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Manal Moussallem LARP; June 26, 2015 Environment in Lebanon: Status & Prospects.

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Presentation on theme: "Manal Moussallem LARP; June 26, 2015 Environment in Lebanon: Status & Prospects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manal Moussallem LARP; June 26, 2015 Environment in Lebanon: Status & Prospects

2 Environmental & Economic Indicators COED ANS EPI 91/178 ? >800 Million $/yr Environmental Performance Index Adjusted Net Savings Cost of Environmental Degradation

3 State of Natural Resources at a Glance Municipal sewage (Connection Rate 60%; Treatment 8%; Sea Outfalls >53) ; Industrial effluents (43 MCM/Yr) ; Uncontrolled dumps; Pesticides; Spills; … Unplanned urban expansion (Zoning Extent: 16%); Unorganized quarrying (#: ~1,278; Area: ~5,267 Ha); Uncontrolled dumps (~ 700);... Transport; Energy; Industry; Open dumping;... Regular monitoring & reporting? 9,119 Fauna & Flora species; Forests & OWL ~23%; 15 Nature Reserves &18 Natural Sites… Forest fires; Pollution; Climate Change; Haphazard Urbanization? Syrian Conflict? WATER LAND AIR BIODIVERSITY

4 Underlying Causes… Personal Environmental Consciousness Governance: Structure; Civil servants’ motivation & accountability  Speed of legislation vs. Speed of degradation?  Application & Enforcement (incl. O&M) requirements vs. Capacity & Will?  Research for Development vs. Access to Information?

5 Nonetheless, Some Breakthrough… Conventions Ozone Climate Change Biodiversity Legislation SEA/EIA Compliance Environmental Designated Attorneys National Council for the Environment Policy NSDS SEA-NWSS EFI On the ground: Dump rehab. (Saida); IRBM (Qaraoun); AQMS; LMT Rate of environmental spending: grants, soft loans, legislation driven marketCorporate social responsibility (CSR) on the rise International Environmental Rights: UN GA 69/212 (Oil Spill damage: ~856 million$)

6 But much more is still needed… Conserving Natural Capita Managing Environmental Risks Promote IERBM Rehabilitate degraded lands Increase natural reserves & sites Support LEPAP Recover waste Emergency preparedness Flag the prevention and precaution principles

7 How can the Lebanese (citizens & diaspora) help? Read & tell: 1 Read, tell & feedback II (Environment & Energy) Be an environmental ambassador or a “cause pusher” III For the country as a whole or for a city For the entire sector or for a specific project (PA, LR, WR, …)

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