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Different Types of Writing The Essay ENG4C. What is an essay? An essay is a prose composition, brief enough to be read in one sitting, in which a writer.

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Presentation on theme: "Different Types of Writing The Essay ENG4C. What is an essay? An essay is a prose composition, brief enough to be read in one sitting, in which a writer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Different Types of Writing The Essay ENG4C

2 What is an essay? An essay is a prose composition, brief enough to be read in one sitting, in which a writer presents views on a particular topic

3 Characteristics of the essay Expresses a point of view, a particular view of life Is controlled by a thesis Can be divided generally into two categories: informal (personal or familiar) and formal Varies considerably in length, although generally it can be read in one sitting Varies in its styles and strategies, depending on its subject matter and purpose

4 There are 4 main types of essays: Narrative Descriptive Argumentative/Persuasive Expositiory

5 Narrative Essays the narrative essay relates a series of events that form a story. It differs from the short story in that its main function is to relate an idea or thesis as opposed to developing character or plot

6 Descriptive Essay the descriptive essay may describe people, places, or even an abstract concept, such as a feeling. Objective description aims at presenting an accurate picture without including the viewer's feelings, whereas impressionistic description's main purpose is to communicate the observer's feelings.

7 Argumentative/Persuasive The argumentative essay is most recognizable by its purpose - to convince a reader that a specific theory or idea is true or false. Argument appeals to reason, as opposed to emotion, in the presentation of a position (although emotional appeal can be used to convince the reader)

8 Expository the term exposition describes prose that has as its purpose to explain or present ideas on a specific topic. It is best studied for the patterns it can include.

9 There are other types of essays, for example: Analytical (we will be seeing this in unit 3) Comparison Contrast Cause and Effect Process Analysis Classification We will be focusing on the four previously mentioned.

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