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Internet Search tools & techniques Web Search.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Search tools & techniques Web Search."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Search tools & techniques Web Search

2 The Web 320 Million pages? (April 1998) Size doubles every 4 months? No indexing control standard e.g. ISBN 40% (?) is not indexed at all! Needle in a hay stack sounds easy now... Web Search

3 The Tools Search Engines AltaVista Excite HotBot Directories Yahoo LookSmart Magellan Meta-Search Engines MetaCrawler DogPile Inference Find Client-Side Applications Autonomy’s AgentWare Blue Squirrel’s WebSeeker Neuron’s iSeeker :-) Web Search

4 What People Search For searchUK: MetaCrawler:

5 Search Strategies Guess the URL Choose the right tool Broad Topic:Yahoo Common Search: Ask Jeeves! Exhaustive Search:MetaCrawler Local Search:searchUK ‘Use’ the right tool Boolean Logic Field Searching Other tool-specific features Other Sources Ask a friend Pay someone to do it Web Search

6 Boolean Logic Web Search ORANDNOT A OR B A OR B OR C A AND B A AND B AND C A NOT B

7 Web Search Field Searching Title title:”Joe’s Home Page” URL Domain domain:uk Host URL Anchor anchor:download Applet applet:class Image image:myphoto Link

8 Web Search Expert Tips DOs Use + and - symbols (boolean) Browse directories Start specific, not general (choice of tool) Use more than one tool DON’Ts Search too broadly ‘Default’ to single tool. Think & choose

9 Web Search Dan’s Tips Imagine the ‘perfect’ hit Try ‘completing the sentence’ e.g. +”Karl Marx was born in” Use the ‘magic’ word: links e.g. +dolphins +links Ignore other ‘communities’ e.g. +dolphins +links -miami Interpret results and refine your search use synonyms/related words found in good hits

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