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Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona. Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Energy Efficiency, then Renewable Energy (EERE)

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Presentation on theme: "Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona. Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Energy Efficiency, then Renewable Energy (EERE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona

2 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Energy Efficiency, then Renewable Energy (EERE)  All new buildings should be as efficient as possible with the goal of net zero annual energy.  Determine the energy use and energy cost of existing buildings and infrastructure.  Reduce energy use by behavior, installing EE lighting, HVAC and controls and reducing plug loads.  Install RE (Solar, Wind, Biofuels) to meet remaining energy needs. 2

3 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 3

4 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Campus Energy Path to Net Zero: Process Steps Define the Campus Boundary & Energy Baseline 1.Use energy simulation tools such as eQUEST. 2.Specify building energy requirements such as 50% less annual energy use than ASHRAE 90.1 or IECC. 3.All buildings to be net zero ready by 2020 for Federal (EO 13693), NZE by 2030, California (Title 24) all new residential construction must be NZE by 2020, commercial by 2030). 4.Design campus to encourage walking and biking 5.Install EV charge stations and account for energy use. 6.For existing campus conduct energy audit of buildings, transportation and infrastructure, determine possible ECMs and savings. 1.Use energy simulation tools such as eQUEST. 2.Specify building energy requirements such as 50% less annual energy use than ASHRAE 90.1 or IECC. 3.All buildings to be net zero ready by 2020 for Federal (EO 13693), NZE by 2030, California (Title 24) all new residential construction must be NZE by 2020, commercial by 2030). 4.Design campus to encourage walking and biking 5.Install EV charge stations and account for energy use. 6.For existing campus conduct energy audit of buildings, transportation and infrastructure, determine possible ECMs and savings. 1.Determine available unshaded built environment (rooftops, parking lots), brownfields and vacant land. 2.Convert available area into possible RE, (10 W/Ft2 for PV). 3.Determine optimal mix of RE using REOpt and annual energy generation of RE using tools such as REOpt, PVWatts and System Advisor Model (SAM). 4.“Community solar or wind” is a new viable option 5.If inadequate area to meet energy needs consider options to bring offsite RE onsite such as bioenergy. 1.Determine available unshaded built environment (rooftops, parking lots), brownfields and vacant land. 2.Convert available area into possible RE, (10 W/Ft2 for PV). 3.Determine optimal mix of RE using REOpt and annual energy generation of RE using tools such as REOpt, PVWatts and System Advisor Model (SAM). 4.“Community solar or wind” is a new viable option 5.If inadequate area to meet energy needs consider options to bring offsite RE onsite such as bioenergy. Minimize Campus Energy Use Minimize Campus Energy Use Evaluate Renewable Energy Options Evaluate Renewable Energy Options Grid Design & Integration Finance & Implementation Goal Setting 4

5 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Net Zero Energy (NZE) 5

6 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade  Planning tool to evaluate RE, EE, microgrid, and operational energy opportunities  Recommends a mix of technologies and an operating strategy that meets client goals at minimum lifecycle cost – Considers interactions between multiple technologies – Estimates costs and energy savings  Draws on site data, NREL GIS resource data, DSIRE incentive database, and RE technology info  Has been used to assess opportunities at ~800 sites  Technologies currently modeled: – PV – Wind – Solar hot water – Solar vent preheat – Biomass – Waste to energy – Landfill gas – Diesel and natural gas generators – Battery storage  Robust and adaptable to meet client goals REopt Planning Tool 6

7 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade REOpt: Platform for Energy System Integration and Optimization 7

8 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade CORE Microgrid Design Process 8

9 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Photovoltaic Power Purchase Agreements 9

10 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade  Research Support Facility I (RSF) - 449 kW  RSF II - 408 kW  Visitor parking lot - 524 kW  Parking garage - 1,156 kW  Mesa PV SAT - 720 kW  S&TF - 94 kW  Other = 100 kW  Total - ~ 3,450 kW  NREL STM generates ~25% of its annual electricity needs from PV. South Table Mountain (STM) Campus Onsite PV 10

11 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Uncontrolled Load Profile for a Net Zero Office Building

12 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade NREL Campus Energy Use: May 2013 12

13 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade NREL Campus Energy Use: June 2013 13

14 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade NREL Campus Energy Use: July 2013 14

15 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Energy Generation, Integration and Reliability Topical Areas Related to Installation Master Planning 15

16 Renewable Fuel Heat Plant - ESPC Wood chip heating plant 10,000 million BTU Displaces 50% of STM’s campus natural gas usage District hot water system also used to distribute Data Center waste heat in swing seasons and summer.

17 NREL PV Systems - South Table Mesa Campus Otto VanGeet  303.384.7369  Q UESTIONS ?

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