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Presentation on theme: " Michael A. Bewell Interoperability Engagement Lead Engaging on interoperability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael A. Bewell Interoperability Engagement Lead Engaging on interoperability

2 Critical Success Factors 1.Leadership, control and governance 2.Implementation management 3.Staff engagement and involvement 4.Citizen engagement and activation 5.IG solutions 6.Priority care use case 7.Dataset described 8.Capabilities 9.Map of current Systems and interoperable assets 10.Interoperable architecture model

3 A tool to support Engagement of care professionals in leading and deciding Description of requirements Directing implementation activity Representing complex elements simply Lets start….

4 I am born My development is tracked I am living well I am living with a condition I need and want specialist input I am at the end of my life Citizen journey; life’s stages Who are we looking to prioritise within integration and interoperability projects?

5 Citizen Health journeys; life happens My situation has changed Orders I need to direct / inform my care My care is transferred My wishes I am in crisis I need emergency / trauma care I am alerted or feel worried What is happening to that person that impacts on the care they need?

6 First, use Pareto (80/20) to establish the area to focus on prioritise. “what is the problem we want to solve?”


8 Then identify the key steps and actors across the system that supporting the person

9 Establish the mechanisms for communication (verbal, phone, system) and any protocols (form, checklist, SBAR)

10 Detail the information that is required to flow across the boundaries

11 Digital capabilities A common language to describe for systems features / requirements

12 Key to RAG colours Red; not digitised Amber; digitised, not connected beyond systems Green; digitised and available beyond system, team and organisation Grey; not currently relevant

13 Review system capabilities

14 Add a narrative What works well What are blockers Are all steps necesary

15 Use cases raised 15 Use CaseProviderDetail gathered? Ambulatory careLeeds Care RecordYes Decision support (including out of hours) LPRES, Leeds care record and Bristol Connecting care Yes Medication review by Pharmacist (following fall by an older person) Bristol Connecting careYes Accelerating discharge using cross system MDT Bristol Connecting care and Leeds care Record Yes Post discharge continuity of care supported by community care team Bristol Connecting careNo Compulsory hospitalisation discharge for people with Mental Health disorders LPRESNo Electronic prescribing for hospicesLPRESNo

16 Wordle of datasets described by IDCR projects

17 Want to know more Knowledge being gathered is being processed and will published through the support offers imminently Want to use the tool, need support? Contact

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