allow? It is a challenge

17 Sexual Harassment Between the student and professor Between students It cannot be tolerated –Remember your new role

18 What to do? ASK! Ask a mentor Ask what looks to be the right office –We are very helpful You have a whole list of people

19 Teaching What do you teach? –The course description guides what you teach How do you teach? –No single “right” way –Model your best professors –Things to keep in mind Diversity of backgrounds, abilities, experiences Be respectful of students

20 Teaching No one “right” way to teach –Active Learning Students are more than passive lumps in chairs Ask them questions Challenge them to find answers Be confident but willing to ask questions if you are unsure

21 Tips and Advice for the First (and Most Important) Class Day Arrive 20 minutes early (and stay 20 minutes after class) Put up a “Welcome to [Course and Section]” sign or slide Start class on time Go over the syllabus (don’t just pass it out!) Some course content – at minimum give a brief overview and review prerequisites

22 Bon voyage! You are here because someone has a great deal of confidence in your abilities Work hard Be willing to learn

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