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Introducing Learning Object Creator: supporting a pedagogic approach to creating your own e-learning materials Kate Borthwick Subject Centre LLAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Learning Object Creator: supporting a pedagogic approach to creating your own e-learning materials Kate Borthwick Subject Centre LLAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Learning Object Creator: supporting a pedagogic approach to creating your own e-learning materials Kate Borthwick Subject Centre LLAS

2 Effective online materials: ‘LOs’ The LLAS/UoS model:  A self-contained piece of online learning material with an explicit focus  Consistent size (granularity)  Linear and non-linear approaches  Activity-based  Interactive tasks  Learner scaffolding  Feedback


4 Key features of the LOC tool  Clear pedagogic approach  Creation of activity-led online learning materials (Learning Objects)  Variety and flexibility of task type and number  Enhanced feedback mechanism  Attractive look and feel of learning material for user

5 Learning Object Creator (LOC) training package  Authoring tool  Pedagogic template  User guides  Training workshop

6 Comments from users  “Using the LOC has consolidated my views on effective learning materials and increased my understanding of effective online learning material.” (Carole Macdiarmid, University of Glasgow)

7 The Future  Project to develop online version of LOC with integrated pedagogical advice  Develop blended workshop  Development of LO repository on LLAS website with edited/peer-reviews LOs  Develop Discussion forum for users  Maintain and expand community of users

8 Further information  Contact:  Information:  Temporary LO repository:  Examples of LO model at:

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