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Accessible ICT in the culture sector Andreas Cederbom

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1 Accessible ICT in the culture sector Andreas Cederbom Twitter: @cederbomarn

2 Accessible ICT in the culture sector Andreas Cederbom Twitter: @cederbomarn





7 Many have wondered about it, but few have given a meaningful answer. Many have explored the topic; few have given a satisfactory answer. What is the meaning of life? And is it the same meaning for everyone? It is possible to spin out on this subject indefinitely, or keep it short. The answer came, not surprisingly, from a very famous writer. For some readers it may seem that there is something cryptic about this, 42 is not what you immediately think of when talking about the meaning of life, but it seems Douglas Adams has come closer than anyone else. Although we found the answer in the book, the answer may not be the most interesting fact, but the question itself. What is the question? It depends on who makes it? And when? Or is there an eternal truth? Why are we here? Or, which is the golden middle age? There are many potential issues, but only one true answer, at least if you believe the book. Now it is of course a trilogy, not one book, but five. Yes, it is thus the world's longest trilogy. Now of course this is not primarily meant to be the seminar that solves your life musings, but a little bit of progress, we hope well be able to get through to find out where the information society is heading. I am absolutely convinced that Douglas Adams would have done a better job than I to answer that question, and he has perhaps achieved this in his description of the guide that provides all the answers in the book. A good basic advice is not to panic. Many people do anyway, especially with a new anti-discrimination legislation around the corner, but by being proactive and quality- conscious this should not pose any problems. That you are here today is of course a sign that you are proactive and then odds are that you actually do not need to get too stressed, but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what happens.



10 ICT was invented in the nick of time

11 What IT does to culture? A tool rather than a threat More limitations in the culture sector ICT makes it adaptable again

12 Document

13 Something is happening




17 In 2017 all books ever published in Norway will be digitalized…

18 …and will fit on a single memory stick


20 …and on the web…

21 What is the situation today? PDF, PDF, PDF, PDF… 95 % not accessible Poor control Poor quality There are demands on accessibility… …but who cares? Difficult to use



24 What’s so difficult? It’s too easy to make mistakes It’s too likely to cause problems It takes a bit more time and knowledge The result often goes unnoticed

25 There are alternatives Odf Daisy Epub

26 Epub 3.0 Several projects are moving towards EPUB iBook Html A problem finding good readers (Kindle doesn’t support) International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)

27 Epub 3.0 HTML 5 audio and video element Media Overlay Documents CSS CSS Speech Pronunciation support Adaptable content International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)

28 Pros Adaptable Accessible Harder to do really bad More natural integration of text, image, sound and video

29 Cons Disparate support so far Few and lacking players Not an option for archiving New to the users Dynamic content

30 …or better jet… just HTML

31 Alternatives and support

32 What do the user want? One solution does not fit all Touch and feel Explore Hear See Preparation and security

33 Examples Braille Large font Audio Video 3D-printouts The website Apps


35 Different situations Alternatives Complement Compensation Help

36 Website and apps

37 The website? Provide information Prepare the visitor Attract the visitor Must be accessible Should follow WCAG 2.0 Clean and clear

38 Apps? Everyone’s carrying around assistive technology these days… Apps to provide information Apps to compensate



41 Cinema in Sweden Audio description and talking subtitles In your cell phone Many different solutions One film, different experiences


43 So, what to do? Your digital content must be accessible Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 User tests Apps to help users Be proactive Don’t see ICT as a threat

44 Accessibility is not an activity, it´s a quality aspect in all parts of your organisation

45 There is no such thing as an average user

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